In this paper, we consider the hamiltonian properties of m×n (m 2, n 3) mesh networks with two wraparound edges on the first row and last row, called M2(m, n), in the presence of a faulty node or link. We prove that M2(m, n) with odd n is hamiltonian...
In this paper, we consider the hamiltonian properties of m×n (m 2, n 3) mesh networks with two wraparound edges on the first row and last row, called M2(m, n), in the presence of a faulty node or link. We prove that M2(m, n) with odd n is hamiltonian-connected and 1-fault hamiltonian. In addition, we prove that M2(m, n) with even n is strongly hamiltonian laceable and 1-vertex fault tolerant strongly hamiltonian laceable.