1 Duckworth, Alistair, "‘Spillikins, paper ships, riddles, conundrums, and cards’: Games in Jane Austen’s Life and Fiction, Jane Austen: Bicentenary Essays" Cambridge UP 279-297, 1975
2 Rosmarin, Adene, "‘Misreading’ Emma: The Powers and Perfidies of Interpretive History" 51 : 315-342, 1984
3 Korba, Susan, "‘Improper and Dangerous Distinction’: Female Relationships and Erotic Domination in Emma" 29 : 139-163, 1997
4 Hong, Mary, "‘A Great Talker upon Little Matters’: Trivializing the Everyday in Emma" 38 : 235-253, 2005
5 Spacks, Patricia Meyer, "Women and Boredom: The Two Emmas" 2 : 191-205, 1989
6 Morgan, Susan, "Why There’s No Sex in Jane Austen’s Novels" 19 : 346-356, 1987
7 Kramp, Michael, "The Woman, the Gypsies, and England: Harriet Smith’s National Role" 31 : 147-168, 2004
8 Lane, Maggie, "The Significance of Food in Emma, Jane Austen and Food" Hambledon 153-168, 1995
9 Greenfield, Susan, "The Riddle of Emma: Maternity and the Unconscious, Mothering Daughters: Novels and the Politics of Family Romance" Wayne State UP 145-168, 2002
10 Miller, D. A., "The Late Jane Austen" 10 : 55-79, 1990
1 Duckworth, Alistair, "‘Spillikins, paper ships, riddles, conundrums, and cards’: Games in Jane Austen’s Life and Fiction, Jane Austen: Bicentenary Essays" Cambridge UP 279-297, 1975
2 Rosmarin, Adene, "‘Misreading’ Emma: The Powers and Perfidies of Interpretive History" 51 : 315-342, 1984
3 Korba, Susan, "‘Improper and Dangerous Distinction’: Female Relationships and Erotic Domination in Emma" 29 : 139-163, 1997
4 Hong, Mary, "‘A Great Talker upon Little Matters’: Trivializing the Everyday in Emma" 38 : 235-253, 2005
5 Spacks, Patricia Meyer, "Women and Boredom: The Two Emmas" 2 : 191-205, 1989
6 Morgan, Susan, "Why There’s No Sex in Jane Austen’s Novels" 19 : 346-356, 1987
7 Kramp, Michael, "The Woman, the Gypsies, and England: Harriet Smith’s National Role" 31 : 147-168, 2004
8 Lane, Maggie, "The Significance of Food in Emma, Jane Austen and Food" Hambledon 153-168, 1995
9 Greenfield, Susan, "The Riddle of Emma: Maternity and the Unconscious, Mothering Daughters: Novels and the Politics of Family Romance" Wayne State UP 145-168, 2002
10 Miller, D. A., "The Late Jane Austen" 10 : 55-79, 1990
11 Taylor, Mary Varanna, "The Grammar of Conduct: Speech Act Theory and the Education of Emma Woodhouse" 12 : 357-371, 1978
12 Stewart, Maaja, "The Fools in Austen’s Emma" 41 : 72-86, 1986
13 Smith, Peter, "Politics and Religion in Jane Austen’s Emma" 26 : 219-241, 1997
14 Galperin, William, "Nostalgia in Emma, The Historical Austen" U of Penn P 179-213, 2003
15 Murphy, Terence, "Monitored Speech: The ‘Equivalence’ Relation between Direct and Indirect Speech in Jane Austen and James Joyce" 15 : 24-39, 2007
16 O’Farrell, Mary Ann, "Missing Jane Austen: Henry James Considers the Old Maid" 27 : 1-9, 2006
17 Mudrick, Marvin, "Jane Austen: Irony as Defense and Discovery" Princeton UP 1952
18 Waldron, Mary, "Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time" Cambridge UP 1999
19 Wiltshire,John, "Jane Austen and the Body" Cambridge UP 2000
20 Anderson, Benedict, "Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism" Verso 1983
21 Johnson, Claudia, "Emma: ‘Woman, Lovely Woman Reigns Alone.’, Jane Austen: Women, Politics and the Novel" U of Chicago 121-143, 1988
22 Southam, Brian, "Emma: England, Peace and Patriotism, Jane Austen’s Emma: A Casebook" Oxford UP 269-291, 2007
23 Austen, Jane, "Emma. 1816" Oxford UP 1971
24 Trilling, Lionel, "Emma and the Legend of Jane Austen, Beyond Culture: Essays on Literature and Learning" Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 28-49, 1978
25 Roulston, Christine, "Discourse, Gender, and Gossip: Some Reflection on Bakhtin and Emma, Ambiguous Discourse: Feminist Narratology and British Women Writers" U of North Carolina P 40-65, 1996
26 Moore, Lisa, "Desire and Diminution: Emma, Dangerous Intimacies: Toward a Sapphic History of the British Novel" Duke UP 109-143, 1997
27 Booth, Wayne, "Control of Distance in Jane Austen’s Emma, The Rhetoric of Fiction" U of Chicago P 242-266, 1961
28 Brown, Julia Prewitt, "Civilization and the Contentment of Emma, Jane Austen's Novels: Social Change and Literary Form" Harvard UP 101-126, 1979
29 Tobin, Mary-Elizabeth Fowkes, "Aiding Impoverished Gentlewomen: Power and Class in Emma" 30 : 413-430, 1988
30 Austen-Leigh, "A Memoir of Jane Austen" Bentley 1870