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1 남광희, "공적연금이 민간저축에 미치는 영향" 한국경제연구학회 22 : 29-51, 2008
2 강성호, "공적연금의 민간저축 구축효과에 관한 실증연구: 가구특성별 접근" 한국은행 11 (11): 135-164, 2005
3 Krueger, A. B, "Workers’ Compensation Insurance and the Duration of Workplace Injuries" 1990
4 Gruber, J, "The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits" 84 : 622-641, 1994
5 Saunders, P.J, "The Effect of Social Security on Personal and Private Saving in the Short Run and the Long Run: A Time-series Analysis" 32 (32): 2006
6 David, M, "The Effect of Social Security on Lifetime Wealth Accumulation and Bequests" 52 (52): 421-434, 1985
7 Lim, K.M, "The Effect of Social Security on Household Saving. in: Population Aging in Korea: Economic Impact and Policy Issues" Korea Development Institute 227-276, 2003
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9 Kotlikoff, L. J, "Testing the Theory of Social Security and Life Cycle Accumulation" 69 (69): 396-410, 1979
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