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    RISS 인기검색어

      Old government, new people : readings for the new politics



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        Glenview, Ill., Scott, Foresman [1971]

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • DDC


      • 자료형태


      • 발행국(도시)


      • 서명/저자사항

        Old government, new people; readings for the new politics / [Compiled by] Alfred de Grazia, R. Eric Weise [and] John Appel.

      • 형태사항

        424 p. illus. 23 cm.

      • 일반주기명

        Includes bibliographical references.

      • 소장기관
        • 경북대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
        • 국립중앙도서관 국립중앙도서관 우편복사 서비스
        • 부산대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
        • 숙명여자대학교 도서관 소장기관정보
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        • 한양대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
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      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • CONTENTS
      • 1 Revolution : Fact or Fancy?
      • 1. Are We in the Middle of the "Second American Revolution"? / David McReynolds ; Rkchard H. Rovere ; David Gelber ; Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. ; Ayn Rand ; Paul Cowan. = 2
      • 2 "Let's Do Something"
      • 2. Explosive Changes / McGeorge Bundy = 19
      • CONTENTS
      • 1 Revolution : Fact or Fancy?
      • 1. Are We in the Middle of the "Second American Revolution"? / David McReynolds ; Rkchard H. Rovere ; David Gelber ; Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. ; Ayn Rand ; Paul Cowan. = 2
      • 2 "Let's Do Something"
      • 2. Explosive Changes / McGeorge Bundy = 19
      • 3. How to Compete with Government / Richard C. Cornuelle = 24
      • 3 The Public Pulse
      • 4. Methods of Survey Research / William H. Flanigan = 35
      • 5. A Misperception of Public Opinion. Philip Converse / Aage R. Clausen ; Warren Miller = 39
      • 6. Personal Feeling Upon the Death of a President / Martha Wolfenstein ; Gilbert Kliman = 45
      • 4 Double Trouble
      • 7. Letter from Birmingham Jail / Martin Luther King, Jr. = 62
      • 8. Social Control of Escalated Riots / Morris Janowitz = 65
      • 9. The Cost of Threats in World Affairs / James L. Payne = 77
      • 10. The Functions of War : Report from Iron Mountain = 87
      • 5 Manipulating Political Behavior
      • 11. "The Times They Ary A-Changi$$n'$$" : The Music of Protest / Robert A. Rosenstone = 96
      • 12. Mothers Versus Fathers as "Mind-Invaders" / M. Kent Jennings ; Kenneth P. Langton = 111
      • 13. American History Through Communist Eyes, The Gerat Soviet Encyclopedia = 119
      • 14. The Effects of Political Broadcasts / Herbert E. Alexander = 131
      • 15. The Press Versus Government / James Reston ; George R. Berdes = 140
      • 16. Political Activities of Unions and Company Managers, The Staff of the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Conell University = 146
      • 6 Top Leadership
      • 17. A Do-It-Yourself Presidettal Election Forecasting Kit / Ralph M. Goldman = 155
      • 18. Secrets of Advancemanship / Robert C. Terry = 160
      • 19. The Day of Senator Monroney / John Bibby ; Roger Davidson = 165
      • 20. Three Cases of Command / Richard E. Neustadt = 175
      • 21. George Romney Decides To Withdraw / Robert B. Semple, Jr. = 190
      • 22. An Inside View of LBJ's Decision Not To Run / Jean Heller = 194
      • 7 The Long Arm of the Law
      • 23. The Police and the Supreme Court / Arthur Niederhoffer = 202
      • 24. A Tax on Illegality May Be Illegal : Marchetti vs. United States = 210
      • 25. In Re Gault = 220
      • 26. Due Process of Law in Military and Industrial Organizations / William M. Evan = 235
      • 27. The Commerce Power Without Bounds, Newton Morton = 249
      • 28. Congressinal Predictons of Fudicial Behavior / S. Sidney ulmer = 252
      • 8 The City
      • 29. Bureaucratic Barriers and the Exhaustion of Reform / Richard Reeves = 259
      • 30. New Moves in Federal-Local Relations / daniel P. Moynihan = 264
      • 9 "Happenings" in Government
      • 31. Trial by Battle : History of a Smear / Edward Lamb = 274
      • 32. The Burden of Mr. Strobel / Walter Goodman = 299
      • 33. The Life and Death of "Comelot" / Irving Louis Horowitz = 303
      • 34. The Rise of the National Institutes of Health Empire / Donald C. Swain = 312
      • 35. Government by Commissions / Amitai Etzioni = 321
      • 10 The Knowable and Possible
      • 36. The Politically Impossibel / Carl J. Friedrich = 327
      • 37. The Rudiments of Apportionment / Alfred de Grazia = 330
      • 38. Statistics : Achille$$s'$$ Heel of Government / Murray N. Rothbard = 338
      • 39. The Need for More Behavioral Science in Government / Hubert H. Humphrey = 341
      • 40. Using Computers in Foreign Affairs / Fisher Howe = 347
      • 41. "I want…" / Lyndon B. Johnson = 349
      • 42. Expert Predictions of Foreign Threats and Remedies / T. W. Milburn ; J. F. Milburn = 351
      • 11 How To Torture a Public Policy
      • 43. Slums : Now and Hereafter / Lawrence M. Friedman = 365
      • 44. Drugs : The Addiction to Contorls / Lolyd N. Cutler = 370
      • 45. The Atomic Energy Commission Breeds Its Power / Harold Orlans = 374
      • 46. Environmental Degradation by Government / Charles R. Ross = 381
      • 12 Budgets and the Good Life
      • 47. PPBs or Else? = 397
      • 48. Impact of Public Spending upon Freedoms / Roland N. Mckenan = 408
      • 49. The Future-Planners Anderw Kopkind = 419














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