The present study aimed to investigate recognition of adults in their 20's on Alzheimer's disease and its preventive diet. Subjects of this study were a total of 222 adults in their 20's (mean age: 24.4) in Korea. Major findings of this study were: 1)...
The present study aimed to investigate recognition of adults in their 20's on Alzheimer's disease and its preventive diet. Subjects of this study were a total of 222 adults in their 20's (mean age: 24.4) in Korea. Major findings of this study were: 1) knowledge of the subjects on Alzheimer's disease and its preventive diets was scored as 17.4 (mean) out of 23 (75.6 out of 100); 2) 60.8% of the subjects answered the prevention of Alzheimer's disease should begin since they are in their 30's; 3) the subjects considered 'medical doctor' as the most appropriate educator for the preventive diets against Alzheimer's disease; 4) the higher interest of the subjects on Alzheimer's disease and its preventive diet. the higher recognition of the subjects on the need of knowledge and education. The present study suggest that adults in their 20's need to be better educated on the most right timing and appropriate educator for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease as well as fundamental knowledge for effectively making out their daily manu with the preventive diets.