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      Capabilities-Based “Confusion”: Why Capabilities-Based Planning Systems Struggle = Capabilities-Based “Confusion”: Why Capabilities-Based Planning Systems Struggle



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Department of Defense would henceforth use capabilitiesbased planning to guide the development of the armed forces. The popularity of the idea spread to ma...

      In the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Department of Defense would henceforth use capabilitiesbased planning to guide the development of the armed forces. The popularity of the idea spread to many allied countries that also embraced the concept. However, the successful implementation of the method has been hindered by a number of factors: lack of an agreed lexicon, confusion in many defense organizations to the degree to which “threats” are used, inattention to policy priorities, heavy institutional analytical requirements, and a lack of acknowledgement of the importance money must play in any planning system. The paper concludes that whilst elements of the method are well-suited to providing objective data in support of senior leadership’s decision-making; alone, it is insufficient to drive planning, which is inherently a political process.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Michael Fitzsimmons, "Whither Capabilities-Based Planning?" (44) : 101-, 2007

      2 Thomas-Durell Young, "When Programming Trumps Policy and Plans: The Case of the U.S. Department of the Navy" 39 (39): 936-955, 2016

      3 "Transformation Planning Guidance"

      4 The International Institute for Strategic Studies, "The Military Balance, 2020" Taylor & Francis 251-252, 2020

      5 Raphael S. Cohen, "The History and Politics of Defense Reviews" RAND 2018

      6 Paul Dibb, "The Conceptual Basis of Australia’s Defence Planning and Force Structure Development" Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University 1992

      7 Stephan De Spiegeleire, "Ten Trends in Capability Planning for Defence and Security" 156 (156): 20-, 2011

      8 Colin S. Gray, "Strategy and Defence Planning: Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty" Oxford University Press 23-, 2014

      9 Gary Christopher, "Strategic Capability Roadmap Version 1.0 Analytic Framework" Defence R&D Canada, Operational Research Division 39-, 2009

      10 Jaan Murumets, "Renewed National Defense Planning and Management: Capability-Based Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System for Small States" Estonian National Defence College 2007

      1 Michael Fitzsimmons, "Whither Capabilities-Based Planning?" (44) : 101-, 2007

      2 Thomas-Durell Young, "When Programming Trumps Policy and Plans: The Case of the U.S. Department of the Navy" 39 (39): 936-955, 2016

      3 "Transformation Planning Guidance"

      4 The International Institute for Strategic Studies, "The Military Balance, 2020" Taylor & Francis 251-252, 2020

      5 Raphael S. Cohen, "The History and Politics of Defense Reviews" RAND 2018

      6 Paul Dibb, "The Conceptual Basis of Australia’s Defence Planning and Force Structure Development" Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University 1992

      7 Stephan De Spiegeleire, "Ten Trends in Capability Planning for Defence and Security" 156 (156): 20-, 2011

      8 Colin S. Gray, "Strategy and Defence Planning: Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty" Oxford University Press 23-, 2014

      9 Gary Christopher, "Strategic Capability Roadmap Version 1.0 Analytic Framework" Defence R&D Canada, Operational Research Division 39-, 2009

      10 Jaan Murumets, "Renewed National Defense Planning and Management: Capability-Based Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System for Small States" Estonian National Defence College 2007

      11 John Deni, "Reforming the NATO Defense Planning System" The Strategic Studies Institute 2020

      12 Thomas-Durell Young, "Questioning the ‘Sanctity’ of Long-Term Defense Planning as Practiced in Central and Eastern Europe" 18 (18): 357-373, 2018

      13 Department of Defense, "Quadrennial Defense Review Report" 2001

      14 Donald H. Rumsfeld, "Quadrennial Defense Review Report" Secretary of Defense iv-, 2001

      15 Ben Taylor, "Producing an Integrated Capability Roadmap for the Canadian Forces" NATO Research and Technology Organisation 1-, 2008

      16 Alexander Mattelaer, "Preparing NATO for the Next Defence-Planning Cycle" 159 (159): 30-35, 2014

      17 Brendan W. McGarry, "Overseas Contingency Operations Funding:Background and Status" Congressional Research Service 2019

      18 The Department of the Navy, "Naval Analytical Capabilities: Improving Capabilities-Based Planning" The National Academies Press 2005

      19 "NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French), AAP-06, Edition 2019"

      20 Thomas-Durell Young, "Mission Command: Strategic Implications—Legacy Concepts: A Sociology of Command in Central and Eastern Europe" 47 (47): 31-42, 2017

      21 James Bexfield, "MORS Workshop on Capabilities Based Planning: The Road Ahead" Institute for Defense Analysis 83-, 2004

      22 Tom Allen, "MORS Workshop Capabilities-Based Planning II Identifying, Classifying and Measuring Risk in a Post 9-11 World" Booz Allen Hamilton 2006

      23 Natalie J. Webb, "Linking Defense Planning and Resource Decisions: A Return to Systems Thinking" 26 (26): 389-, 2010

      24 Department of Defense, "Joint Defense Capabilities Study: Improving DoD Strategic Planning, Resourcing and Execution: Final Report" 2004

      25 Alain C. Enthoven, "How Much Is Enough? Shaping the Defense Program, 1961–1969" RAND 20-50, 2005

      26 Sharon L. Caudle, "Homeland Security Capabilities-Based Planning: Lessons from the Defense Community" 1 (1): 1-23, 2005

      27 NATO, "Handbook on Long Term Defence Planning" Research and Technology Organisation 4-, 2003

      28 Joint Systems and Analysis Group, Technical Panel 3, "Guide to Capability-Based Planning"

      29 David Peever, "First Principles Review: Creating One Defence"

      30 Todor Tagarev, "Expanded Capability Portfolios to Steer Force Development under Strategic Uncertainty" NATO Research and Technology Organisation 5-, 2008

      31 "DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms"

      32 Debbie Blakeney, "Determining Capability Goals and Prioritizing Capability Deficiencies for the Canadian Armed Forces" NATO Research and Technology Organisation 1-2, 2008

      33 Gregory Treverton, "Defense Planning for Threats, not Capabilities"

      34 Aaron C. Taliaferro, "Defense Governance and Management: Improving the Defense Management Capabilities of Foreign Defense Institutions: A Guide to Capability-Based Planning (CBP), IDA Document NS D-10369"

      35 Malcolm Davie, "Comparative Defence Planning: Lessons for New Zealand" Massey University 2013

      36 Stephan De Spiegeleire, "Closing the Loop: Towards Strategic Defence Management" The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies 13-, 2009

      37 Stephan De Spiegeleire, "Closing the Loop: Towards Strategic Defence Management" The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies 6-, 2009

      38 Thomas-Durell Young, "Civil-Military Relations: Control and Effectiveness across Regimes" Lynne Rienner Publishers 55-68, 2019

      39 H. H. Gaffney, "Capability-Based Planning, in the Coming Global Security Environment" CNA 2-, 2004

      40 Department of National Defence, "Capability-Based Planning Handbook Version 8.0"

      41 Australian Defence Force, "Capability Life Cycle Manual (Version 2.0)"

      42 "Capability Based Planning for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces"

      43 Stephen K. Walker, "Capabilities-Based Planning: How It Is Intended to Work and Challenges to Its Successful Implementation, USAWC Strategy Research Project" U.S. Army War College 4-, 2005

      44 Thomas-Durell Young, "Capabilities-Based Defense Planning: The Australian Experience" 21 (21): 349-369, 1995

      45 NATO, "Bi-SC Capability Codes and Capability Statements, SH/PLANS/JCAP/FCP/16-311533; 5000/FPR-0460/TTE-151451/Ser: NU0083"

      46 Kathleen H. Hicks, "Bad Idea: Arguing over Capabilities- vs. Threat-Based Planning, Bad Ideas in National Security"

      47 Paul K. Davis, "Analytic Architecture for Capabilities-Based Planning, Mission-System Analysis, and Transformation" RAND 1-, 2002

      48 Paul K. Davis, "Analysis to Inform Defense Planning Despite Austerity" RAND 119-, 2014

      49 Ben Taylor, "Analysis Support to Strategic Planning" Department of National Defence, The Technical Cooperation Programme 12-, 2013

      50 Alexei Filinkov, "An Enterprise Portfolio Approach for Defence Capability Planning" 30 (30): 78-79, 2014

      51 Raphael S. Cohen, "Air Force Strategic Planning: Past, Present, and Future" RAND Corporation vii-, 2017

      52 Carl H. Builder, "A Time for Planning? If Not Now, When?" 24 (24): 4-15, 1994

      53 Glenn A. Kent, "A Framework for Defense Planning" RAND 1989


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