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      淸代 티베트 國師 짱꺄 뢸뻬돌제 ― 그의 삶과 정치・종교・학문적 역할 ― = Qing Dynasty’s National Preceptor Changkya Rölpédorjé — A study on his life and religious and academic roles —



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In order to have a better understanding of the history of the Qing dynasty, it is necessary to get a better picture of the historical function and the status of Tibetan Buddhism. Even though Qing made use of Tibetan Buddhism politically for its Tibeta...

      In order to have a better understanding of the history of the Qing dynasty, it is necessary to get a better picture of the historical function and the status of Tibetan Buddhism. Even though Qing made use of Tibetan Buddhism politically for its Tibetan and Mongolian relation, it is also a fact that the Qing imperial house including its emperors had their sincere religious faith in Tibetan Buddhism. Changkya Rölpédorjé (Lcang skya Rol pa’i rdo rje) is the very person who can represent this multi-faceted aspect of Tibetan Buddhism in the history of the Qing dynasty. This paper attempts to understand the role of Tibetan Buddhism through tracking and analyzing the activities of Changkya Rölpédorjé based mainly on the contents of his Tibetan biographies.
      First, Rol pa’i rdo rje was chosen as a new Changkya incarnation because of his non-affiliated status of ethnic identity to prevent Mongolian monopoly of the system. Afterwards, he was educated and raised as a person who epitomizes the level of development of Tibetan Buddhism in the capital area. Second, Changkya Rölpédorjé’s activities related to the Dalai Lamas show that he was not a puppet-like figure orchestrated only by Qing but had his own voice and agenda for the benefit of the Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism when necessary. Third, Changkya Rölpédorjé’s religious and scholarly activities indicate that he always obliged the Qing government with high-level results which made Tibetan Buddhism as a part of the big machine of the Qing dynasty. In sum, Changkya Rölpédorjé was a symbol of coexistence of Qing and Tibet with his independent mind as well as his cooperative attitude towards Qing.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      1 이블린 S. 로스키, "최후의 황제들: 청 황실의 사회사" 까치 2010

      2 최소영, "대칸의 스승: 팍빠('Phags pa, 八思巴, 1235-1280)와 그의 시대" 동양사학회 (155) : 127-200, 2021

      3 마크 C. 엘리엇, "건륭제" 천지인 2011

      4 안윤아, "건륭 시기 『大藏經』의 滿文 번역과 짱꺄 쿠툭투 3세" 명청사학회 (42) : 135-158, 2014

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      6 旺謙端智, "薩班與涼州四大佛寺" 15 : 9-14, 1993

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      18 김한웅, "淸 기록에 나타난 18세기 티벳 역사상의 비판― 포하네 관련 淸實錄의 내용을 중심으로 ―" 명청사학회 (25) : 141-169, 2006

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      27 Hans-Rainer Kämpfe, "Ñi Ma’i ’Od Zer: Die Biographie Des 2. Pekinger lČaṅSkya - Qutuqtu Rol Pa”i Rdo rJ̌e (1717-1786)" VGH Wiss.-Verl 1976

      28 Lcang skya Rol pa’i rdo rje, "Zhing mchog ri bo rtse lnga’i gnas bshad" Mtsho sngon mi rigs d[e skrun khang 1993

      29 Natalie Köhle, "Why Did the Kangxi Emperor Go to Wutai Shan?: Patronage, Pilgrimage, and the Place of Tibetan Buddhism at the Early Qing Court" 29 (29): 73-119, 2008

      30 Dieter Schuh, "Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Tibetischen Kalenderrechnung" Franz Steiner 1973

      31 Walter Eugene Clark, "Two Lamaistic Pantheons(2 vols.)" Harvard Univ. Press 1937

      32 Dan Martin, "Tibetan Histories : A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works" Serindia 1997

      33 Andrei Vostrikov, "Tibetan Historical Literature" Indian Studies: Past and Present 1970

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      35 Sam Van Schaik, "Tibet: a History" Yale University Press 2014

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      43 Dpal mang paṇḍita Dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, "Rgya bod hor sog gi lo rgyus nyung ngur brjod pa byis pa ’bab stegs" Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang 1990

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      45 Vladimir L Uspenski, "Prince Yunli (1697-1738): Manchu statesman and Tibetan Buddhist" Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa 1997

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      47 David Seyfort Ruegg, "On translating the Buddhist Canon (a dictionary of Indo-Tibetan terminology in Tibetan and Mongolian: the Dag yig mkhaspa'i 'byun gnas of Rol.pa'i.rdo.rje)" International Academy of Indian Culture 5 : 243-261, 1973

      48 José Cabezón, "On Tulku Lineages" 38 : 1-28, 2017

      49 Isabelle Charleux, "Nomads on Pilgrimage Mongols on Wutaishan (China), 1800-1940" Brill 2015

      50 James Millward, "New Qing Imperial History: The Making of Inner Asian Empire at Qing Chengde" RoutledgeCurzon 2004

      51 Wen-shing Chou, "Mount Wutai : Visions of a Sacred Buddhist Mountain" Princeton University Press 2018

      52 Ferdinand Lessing, "Mongolian-English Dictionary" University of California Press 1960

      53 Harold Kahn, "Monarchy in the Emperor's Eyes: Image and Reality in the Ch'ien-Lung Reign" Harvard University Press 1971

      54 Sum pa mkhan po Ye shes dpal ’byor, "Mkhan po erte ni paṇḍ itar grags pa’i spyod tshul brjod pa sgra ’dzin bcud len"

      55 Kato Naoto, "Lobjang Danjin's Rebellion of 1723: With a Focus on the Eve of the Rebellion" 64 : 57-80,

      56 Thu'u bkwan chos kyi nyi ma, "Lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje'i rnam thar" Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang 1989

      57 Rdor phrug, "Krung go’i bod brgyud nang dgon dkar chag las kan su’u glegs bam" Gansu minzu chubanshe 2009

      58 Wakamatsu, Hiroshi, "Ilagugsan Qutugtu: An Essay" 2 : 845-847, 1992

      59 Hanung Kim, "Greater Tibet: An Examination of Borders, Ethnic Boundaries, and Cultural Areas" Lexington Books 37-56, 2015

      60 Max Oidtmann, "Forging the Golden Urn : the Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet" Columbia University Press 2018

      61 Patricia Berger, "Empire of Emptiness: Buddhist Art and Political Authority in Qing China" University of Hawaii Press 2003

      62 Hans-Rainer Kämpfe, "Die soziale Rolle des zweiten Pekinger LčaṅSkya-Qutuqtu Rol Pa’i Rdo Rǰ e (1717-1786)" Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 1974

      63 Luciano Petech, "China and Tibet in the Early XVIIIth Century: History of the Establishment of Chinese Protectorate in Tibet" E. J. Brill 1972

      64 Brenton Sullivan, "Building a Religious Empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa" University of Pennsylvania Press 2021

      65 Lcang skya Rol pa’i rdo rje, "Bskal bzang rgya mtsho'i rnam thar" Deorali Chorten 1977

      66 Dan Martin, "Bonpo Canons and Jesuit Cannons: On Sectarian Factors Involved in the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's Second Goldstream Expedition of 1771-1776 Based Primarily on Some Tibetan Sources" 15 (15): 3-28, 1990

      67 Zhang Yisun, "Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo (2 vols.)" Minzu chunabshe 1985

      68 Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje, "Beautiful Adornment of Mount Meru:A Presentation of Classical Indian Philosophy" Wisdom Publications 2019

      69 Gene Smith, "Among Tibetan texts history and literature of the Himalayan Plateau" Wisdom Publications 2002















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