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      Stem Cells Expressing Homing Receptors Could be Expanded From Cryopreserved and Unselected Cord Blood



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      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "Successful transplantationof HLA-matched and HLA-mismatched umbilical cord blood fromunrelated donors:Analysis of engraftment and acute graft versus hostdisease" 88 : 795-802, 1996

      2 "Stem cellfactor modulates avidity of 4 1 and 5 1 integrins expressed onhematopoietic cell lines" 85 : 159-67, 1995

      3 "Purifica-tionof CD34+ cells is essential for optimal ex vivo expansion of umbil-ical cord blood cells" 6 : 145-50, 1997

      4 "Processing and cryopreser-vation of placental/umbilical cord blood for unrelated bone marrowreconstitution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1995; 92: 10119-22." 92 : 10119-22, 1995

      5 "Prior cryopreservation of ex vivo expanded cord blood cells is not detrimental to engraftment as measured in the NOD-SCID mouse model" 10 : 157-65, 2001

      6 "Placental bloodas a source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation into unre-lated recipients" 335 : 157-66, 1996

      7 "Outcomes among 562 recipients of pla-cental blood transplants from unrelated donors" 339 : 1565-77, 1998

      8 "Immunomagnetic selec-tionof CD34+ cells from fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cellpreparations using two different separation techniques" 4 : 539-44, 1995

      9 "Homing of human cells in the fetal sheep model: Modulation byantibodies activating or inhibiting very late activation antigen-4-de-pendent function" 94 : 2515-22, 1999

      10 "Hematopoietic recon-stitution in a patient with Fanconi anemia by means of umbilicalcord blood from an HLA-identical sibling" 321 : 1174-8, 1989

      1 "Successful transplantationof HLA-matched and HLA-mismatched umbilical cord blood fromunrelated donors:Analysis of engraftment and acute graft versus hostdisease" 88 : 795-802, 1996

      2 "Stem cellfactor modulates avidity of 4 1 and 5 1 integrins expressed onhematopoietic cell lines" 85 : 159-67, 1995

      3 "Purifica-tionof CD34+ cells is essential for optimal ex vivo expansion of umbil-ical cord blood cells" 6 : 145-50, 1997

      4 "Processing and cryopreser-vation of placental/umbilical cord blood for unrelated bone marrowreconstitution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1995; 92: 10119-22." 92 : 10119-22, 1995

      5 "Prior cryopreservation of ex vivo expanded cord blood cells is not detrimental to engraftment as measured in the NOD-SCID mouse model" 10 : 157-65, 2001

      6 "Placental bloodas a source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation into unre-lated recipients" 335 : 157-66, 1996

      7 "Outcomes among 562 recipients of pla-cental blood transplants from unrelated donors" 339 : 1565-77, 1998

      8 "Immunomagnetic selec-tionof CD34+ cells from fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cellpreparations using two different separation techniques" 4 : 539-44, 1995

      9 "Homing of human cells in the fetal sheep model: Modulation byantibodies activating or inhibiting very late activation antigen-4-de-pendent function" 94 : 2515-22, 1999

      10 "Hematopoietic recon-stitution in a patient with Fanconi anemia by means of umbilicalcord blood from an HLA-identical sibling" 321 : 1174-8, 1989

      11 "Hematopoietic potential of cryopreserved and ex vivomanipulated umbilical cord blood progenitor cells evaluated in vitroand in vivo" 87 : 1261-71, 1996

      12 "Graft-versus-host disease in children who havereceived a cord blood or bone marrow transplant from an HLA-iden-ticalsibling" 342 : 1846-54, 2000

      13 "Expansion of megakaryocyteprogenitors from cryopreserved leukocyte concentrates of humanplacental and umbilical cord blood in short-term liquid culture" 3 : 117-26, 2001

      14 "Ex vivo expansion of umbili-cal cord blood(UCB)CD34+ cells alters the expression and function of 4 1 and 5 1 integrins" 115 : 213-21, 2001

      15 "Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitorcells from cord blood: clinical experience" 2001

      16 "Evaluation of the effect of cryopreservation on ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitors from cord blood" 28 : 693-8, 2001

      17 "Effects of CD34+ selection and T cell immuno-depletion on cord blood hematopoietic progentors:relevance to stemcell transplantation" 23 : 1492-6, 1995

      18 "Differential growth factor requirement of primitive cordblood hematopoietic stem cell for self-renewal and amplification vsproliferation and differentiation" 12 : 718-27, 1998

      19 "Dependence of human stem cell engraftment and repopulation ofNOD/SCID mice on CXCR4" 283 : 845-8, 1999

      20 "Delayed engraftment of nonobese dia-betic/ severe combined immunodeficient mice transplanted with ex vivo expanded human CD34(+)cord blood cells" 93 : 1097-105, 1999

      21 "Cyto-kines increase human hemopoietic cell adhesiveness by activationof very late antigen(VLA)-4 and VLA-5 integrins" 181 : 1805-15, 1995

      22 "Culturing human umbilical cord blood:a comparison of mononuclearvs CD34+ selected cells" 23 : 1109-15, 1999

      23 "Cell cycling status of human cordblood CD34+ cells during ex vivo expansion is related to the levelof very late antigen expression" 16 : 20-4, 2001

      24 "Analysis of cord blood CD34+ cells purified after cryopreser-vation" 23 : 1589-94, 1995

      25 "A murine model for human cord bloodtransplantation: near-term fetal and neonatal peripheral blood cellscan achieve long-term bone marrow engraftment in sublethally irra-diated adult recipients" 3 : 1089-99, 1997















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