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      평화학의 진화 : 연원, 계보, 복합화 = The Evolution of Peace Studies: Origins, Approaches, and Complexity



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본고는 평화학을 일방적으로 정의하거나 그 대상을 한정하기보다는 평화학의 사상적 연원을 살펴보고 평화학의 계보와 발전 경로를 밝히려는 데 목적이 있다. 여기서는 칸트(Immanuel Kant), 톨...

      본고는 평화학을 일방적으로 정의하거나 그 대상을 한정하기보다는 평화학의 사상적 연원을 살펴보고 평화학의 계보와 발전 경로를 밝히려는 데 목적이 있다. 여기서는 칸트(Immanuel Kant), 톨스토이(Leo Tolstoy), 마르크스(Karl Marx)를 평화학의 사상적 원류로 본다. 이들의 사상은 각각 국가중심적, 인간중심적, 구조비판적 접근을 대표하며 오늘날 평화학의 발전에 심대한 영향을 미쳤다. 세 접근은 궁극적으로 인간의 생명과 존엄성을 추구한다는 점에서 공통점을 지니지만, 평화 및 갈등의 주체에 대한 인식 그리고 분석 대상에 관해서 서로 구분된다. 칸트의 영원한 평화론에 근거한 국가중심 접근은 국가가 주체인 가운데 국가 간 전쟁 방지와 국제평화를 주요 과제로 삼는다. 국가중심 접근은 냉전기 케네스 볼딩, 칼 도이치 등이 국가 간 안보협력을 논하면서 공동체 개념을 주요하게 다루었으며 냉전 후에는 구성주의 영향아래 안보공동체 개념을 제시하면서 오늘날 평화학의 중요한 한 흐름을 이루고 있다. 톨스토이의 비폭력주의에 사상적 기원을 둔 인간중심 접근은 냉전기 요한 갈퉁이 적극적 평화, 구조적 폭력, 문화적 폭력 등의 개념을 제시한 이래 사회적 공정에 기초한 평화학의 한 흐름으로 발전하게 되었다. 이 접근은 냉전 종식 이후 인간안보 개념을 재시한 이후 그 중요성을 더하게 되고 관련 연구가 급속히 확산되는 추세에 있다. 마르크스의 자본주의체제 비판에 연원을 둔 구조비판 접근은 자본주의 발전과 더불어 드러나는 갈등구조의 변화에 관심을 둔다. 냉전기에 후기 마르크스주의라 자칭한 신좌파는 사회적 적대관계가 계급관계에서 뿐만 아니라 인권, 핵, 생태 등 다양한 주제를 중심으로 발생함을 분석하였고, 냉전 종식 후의 좌파 지식계는 마르크스주의(“적색”)와 생태주의(“녹색”)를 결합하여 생태사회주의를 제시하게 된다. 평화학의 세 가지 접근은 냉전기에는 각각 분업화된 채 전개되었지만 냉전 종식 후에는 서로 중첩되고 결합하는 복합화 현상을 보이고 있다. 평화학의 복합화 현상은 보호책임론, 평화구축론, 기후변화 대응 등에서 그 예를 찾을 수 있다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this paper is to examine the philosophical origins of peace studies and to uncover the path of its development. The paper shows that the thoughts of Immanuel Kant, Leo Tolstoy, and Karl Marx represent a state-centered approach, a human-...

      The purpose of this paper is to examine the philosophical origins of peace studies and to uncover the path of its development. The paper shows that the thoughts of Immanuel Kant, Leo Tolstoy, and Karl Marx represent a state-centered approach, a human-centered approach, and a structurecritical approach, respectively, and have had a profound impact on the evolution of peace studies today. All three approaches share the ultimate pursuit of human life and dignity, but they differ from one another in terms of epistemology and the subject matters of peace and conflict. The state-centered approach based on Kant’s theory of peace, conceiving the state to be the main actor, sees its main tasks as preventing wars between states and protecting international peace and security. Since the Cold War era, when Kenneth Boulding and Karl Deutsch discussed the concept of community to ensure security cooperation between states, the state-centered approach has formed an important current of peace studies today. The precursors’ concept of the security community has been succeeded by a group of constructivist scholars in the study of international relations. The human-centered approach based on Tolstoy’s idea of non-violence has become an important part of peace studies since the Cold War period, when Johan Galtung presented such concepts as positive peace, structural violence, and cultural violence. In the post-Cold War era, the concept of human security became prevalent after the United Nations Development Programme presented the concept of human security. The structure-critical approach, which is rooted in Marx’s critique of capitalism, has paid attention to changes in the structure of conflict―changes that have taken place in accordance with the development of contemporary capitalism. During the Cold War, the New Left attributed contradictory social relations not only to the class structure but also to differences over issues such as human rights, nuclear technology, and ecology that emerged along with the rise of post-materialist values. With the thawing of the Cold War, Marxists presented ecosocialism by combining Marxism (red) and ecology (green). The above-mentioned three approaches practiced a division of labor in the Cold War, but afterwards they have become incrementally interconnected and combined. Examples of the so-called complex peace studies are found in such concepts as responsibility to protect (R2P) and peacebuilding, and in the three approaches’ engagement in the debates about the climate change issue.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 국립국어원, "표준국어대사전"

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      2 국립국어원, "표준국어대사전"

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      12 서보혁, "요한 갈퉁의 평화‧인권론" 4 (4): 185-196, 2012

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      19 United Nations General Assembly, "“2005 World Summit Outcome” in Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly"

      20 Galtung, Johan, "Violence, Peace and Peace Research" 6 (6): 167-191, 1969

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      22 "United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 1994" Oxford University Press 1994

      23 Boulding, Kenneth E, "Twelve Friendly Quarrels with Johan Galtung" 14 (14): 75-86, 1977

      24 Tolstoy, Leo, "The Spiritual Works of Leo Tolstoy" e-artnow 2016

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      26 International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, "The Responsibility to Protect"

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      32 Boulding, Kenneth E, "The Economics of Peace" Michael Joseph Ltd 1946

      33 Boulding, Kenneth E, "Stable Peace" University of Texas Press 1978

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      42 Laclau, Ernesto, "Post-Marxism without Apologies"

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      44 Gallie, W. B, "Philosophers of Peace and War: Kant, Clausewitz, Marx Engels and Tolstoy" Cambridge University Press 1978

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      49 Fine, Ben, "Marx’s Capital" Macmillan 1989

      50 Burkett, Paul, "Marxism and Ecological Economics: Toward a Red and Green Political Economy" Haymarket Books 2009

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      53 Roberts, David, "Liberal Peacebuilding and the Locus of Legitimacy" Routledge 2015

      54 McLellan, David, "Karl Marx: Selected Writings" Oxford University Press 1977

      55 Doyle, Michael W, "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part 2" 12 (12): 323-353, 1983

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      58 PRIO, "Inspiration from a Father: Johan Gatung Interviewed by Henrik Urdal"

      59 MacFarland, Neil S, "Human Security and the UN: A Critical History" Indiana University Press 2006

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      64 Williams, Chris, "Ecology and Socialism : Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis" Haymarket Books 2010

      65 Miliband, Ralf, "Divided Societies: Class Struggle in Contemporary Capitalism" Oxford University Press 1989

      66 Senghaas, Dieter, "Dieter Senghaas: Pioneer of Peace and Development Research" Springer 2013

      67 Galtung, Johan, "Cultural Violence" 27 (27): 291-305, 1990

      68 Acharya, Amitav, "Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order" Routledge 2009

      69 Acharya, Amitav, "Constructing Global Order: Agency and Change in World Politics" Cambridge University Press 2018


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