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1 Kantrowitz B, "Using radiography to evaluate vomiting in dogs and cats" 87 : 806-813, 1992
2 Bradley K, "The small intestine, In BSAVA manual of canine and feline abdominal imaging" BSAVA Gloucester 110-131, 2009
3 McNeel SV, "The small bowel, In Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology" Saunders 493-510, 1986
4 Kleine LJ, "The role of radiography in the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in dogs and cats" 1 : 44-51, 1979
5 Gibbs C, "The radiological diagnosis of gastrointestinal obstruction in the dog" 14 : 61-82, 1973
6 Gomez J., "The gastrointestinal contrast study" 4 : 805-842, 1974
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9 Graham J, "Quantitative estimation of intestinal dilation as a predictor of obstruction in the dog" 39 : 521-524, 1998
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