This study explores the perception of Christian university students on adoption and unwed mothers under the special law on adoption. From July 2012 year, the special law on adoption will take effect which puts the top priority on the welfare of adopte...
This study explores the perception of Christian university students on adoption and unwed mothers under the special law on adoption. From July 2012 year, the special law on adoption will take effect which puts the top priority on the welfare of adopted children. This legislation will also mandate parents get court approval before adopting abandoned children and adoption agencies to declassify information of their birth parents. It may cause to decline domestic adoptions. At this point the perception of Christian university students on adoption is significant and gives clues for increasing domestic adoption to Christian community.
The results are as followed: 1) for the special law on adoption, they strongly approval to tighten to qualifications of adoptive parents (M=4.73, SD=.644), to assert adoptee children's rights to obtain information of biological parents (M=4.00, SD=.645), and to get court approval for adoption (M=3.92, SD=.634). 2) However they shows disapprovals to clear statement as an adoptee rather than tacit consent to resist as a bio child (M=2.33, SD=.928).
Secondly, Christian university students have perception of unwed mother as followed: 1) the reasons why the blood parents had to put their child up for adoption are financial difficulty(32.9%) and unstable situation in the future(29.3%) from the top. 2) The dilemmas for adoption are their children's psychological scar(31.4%) and unreliable adoptive parents(25.4%) 3) The preference for conditions of adoptive parents is good character(31.3%), financial stability(15.5%), and physical health(13.4%).
In conclusion, Christian university students are strongly approvals the special law on adoption except legal resister as adoptee. In addition they put top priority on the bio family for the welfare of children. For further suggestions Church community develops the gospel as adoption practically and encourages a convivial atmosphere of adoption to the members of community including university students for inviting a new member of family and rearing him/her to family of God.