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      중고령자 사회적 배제의 다차원성과 역동성 분석



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Considering the rapid increase of retirement of the middle aged workers since 2011 in Korea, this paper aims to analyse the multi-dimensionality and dynamics of social exclusion of middle aged householders using the pooling data of Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS, 2006-2012). We categorized the types of change in social exclusion states(dependent variable) into two groups; excluded-non excluded vs non excluded-excluded. The dimension of social exclusion was categorized into six sub-dimensions: finance, housing, employment, health, education and social participation. The determining variables are demographic factors(gender, age and educational attainment), family characteristics(residential area), and economical factors(work status, occupation, industry and size of firm). The results of statistical analysis indicated that work status, type of occupation and industry have strongest explanatory power for escape from exclusion. Also educational attainment was related with the change of social exclusion state. Conclusively, social exclusion is dynamic process its sub-dimensions are affecting each other in the middle aged householders. This result implies that unemployed middle aged householders are exposed to the overall social vulnerabilities and thus are easily trapped into the social disadvantage.

      Considering the rapid increase of retirement of the middle aged workers since 2011 in Korea, this paper aims to analyse the multi-dimensionality and dynamics of social exclusion of middle aged householders using the pooling data of Korea Welfare Panel...

      Considering the rapid increase of retirement of the middle aged workers since 2011 in Korea, this paper aims to analyse the multi-dimensionality and dynamics of social exclusion of middle aged householders using the pooling data of Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS, 2006-2012). We categorized the types of change in social exclusion states(dependent variable) into two groups; excluded-non excluded vs non excluded-excluded. The dimension of social exclusion was categorized into six sub-dimensions: finance, housing, employment, health, education and social participation. The determining variables are demographic factors(gender, age and educational attainment), family characteristics(residential area), and economical factors(work status, occupation, industry and size of firm). The results of statistical analysis indicated that work status, type of occupation and industry have strongest explanatory power for escape from exclusion. Also educational attainment was related with the change of social exclusion state. Conclusively, social exclusion is dynamic process its sub-dimensions are affecting each other in the middle aged householders. This result implies that unemployed middle aged householders are exposed to the overall social vulnerabilities and thus are easily trapped into the social disadvantage.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 윤성호, "한국노동빈민의 빈곤과 사회적 배제의 관련성에 관한 실증적 연구" 한국사회보장학회 21 (21): 149-176, 2005

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