The use of general anesthesia as a special method of behavior management is necessary if certain handicapped or unmanaged patients be to receive dental treatment.
This study was designed to report the result of 13 cases of complete oral rehabilitatio...
The use of general anesthesia as a special method of behavior management is necessary if certain handicapped or unmanaged patients be to receive dental treatment.
This study was designed to report the result of 13 cases of complete oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia.
The data were obtained from 13 patinents managed under general anesthesia at the Dept. of Pedodontics, Chosun Universit. The distribution of age, source of referral, primary reason for general anesthesia, preoperative physical status, oral condition, intubation methods, drugs used for maintaining the general anesthesia, types and extent of dental treatment, duration of procedure, duration of hospitalization, and postoperative complications were surveyed.
The results were obtained as follows :
1. In distribution of age, most(92.3%) were younger than 10 years and mean was 5.2years. The major sources of patients(69.2%) came to the practice at their own intiative and the other(30.7%) were refered local dentist.
2. In the primary reason for general anesthesia, the majority of the patients(76.9%) were management problem and others(13.1%) were received general anesthesia because of mentally or physical handicapped.
3. In the preoperative physical status, the majority of the patients(92.3%) were in ASA class Ⅰ or class Ⅱ. In the preoperative oral condition, the mean number of caries teeth was 12.
4. Nasotracheal intubation was used in all patients and the drug used for maintaining the general anesthesia were Enflurane.
5. In the performed dental treatment, the mean number of teeth treated with amalgam 1.5, G-Ⅰ filling 2.1, resin filling 3.6, sealing 1.4, pulpotomy 0.7, pulpectomy 1.6, preformed crown 3.7, and Extracted teeth was 0.2 . The mean duration of procedure was 178 min, and the mean duration of hospitalization was 1.6days.
6. Of the 13 patients, postoperative complications developed in 3 patients(23%). Complication were postoperative fever.