PCM/FM modulation is a commonly deployed technique for a wide variety of telemetry in launch vehicle links. In this system, the effect of the pre-modulation filter reduces the energy contained in the sidebands of the modulated carrier. Most existing f...
PCM/FM modulation is a commonly deployed technique for a wide variety of telemetry in launch vehicle links. In this system, the effect of the pre-modulation filter reduces the energy contained in the sidebands of the modulated carrier. Most existing filters are based on a constant cutoff frequency specification with a simple design and structure. But onboard units of the launch vehicle should not be revised by any hardware modifications during the development from a reliability point of view. If PCM bit rate is changed, the cutoff frequency of pre-modulation filter should be also changed according to 0.7 times the bit rate. In a constant bandwidth filter, it is needed to modify the hardware. This is surely prohibited in the case of a successful checkout unit up to the final flight test.
In this paper a variable cutoff frequency pre-modulation filter has been developed in order to determine the effective response to this very unusual circumstance which is the change of PCM bit rate during the long-term development. A software programmable function, a magnitude frequency response characteristics with Bessel filter and linear phase frequency response characteristics should be satisfied to the requirements. This filter was comprised of a digital FIR filter and a reconstruction system with a DAC block and a 2nd order low pass filter. It was designed and analyzed for each stage to satisfy the magnitude frequency response of a 7th order low pass Bessel filter. Also group delay simulations have been carried out in order to confirm linear phase characteristics of 2nd order low pass filter with real hardware devices.
Based on the design procedure and circuit scheme, hardware was implemented in video compression unit. Especially the reconstruction system was calibrated to compensate the inescapable tolerances of the real devices using the tone generator. The video compression unit with the proposed pre-modulation filter has been performed by various functional and environmental tests. Video system including the video compression unit has also been equipped in upper stage of KSLV-I launch vehicle. Finally we could verify that the onboard video system has succeeded in acquiring the event pictures and flight dynamic video data during the first flight test.