1 Mccullagh,, "What do Historians Argue About?" 43 (43): 2004
2 Inglehart,, "Trust, Well-Being and Democracy" Cambridge University Press 1999
3 Palti, "The Return of the Subject as a Historico-Intellectual Problem" 43 (43): 2004
4 Seligson, "The Renaissance of Political Culture or the Renaissance of the Ecological Fallacy?" 34 (34): 2002
5 Ronald, "The Renaissance of Political Culture" 1988
6 Manin, "The Principles of Representative Government" Cambridge University Press 1997
7 Beckert,, "The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896." Cambridge University Press 2001
8 Eckstein, "The Idea of Political Development From Dignity to Efficiency" 1982
9 Salmon, "Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World" Princeton University Press 1984
10 Inglehart,, "Political Culture and Democracy: Analyzing Cross- Level Linkages" 36 (36): 2003
1 Mccullagh,, "What do Historians Argue About?" 43 (43): 2004
2 Inglehart,, "Trust, Well-Being and Democracy" Cambridge University Press 1999
3 Palti, "The Return of the Subject as a Historico-Intellectual Problem" 43 (43): 2004
4 Seligson, "The Renaissance of Political Culture or the Renaissance of the Ecological Fallacy?" 34 (34): 2002
5 Ronald, "The Renaissance of Political Culture" 1988
6 Manin, "The Principles of Representative Government" Cambridge University Press 1997
7 Beckert,, "The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896." Cambridge University Press 2001
8 Eckstein, "The Idea of Political Development From Dignity to Efficiency" 1982
9 Salmon, "Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World" Princeton University Press 1984
10 Inglehart,, "Political Culture and Democracy: Analyzing Cross- Level Linkages" 36 (36): 2003
11 Dowe, "Physical Causation" Cambridge University Press 2000
12 Inglehart,, "Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Countries." Princeton University Press 1997
13 Stepan-Norris,, "Left Out:Reds and America's Industrial Unions" Cambridge University Press 2003
14 Chilton, "Grounding Political Development" Lynne Reinner Publishers 1990
15 Robinson, "Ecological Correlations and the Behavior of Individuals" 1950
16 Park, "Dissent to Utopian Solution" 1984
17 Robertson, "Dictionary of Politics" Penguin Books 1985
18 Dahl, "Democracy and Its Critics" Yale University Press 1991
19 Chilton, "Defining Political Development" Lynne Reinner Publishers 1988
20 Inglehart, "Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Societies" Princeton University Press 1990
21 Achen,, "Cross-Level Inference" University of Chicago Press 1995
22 Putnam, "Civic Traditions in Modern Italy" Princeton Princeton University Press 1993
23 Salmon,, "Causality and Explanation" Oxford University Press 1998
24 Salmon, "Causal Explanation of Behavior" 70 (70): 2003
25 Pye, "Aspects of Political Development" 1966