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      嘉靖年间的中朝诗赋外交 -以龚用卿出使朝鲜与『丁酉皇华集』为中心的考察-



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본 연구는 명대 가정 16년(1537) 공용경이 조선에 사절로 가는 과정과 조선에서 편찬된 『정유황화집(丁酉皇华集)』을 주 연구 대상으로 하고 공용경의 『사조선록(使朝鲜录)』참고하 여 공용경이 사절로서 조선에 행차하는 행로와 노선, 화답 상황, 화답 시문의 편찬과 전승, 조 선에 사절로 사행한 의의에 대한 체계적인 고찰과 논의를 시도하였다. 공용경의 사행은 양국 이 오랫동안 행해 온 유가적 외교제도에 기반을 둔 것이며 양국관계의 발전을 추진하였고 특 히는“예황제도(誊黄制度)”의 구축, 양국관계를 “한 가족처럼 친한” 관계로 발전하도록 하였 다. 조선에서 편찬한 『정유황화집』은 양국 문학의 또 다른 중요한 교류이며 동아시아 정치 질 서 속에서 조선의 지위와 영향력을 향상시키는 데 일조하였던 것이다.


      본 연구는 명대 가정 16년(1537) 공용경이 조선에 사절로 가는 과정과 조선에서 편찬된 『정유황화집(丁酉皇华集)』을 주 연구 대상으로 하고 공용경의 『사조선록(使朝鲜录)』참고하 여 공용...

      본 연구는 명대 가정 16년(1537) 공용경이 조선에 사절로 가는 과정과 조선에서 편찬된 『정유황화집(丁酉皇华集)』을 주 연구 대상으로 하고 공용경의 『사조선록(使朝鲜录)』참고하 여 공용경이 사절로서 조선에 행차하는 행로와 노선, 화답 상황, 화답 시문의 편찬과 전승, 조 선에 사절로 사행한 의의에 대한 체계적인 고찰과 논의를 시도하였다. 공용경의 사행은 양국 이 오랫동안 행해 온 유가적 외교제도에 기반을 둔 것이며 양국관계의 발전을 추진하였고 특 히는“예황제도(誊黄制度)”의 구축, 양국관계를 “한 가족처럼 친한” 관계로 발전하도록 하였 다. 조선에서 편찬한 『정유황화집』은 양국 문학의 또 다른 중요한 교류이며 동아시아 정치 질 서 속에서 조선의 지위와 영향력을 향상시키는 데 일조하였던 것이다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The works written in the course of the diplomatic envoys between China and Chosun are countermarked and named as the Huang-Hua-Ji by the Chosun. In the 16th year of emperor Jia Jing (1537), respectively as a primary envoy, Gong Yongqing is sent to Chosun promulgate the imperial edict. During ten months of travel between Beijing and Hancheng, Gong Yongqing and the Chosun scribes wrote a total of 905 responsory poems. The responsory works are copy-edited as the Ding-You-Huang-Hua-Ji. This antiphon poetryillustrates the diplomatic activities of the time, which might be their ultimatevalue in literary and diplomatic history. The antiphon poetry is not only the mirror of imperial official commerce but also reveals exchanges between friends, which genuinely reflects on the mentality of the era. Therefore, the documentary value of this poetry anthology lies in that it serves as a reference in the investigation of the outlook of two countries’ bilateral relations. This paper will review and narrate the travels (his personal diary) of Gong Yongqing, the collected and published purpose of Ding-You-Huang-Hua-Ji, written by the Chosun as it sought to improve its status amongst the East-Asian nations by forging better ties with the middle kingdom, its main content and its valueas a reference. Moreover, the significance of this diplomatic mission will be analyzed in the paper. All these can offer a reference for the study of cultural and literary exchanges between China and Korea, as well as, providing an insight into these nations diplomatic etiquette system. Furthermore the “Yellow Transcript System” as it made the two countries like one will be examined in this paper.

      The works written in the course of the diplomatic envoys between China and Chosun are countermarked and named as the Huang-Hua-Ji by the Chosun. In the 16th year of emperor Jia Jing (1537), respectively as a primary envoy, Gong Yongqing is sent to Cho...

      The works written in the course of the diplomatic envoys between China and Chosun are countermarked and named as the Huang-Hua-Ji by the Chosun. In the 16th year of emperor Jia Jing (1537), respectively as a primary envoy, Gong Yongqing is sent to Chosun promulgate the imperial edict. During ten months of travel between Beijing and Hancheng, Gong Yongqing and the Chosun scribes wrote a total of 905 responsory poems. The responsory works are copy-edited as the Ding-You-Huang-Hua-Ji. This antiphon poetryillustrates the diplomatic activities of the time, which might be their ultimatevalue in literary and diplomatic history. The antiphon poetry is not only the mirror of imperial official commerce but also reveals exchanges between friends, which genuinely reflects on the mentality of the era. Therefore, the documentary value of this poetry anthology lies in that it serves as a reference in the investigation of the outlook of two countries’ bilateral relations. This paper will review and narrate the travels (his personal diary) of Gong Yongqing, the collected and published purpose of Ding-You-Huang-Hua-Ji, written by the Chosun as it sought to improve its status amongst the East-Asian nations by forging better ties with the middle kingdom, its main content and its valueas a reference. Moreover, the significance of this diplomatic mission will be analyzed in the paper. All these can offer a reference for the study of cultural and literary exchanges between China and Korea, as well as, providing an insight into these nations diplomatic etiquette system. Furthermore the “Yellow Transcript System” as it made the two countries like one will be examined in this paper.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 국문요약
      • 1. 引言
      • 2. 出使朝鲜的过程
      • 1)生平及著述
      • 2)出使行程与路线
      • 국문요약
      • 1. 引言
      • 2. 出使朝鲜的过程
      • 1)生平及著述
      • 2)出使行程与路线
      • 3.诗文唱和及其评价
      • 1)唱和活动概况
      • 2)唱和诗文的评价
      • 4. 唱和诗文的编纂与流传
      • 5.出使朝鲜的意义
      • 1)新增迎诏礼仪
      • 2)建立誊黄制度
      • 3)推进朝鲜宗系辩诬事
      • 6. 小结
      • 참고문헌
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 邝健行, "韩国诗话中论中国诗资料选粹" 中华书局排印本 2002

      2 赵钟业, "韩国诗话丛编" 汉城太学社影印本 1996

      3 杜宏刚等编, "韩国文集中的明代史料" 广西师范大学出版社排印本 2006

      4 宋․朱熹, "论语集注" 齐鲁书社排印本 1992

      5 汉城韩国民族文化推进会编, "标点影印韩国文集丛刊" 影印本 1999

      6 韩国国史编撰委员会, "朝鲜王朝实录" 网络电子版

      7 吴晗, "朝鲜李朝实录中的中国史料" 中华书局排印本 1980

      8 朝鲜, "朝鲜志, 丛书集成初编"

      9 申太永, "明朝使臣的朝鲜观—<皇华集研究>" 다운샘出版社排印本 2005

      10 刘菁华, "明实录朝鲜资料辑录" 巴蜀书社排印本 2005

      1 邝健行, "韩国诗话中论中国诗资料选粹" 中华书局排印本 2002

      2 赵钟业, "韩国诗话丛编" 汉城太学社影印本 1996

      3 杜宏刚等编, "韩国文集中的明代史料" 广西师范大学出版社排印本 2006

      4 宋․朱熹, "论语集注" 齐鲁书社排印本 1992

      5 汉城韩国民族文化推进会编, "标点影印韩国文集丛刊" 影印本 1999

      6 韩国国史编撰委员会, "朝鲜王朝实录" 网络电子版

      7 吴晗, "朝鲜李朝实录中的中国史料" 中华书局排印本 1980

      8 朝鲜, "朝鲜志, 丛书集成初编"

      9 申太永, "明朝使臣的朝鲜观—<皇华集研究>" 다운샘出版社排印本 2005

      10 刘菁华, "明实录朝鲜资料辑录" 巴蜀书社排印本 2005

      11 张廷玉, "明史" 中华书局点校本 1974

      12 杜慧月, "明代文臣出使朝鲜与<皇华集>" 人民出版社排印本 2010

      13 韩国精神文化院, "御制序皇华集"

      14 李梦生, "左传译注" 上海古籍出版社排印本 2004

      15 王云五主, "大明会典, In 万有文库" 1929

      16 明․焦竑, "国朝献征录, In续修四库全书․史部531" 上海古籍出版社影印本 2002

      17 杜泽逊, "四库存目标注" 上海古籍出版社排印本 2007

      18 纪昀, "四库全书总目提要" 中华书局影印本 1965

      19 季羡林, "四库全书存目丛书" 北京大学出版社影印本 1994

      20 殷梦霞, "使朝鲜录" 北京图书馆出版社 2003

      21 龚用卿, "使朝鲜录" 韩国古典刊行会影印本 1975


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