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      미⋅중 전략적 경쟁시기 양안관계: 수렴과 확산의 이중성 = China-Taiwan Relations During the Era of US-China Conflict: Duality of Convergence and Diffusion



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The full-fledged US-China trade war that began in 2018 has led to several pieces of evidence that suggest the bilateral relationship that, up until now, was based on both competition and cooperation, has now entered a phase where strategic competition...

      The full-fledged US-China trade war that began in 2018 has led to several pieces of evidence that suggest the bilateral relationship that, up until now, was based on both competition and cooperation, has now entered a phase where strategic competition is its defining characteristic. The recent US-China relationship is complicated because it involves a global hegemony competition China's that has followed rise. The relationship is one that involves the structure of international politics and time will be required to resolve the issues that the relationship faces. There is an imperative to analyze the current situation through a perspective of confrontation that is centered on the core interests of both sides. Cross-strait relations issue are very important hotspots that may be the site of real clashes between the Chinese and the Americans.
      The basic issues and contradictions inherent to the current Sino-American relationship include the following: 1) from a political and diplomatic perspective, the issues of travel to Taiwan, National Defense Authorization Act and Taiwan Assurance Act issue; 2) from a military perspective, the blockading of China by the US through its Indo-Pacific strategy and freedom of navigation strategy in the South China Sea; and, 3) from an economic perspective, the Belt and Road policy and the trade war between China and the US to dominate advanced fields of technology. Of course, while the two countries are clashing due to the contradictions that have emerged from these basic issues, China and the US are still coexisting under the framework of competition and cooperation, in contrast to the confrontational relationship that existed between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
      This means that the US-China relationship is not a zero-sum game and that there is space for the two countries to cooperate across many different spheres. China's From perspective, the aim is to complete unification of the country. Chinese leaders believe that the goal is peaceful unification and desire avoiding people unification by force, yet focus on the feelings of the and believe that the barrier to unification is the US. The Taiwan issue is a very big card that countrys the US can play to put China in line. The issue involves both interests carrier and neither can abandon it. Taiwan is like an unsinkable aircraft to the mainland. US, and, to China, territory that must be reunified with the Both the US and China cannot back down on the issue. In short, there are four phenomena that will not change in regards to US and Chinese involvement in Taiwan. As a result, as long as the US and Taiwan maintain their current policies, China will be forced to maintain a hardline response toward them.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      2018년 본격화된 미중 간 무역전쟁을 기점으로 경쟁과 협력이 병존하던 양국관계가 전략적 경쟁이 주가 되는 시기에 접어들었다. 최근 미중관계는 중국의 부상에 따른 글로벌 레벨의 패권경...

      2018년 본격화된 미중 간 무역전쟁을 기점으로 경쟁과 협력이 병존하던 양국관계가 전략적 경쟁이 주가 되는 시기에 접어들었다. 최근 미중관계는 중국의 부상에 따른 글로벌 레벨의 패권경쟁의 문제이기 때문에 1) 복합적 성격을 가지고 있고, 2) 국제정치에서 구조적인 문제이고, 3) 문제를 해결할 시간이 필요하며, 4) 쌍방이 핵심이익을 두고 대치적인 관점에서 현 상황을 분석해야 한다. 특히 양안관계는 미.중관계에서 실제로 발생할 가능성이 있는 핫스팟(hot spot)에 해당한다.
      현재 미중관계의 모순은 첫째는 정치외교적으로 대만여행법과 국방수권법과 대만보증법 문제이고, 둘째는 군사적 측면에서 인도-태평양전략과 남중국해 항행의 자유전략을 통해 중국을 봉쇄하는 것이며, 셋째는 경제적 측면에서 일대일로 정책과 첨단기술분야의 패권 장악을 위해미.중간의 무역전쟁이다. 물론 미.중간에 이러한 근본적인 문제에서 모순이 발생하여 충돌을 하고 있지만 여전히 냉전시대의 미.소대결 양상과는 달리 경쟁과 협력이 병존하고 있는 상황이기 때문에 미중간 제로썸 게임은 아니고 다방면에서 협력할 수 있는 공간은 확보되어 있다중국입장에서 대만문제를 바라보는 시각은 목표는 평화통일이고, 무력통일은 억제되어야 하며, 관건은 민심이며, 장애는 미국이라는 생각을 가지고 있다. 또한 대만문제는 미국이 중국을 적절히 통제하는데 아주 유용한 빅 카드이기에 미.중이 모두 포기할 수 없는 중대한 국익이 걸린 핵심사안이다. 그래서 미국과 대만이 현재의 정책 방향을 변경하지 않는 한 중국은 강경 대응 기조를 유지할 수밖에 없을 것으로 판단된다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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