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10 아미엘, "몽타주의 미학" 동문선 1977
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2 허천, 린다, "포스트모더니즘의 이론과 전략" 현대미학사 1998
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5 류종영, "웃음의 미학" 유로 2006
6 띠냐노프, 유리, "영화의 형식과 기호" 열린책들 1980
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16 New York Times, "Theater: The Aftermath; Theater’s Special Voice"
17 Rubin, Gayle, "The Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex, In Toward an Anthropology of Women" Monthly Review Pr 157-210, 1975
18 Lyotard, Jean-Francois, "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge" U of Minnesota P 1984
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20 Hassan,Ihab, "The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a Postmodern Literature" Oxford UP 1982
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24 Stefan, Kanfer, "Li’l Bit O’ Incest"
25 Vogel,Paula, "How I Learned To Drive" Dramatists Plays Service Inc 1998
26 Savran, David, "Driving Ms. Vogel"
27 Clay,Carolyn, "Drive, She said"
28 Hassan,Ihab, "Culture, Indeterminacy, and Immanence: Margins of the (Postmodern) Age, In The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture" Ohio State UP 1987
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30 Bigsby, Christophor, "Contemporary American Playwrights" Cambridge UP 2000
31 Jacobs,Fay, "Catching up with Paula Vogel: An Interview with the Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwright"
32 Krasner,David, "American Drama 1945-2000" Blackwell 2000
33 Abarbanel, Jonathan, "A Talk wih Paula Vogel"
34 Selden, Raman, "A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory" Prentice Hall 1997