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      중소벤처기업의 환경격변성에 따른 혁신활동이 해외진출성과에 미치는 영향 - 기업가 지향성 조절효과를 중심으로 - = The Effect of SMEs and Venture Companies Environmental Turbulence-based Innovation Activities on International Performance - The Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study defines open innovation as a key factor, which creates sustained performance for technology‧management innovation-typed domestic small ventures in overseas markets through cooperation with the outside and environmental turbulence(technolo...

      This study defines open innovation as a key factor, which creates sustained performance for technology‧management innovation-typed domestic small ventures in overseas markets through cooperation with the outside and environmental turbulence(technological turbulence, market turbulence) as a major motive influencing the formation of open innovation activities of enterprises. This study also aims to examine the level of influence of environmental turbulence on an increase in open innovation activities depending on entrepreneurial orientation, which is an internal factor of enterprises and the relationship between open innovation activities and international performance. The study result showed that technological turbulence of environmental turbulence significantly influenced open innovation, but market turbulence did not influence open innovation. Open innovation significantly influenced international performance. In addition, when verifying the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation between environmental turbulence and open innovation activities, entrepreneurial orientation played a significant moderating role between technological turbulence and open innovation, whereas there was no moderating role between market turbulence and open innovation.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 김정포, "한국 수출벤처기업의 해외 네트워크 활용이 해외진출성과에 미치는 영향" 한국국제경영관리학회 12 (12): 25-46, 2008

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      1 신영애, "한국 중소벤처기업의 혁신활동이 해외 진출 성과에 미치는 영향" 한일경상학회 86 : 31-54, 2020

      2 김정포, "한국 수출벤처기업의 해외 네트워크 활용이 해외진출성과에 미치는 영향" 한국국제경영관리학회 12 (12): 25-46, 2008

      3 조연성, "중소제조기업 개방형 혁신과 수출성과 경로에서 외부환경 격변성의 조절효과" 한국기업경영학회 23 (23): 77-97, 2016

      4 주철근, "중소기업의 조직문화가 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 기업가지향성과 시장지향성의 매개효과 및 네트워크와 환경격변성의 조절효과 중심으로" 호서대학교 일반대학원 2018

      5 장우혁, "중소기업의 기업가지향성과 시장지향성이 비재무적성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구" 산업경영연구소 37 (37): 241-265, 2014

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      8 송상호, "조직 재구축의 새로운 파라다임-프러세스 조직, 팀조직, 네트워크조직, 학습조직의 통합론적 고찰" 20 : 295-347,

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