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      통일 전 독일연방공화국의 외국인 정책 - 장기적인 외국인 정책은 존재했는가? = West Germany’s Immigration Policy until the Reunification - Was there long-term immigration policies? -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany) has been one of the important destination countries in Europe, despite the fact that until the reunification politicians have long refuse to acknowledge West Germany as an immigration country. The purposes...

      The Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany) has been one of the important destination countries in Europe, despite the fact that until the reunification politicians have long refuse to acknowledge West Germany as an immigration country. The purposes of immigrants to West Germany were diverse. But three main types of international migration in West Germany were labor immigration, the immigration of ethnic Germans, and the immigration of non-German refugees and asylum seekers. While migrant workers were expected to stay only temporarily in West Germany, ethnic Germans were expected to stay permanently.
      Between 1945 and 1949, nearly 9.5 million German refugees and expellees flocked to the territory of today's Germany and about 9 million returnees settled in the western part of the country. Their acceptance and integration in general was eased by their ethnic origin, and the post-war economic boom. In real, they have had to undergo a real immigration process involving national identity, language, and cultural framework, although they are not foreigners according to the German Basic Law, and this situation continues to this day. Today, Aussiedler as Germans have the right of naturalization. Between 1945 and the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, 3.8 million Germans moved from East Germany (the German Democratic Republic) to West Germany. In fact, obstacles like the wall failed to completely stem this flow. This immigration was welcomed economically by the West Germany's expanding industrial sector and politically as a rejection of East German regime's communist political and economic system.
      During the 1950s and 1960s, West Germany signed bilateral recruitment agreements with Italy in 1955, Spain and Greece in 1960, Turkey in 1961, Morocco in 1963, Portugal in 1964, Tunisia in 1965 and Yugoslavia in 1968. These agreements allowed the recruitment of Gastarbeiter(Guest Workers) to work in the industrial sector for jobs that required few qualifications. During the 1950s West Germany experienced a so-called Wirtschaftswunder(economic miracle) and needed more laborers. At first, Gastarbeiter received a work and residence permit for 1 year. This implied a rotation of the recruited workers, and the rule of forced rotation was changed gradually to allow workers to apply for permits to stay for 2 years, and, for 5 additional years. However, the rotation system failed – on the immigrants’ side because the workers tended to stay in West Germany for a longer time than anticipated, and on the employers’ side because the training costs for new workers were regarded as too high.
      In 1973, West Germany as well as other Western European conuntries decided to discontinue the Gastarbeiter policies. As a reaction to the end of recruitment, Gastarbeiter brought their families to live in West Germany, because family reunification was possible even after the recruitment ban. Half of the total immigration to West Germany in the next time consisted of family members. The immigrant workers became increasingly to stay permanently. Because Gastarbeiter had been building up social networks consisting of families, associations, and religious communities, a stable and great immigrant population was formed in West Germany. In the year 1990 the number of the immigrant workers exceeded the 5 million line. Since the mid-1980s increase of refugees and asylum seekers from the former Yugoslavia and from developing countries caused also this exceeding of the 5 million immigrants.
      In the Germany’s immigration history from the end of the World War II to the German reunification, the economy played the most important role: demand and supply in the German labor market. Multiculturalism and the social integration of the immigrants were, and are not so important as the economic reason.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 이용일, "이민과 다문화 사회로의 도전-독일의 이민자 사회통합과 한국적 함의-" 한국서양사학회 (92) : 219-254, 2007

      3 유정희, "영원한 이방인: 독일의 터키 공동체" 한국독일사학회 (18) : 145-177, 2009

      4 전상인, "앵그리(angry) 시대의 사회갈등과 사회통합" 76 : 2008

      5 이용일, "독일연방공화국의 외국인 인력모집정책: 대기업 중심의 독일식 대량생산을 위한 대규모 외국인고용 1955-1973" 한국서양사학회 (85) : 2005

      6 최성환, "다문화주의와 타자의 문제, In 다문화주의의 이론과 실제" 경진 2010

      7 Abelshauser, Werner, "Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980" suhrkamp 1983

      8 Bundesministerium für Arbeit, "Weiterentwicklung der Ausländerpolitik. Beschlüsse der Bundesregierung vom" 19 : 1980-, 1980

      9 Königseder, Angelika, "Türkische Miderheit in Deutschland, In Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, hg., Informationen zur politischen Bildung" 271 :

      10 Kühn, Heinz, "Stand und Weiterentwicklung der Integration der ausländischen Arbeitnehmer un ihrer Familien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Memorandum des Beauftragten der Beundesregierung" 1979

      1 이용일, "파편적ㆍ일국사적 이민연구에서 통합적ㆍ초국가적 이민연구로-독일 이민사 연구노트" (93) : 2007

      2 이용일, "이민과 다문화 사회로의 도전-독일의 이민자 사회통합과 한국적 함의-" 한국서양사학회 (92) : 219-254, 2007

      3 유정희, "영원한 이방인: 독일의 터키 공동체" 한국독일사학회 (18) : 145-177, 2009

      4 전상인, "앵그리(angry) 시대의 사회갈등과 사회통합" 76 : 2008

      5 이용일, "독일연방공화국의 외국인 인력모집정책: 대기업 중심의 독일식 대량생산을 위한 대규모 외국인고용 1955-1973" 한국서양사학회 (85) : 2005

      6 최성환, "다문화주의와 타자의 문제, In 다문화주의의 이론과 실제" 경진 2010

      7 Abelshauser, Werner, "Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980" suhrkamp 1983

      8 Bundesministerium für Arbeit, "Weiterentwicklung der Ausländerpolitik. Beschlüsse der Bundesregierung vom" 19 : 1980-, 1980

      9 Königseder, Angelika, "Türkische Miderheit in Deutschland, In Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, hg., Informationen zur politischen Bildung" 271 :

      10 Kühn, Heinz, "Stand und Weiterentwicklung der Integration der ausländischen Arbeitnehmer un ihrer Familien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Memorandum des Beauftragten der Beundesregierung" 1979

      11 Erhard, Ludwig, "Regierungserklärung des Bundskanzlers am 10. November vor dem Deutschen Bundestag in Bonn, In Die Regierungserklärungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" Olzog 1971

      12 Hunn, Karin, "Nächstes Jahr kehren wir zurück.., In Die Geschichte der türkischen ‘Gastarbeiter’ in der Bundesrepublik" Wallstein Verl 2005

      13 Luft, Stefan, "Mechanismen, Manipulation, Mißbrauch . Ausländerpolitik und Ausländerintegration in Deutschland" Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik 2002

      14 CDU-Geschäftsstelle, "Hg. Ausländerpolitik der CDU, Argumente, Dokumente, Materialien" 1975

      15 Herbert, Ulrich, "Geschichte der Ausländerpolitik in Deutschland. Saisonarbeiter, Zwangsarbeiter, Gastarbeiter, Flüchtlinge" Beck 2001

      16 Hunn, Karin, "Gastarbeiter und Gastarbeiterpolitik in der Bundesrepublik. Vom Beginn der offiziellen Anwerbung bis zum Anwerbestopp(1955-1973), In Dynamische Zeiten. Die 60er Jahre in den beiden deutschen Gesellschaften" Christians 2000

      17 Bet hl ehem, "Gastarbei terzuwanderung, Wanderungsst röme und Wanderungspolitik in der Bundesrepublik" Klett-Cotta 1982

      18 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, "Flüchtlinge und Integration, hg., 6. Bericht über die Lage der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in Deutschland" Bonner Universitäts -Druckerei 2005

      19 Reuter, Lutz-Rainer, "Eine Literaturanalyse zur Lebens- und Bildungssituation von Migranten und zu deng esellsch aftlichen , politischenundrechtlichen Rahmenbedin gungender Ausländerpolitikinder Bundesrepublik Deutschland" Steiner-Verl 1988

      20 Knortz, Heike, "Diplomatische Tagesgeschäfte. »Gastarbeiter« in der westdeutschen Diplomatie und Beschäftigungspolitik 1953-1973" 2008

      21 Pagenstecher, Cord, "Die ‘Illusion’ der Rückkehr. Zur Mentalitätsgeschichte von ‘Gastarbeit’ und Einwanderung" 47 : 1996

      22 Pagenstecher, Cord, "Die ungewollte Einwanderung. Rotationsprinzip und Rückkehrerwartung in der deutschen Ausländerpolitik" 46 (46): 1995

      23 Rhode, Wolfgang, "Die migrationspolitischen Erfahrungen der IG Metall, In Konferenz: 50 Jahre Anwerbeabkommen Deutschland - Italien, WIR BEWEGEN UNS - Migrationen und Migranten in den Gewerkschaften" ver.di Bundesverwaltung 2005

      24 Lee, Yong-Il, "Die Ausläderbeschäftigung als ein Bestandteil des deut sc hen Pr odukt i onsr egimes f ür di e i n dust r i el l e Wachstumsgesellschaft 1955-1973. Die offene Arbeitsmarktpolitik der BRD im Vergleich mit der geschlossenen Arbeitsmarktpolitik Japans" Lit Verlag 2011

      25 von Merkatz, "Deutschland Taschenbuch. Tatsachen und Zahlen" Metzner 1954

      26 Meier-Braun, "Der lange Weg ins Einwanderungsland Deutschland, In Die offene Gesellschaft. Zuwanderung und Integration" Wochenschau Verlag 2007

      27 Incesu, Günal, "Der Anwerbestopp vom 23. November 1973 in der massenmedialen Öffentlichkeit der Bundesrepublik und der Türkei" 2010

      28 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen, "Daten und Fakten zur Ausländersituation" 1999

      29 Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, "Bundesweites Integrationsprogramm. Angebote der Integrationsförderung in Deutschland - Empfehlungen zu ihrer Weiterentwicklung" Bonifatius 2010

      30 Statistisches Bundesamt, "Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft" 1962

      31 Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen, "Bericht über die Lage der Ausländer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" 2002

      32 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für die Belange der Ausländer, "Bericht zur Lage der Ausländer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" 2000

      33 Luft, Stefan, "Ausländerpolitik in Deutschland. Mechanismen, Manipulation, Missbrauch" Resch Verlag 2003

      34 Luft, Stefan, "Abschied von Multikulti. Wege aus der Integrationskrise" Resch Verlag 2007

      35 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, "8. Bericht über die Lage der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in Deutschland" Bonifatius 2010

      36 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, "7. Bericht über die Lage der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in Deutschland" Koelblin- Fortuna-Druck 2007

      37 Italienische Delegation, "50 Jahre Anwerbevertrag. Deutschland-Italien" 2005


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