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6 Alexander, R., "What is primary education, In Children, their world, their education: Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review" Routledge 174-202, 2010
7 Alexander, R., "Towards a new curriculum, In Children, their world, their education: Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review" Routledge 237-278, 2010
8 Rose, J., "The Independent review of the primary curriculum: Interim report" DCSF 2008
9 Rose, J., "The Independent review of the primary curriculum: Final report" DCSF 2009
10 Welner, K., "Structuring curriculum: Technical, normative and political considerations, In The Sage handbook of curriculum and instruction" Sage 91-111, 2008
1 허경철, "학교 교육과정과 교과서 내용의 과다 정도 및 난이도 수준 분석 연구" 한국교육과정평가원 2000
2 교육과학기술부, "초·중등학교 교과 내용 개편, 이렇게 추진된다. 교육과학기술부 2011년 1월 24일 보도 자료"
3 강현석, "국가 교육과정 대강화의 방향과 과제: 교육과정 체제의 개정을 중심으로" 중등교육연구소 54 (54): 221-252, 2006
4 김재춘, "국가 교육과정 개정 담론의 비교 분석(Ⅰ):제 4차에서 제 7차에 걸친 ‘교육내용의 적정화’ 담론을 중심으로" 한국교육과정학회 21 (21): 105-122, 2003
5 소경희, "교육내용 적정화 방안 탐색을 위한 논의 -체육,음악,미술,실과(기술.가정)교과를 중심으로" 한국교육과정학회 22 (22): 27-47, 2004
6 Alexander, R., "What is primary education, In Children, their world, their education: Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review" Routledge 174-202, 2010
7 Alexander, R., "Towards a new curriculum, In Children, their world, their education: Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review" Routledge 237-278, 2010
8 Rose, J., "The Independent review of the primary curriculum: Interim report" DCSF 2008
9 Rose, J., "The Independent review of the primary curriculum: Final report" DCSF 2009
10 Welner, K., "Structuring curriculum: Technical, normative and political considerations, In The Sage handbook of curriculum and instruction" Sage 91-111, 2008
11 Schleicher, A., "Seeing school systems through the prism of PISA, In Development of a set of principles to guide a P-12 syllabus framework: A report to the Queensland Studies Authority Queensland, Australia" Queensland Studies Authority 71-85, 2008
12 Department for Education, "Review of the national curriculum in England: Remit"
13 Department for Education, "Review of the national curriculum in England: Frequently asked questions"
14 Williams, R., "Primary curriculum and academic diplomas to be axed" Guardian紙
15 CSFC, "National curriculum: Government response" The House of Commons 2009
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17 CSFC, "National curriculum" The House of Commons 2009
18 Apple, M., "Ideology and curriculum" Routledge 1978
19 Alexander, R., "Curriculum past and present, In Children, their world, their education: Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review" Routledge 203-236, 2010
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22 교육과학기술부, "2009 개정 교육과정(초‧중등학교 교육과정) 발표. 교육과학기술부 2009년 12월 17일 보도 자료"
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