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      臺灣的高齡化社會與身分法的變動: 以成年監護及生存配偶之保障為中心 = Aging Society and the Response of Family and Succession Laws in Taiwan: Focused on Adult Guardianship and the Protection for Surviving Spouse



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This article attempts to illustrate the response of family and succession laws to population aging in Taiwan by analyzing the recent legal reforms of adult guardianship and marital property regime. To begin with, the new adult guardianship law enacted...

      This article attempts to illustrate the response of family and succession laws to population aging in Taiwan by analyzing the recent legal reforms of adult guardianship and marital property regime. To begin with, the new adult guardianship law enacted in 2009 aims to support the elderly to perform juristic behaviors, which is an improvement from the old interdiction as a result of the gradually increased number of users. However, the restrictions to an individual's legal capacity, in addition to the inflexibility to customize it according to his/her requirements, as well as the endowment of excessive power of guardian but with finite supervision may not conform to the standard of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. On the other hand, according to Taiwan’s statutory matrimonial regime, the right to claim for distribution of the remainder of the property was first introduced into Taiwan’s Civil Code in 1985. It comes in effect at the termination of a marriage due to divorce or the death of spouse. Therefore, in the case where the deceased spouse’s individual gains is more than the surviving party, the deceased party (and his/her heirs) is obliged to pay half of the remaining property to the surviving person. Furthermore, only the remaining property left after the aforementioned claims can be divided equally among the spouse and children according to the rule of succession law. As a result, the total acquisition through the claim of remaining property and inheritance is sufficient to maintain a certain standard of living for the aged surviving spouse. As the marriage length varies in every couple, this method is believed to lead to a more reasonable and fair solution rather than solely adopting the rule of succession. Nevertheless, legislators and commentators in Taiwan have been experiencing a debate on the inheritability and transferability of the claim of remaining property. The entanglement has caused the Civil Code to be amended several times in the past thirty years, yet this issue hardly existed in court cases, showing there is still a long way to reach a consensus outcome. Finally, in addition to the aforementioned legal reforms, court cases also play a significant role in reconstructing family and succession laws to meet the needs of aging society.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 關於舊禁治產制度的問題參見鄧學仁, "高齡社會之成年監護" 3 : 337-338, 1998

      3 黃詩淳, "高齡化社會法律之新挑戰: 以財產管理為中心" 新學林 116-118,

      4 黃詩淳, "高齡化社會 法律之新挑戰: 以財產管理為中心" 新學林 392-393, 2014

      5 朴仁煥, "韓国新成年後見制度の成立と課題" (14) : 162-164, 2012

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      7 林萬億, "部門憲法" 元照 280-282, 2006

      8 詳細推論參見黃詩淳, "遺產繼承之圖像與原理解析" 40 (40): 2217-2231, 2011

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