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2 Shim,Y.S., "The nature of negotiation of meaning between teacher and student in the second language classroom" The University of Texas at Austin 2003
3 Ko,J., "The effect of negotiation of meaning on the storytelling of adult students in ESL classrooms" Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas 2001
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1 Long, M. H., "The role of linguistic environment in second language acquisition in : The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition" Academic Press 413-468, 1996
2 Shim,Y.S., "The nature of negotiation of meaning between teacher and student in the second language classroom" The University of Texas at Austin 2003
3 Ko,J., "The effect of negotiation of meaning on the storytelling of adult students in ESL classrooms" Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas 2001
4 Gass, S. M., "Task Variation and non-native/non-native negotiation of meaning in : Input in second language acquisition" Newbury House 149-162, 1985
5 Pica,T., "Second-language acquisition, social interaction, and the classroom" 8 : 3-21, 1987
6 Gass, S., "Second language acquisition: An introductory course" Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1994
7 Pica,T., "Research on negotiation: What does it reveal about second-language learning conditions, processes, and outcomes?" 44 : 493-527, 1994
8 Varonis, E. M., "Non-native/non-native conversations: A model for negotiation of meaning" 6 : 71-90, 1985
9 Long, M. H., "Native speaker/non-native speaker conversation and the negotiation of comprehensible input" 4 : 126-141, 1983a
10 Long, M. H., "Linguistic and conversational adjustments to non-native speakers" 5 : 177-193, 1983b
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