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      중국문화에 있어 시간, 공간 그리고 로컬리티의 문제 -로컬리티의 인문학을 위한 시공간 의미의 시론적 접근- = A study on concepts of time, space and locality in Chinese cultural thoughts -An approach to concept of time and space for reaching localitology as humanities-



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This thesis is to take a look at the meaning of time and space in Chinese cultural thought, what relation they have with man`s places, including regions, districts, and border areas, and their relations with the space for humanities, for example, of art or of emotion. In a sense checking up concepts of time and space, time of the past, the present and the future especially in Confucianism and Taoism of Chinese schools, and with what relations the location and the place in which man remains his traces are, we are about to basically present the answer to the question, what meaning do time and space have in localities and humanities? Taking into consideration of the view of nature in China, we can find the appreciation of the individuality and the specificity of the objects in nature and its watcher in Chaung-tzu`s thought, but there is originally no discussion of time and space without man. Universe, nature and vacancy, nothingness which are characetr of time and space can have meaning when they are conditions in which the body and the mind of man are. There is surely man, despite he looks faint, in a pastoral or a picture which a poet and a artist describe in any places. By the way the energy or power or mood, which can be named localities as the peculiar and essential character of places, district, and region, can be differentiated as what location in which the viewer may be. In this thesis, we make an attempt to originally approach and discuss the meanings of time and space in which man lives, and localities that anyone observe can be the materials, including cultural, artistic contents not only for the other space of humanities but also for moving spaces of commoners.

      This thesis is to take a look at the meaning of time and space in Chinese cultural thought, what relation they have with man`s places, including regions, districts, and border areas, and their relations with the space for humanities, for example, of a...

      This thesis is to take a look at the meaning of time and space in Chinese cultural thought, what relation they have with man`s places, including regions, districts, and border areas, and their relations with the space for humanities, for example, of art or of emotion. In a sense checking up concepts of time and space, time of the past, the present and the future especially in Confucianism and Taoism of Chinese schools, and with what relations the location and the place in which man remains his traces are, we are about to basically present the answer to the question, what meaning do time and space have in localities and humanities? Taking into consideration of the view of nature in China, we can find the appreciation of the individuality and the specificity of the objects in nature and its watcher in Chaung-tzu`s thought, but there is originally no discussion of time and space without man. Universe, nature and vacancy, nothingness which are characetr of time and space can have meaning when they are conditions in which the body and the mind of man are. There is surely man, despite he looks faint, in a pastoral or a picture which a poet and a artist describe in any places. By the way the energy or power or mood, which can be named localities as the peculiar and essential character of places, district, and region, can be differentiated as what location in which the viewer may be. In this thesis, we make an attempt to originally approach and discuss the meanings of time and space in which man lives, and localities that anyone observe can be the materials, including cultural, artistic contents not only for the other space of humanities but also for moving spaces of commoners.


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