호계서원은 1576년(선조9) 퇴계 이황의 學德을 기리고 계승하기 위하여 그 문인들이 安東에 세운 서원이다. 처음은 廬江서원이 었으나 1676년(숙종2) 虎溪로 사액되었다. 건립이후 直傳弟子의 ...
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位次논쟁 ; 儒生上疏 ; 道學 ; 理學 ; 禮學 ; 主理說 ; 書院講學 ; 講會 ; 虎溪精神 ; Order of Precedence Dispute ; Confucian Scholars’ Appeal ; Theory of Principle ; Li ; 理 ; Neo-Confucianism ; Ritual Studies ; Primacy of Principle ; Seowon Lectures ; Scholarly Gatherings ; Hogye Spirit
다운로드국문 초록 (Abstract)
호계서원은 1576년(선조9) 퇴계 이황의 學德을 기리고 계승하기 위하여 그 문인들이 安東에 세운 서원이다. 처음은 廬江서원이 었으나 1676년(숙종2) 虎溪로 사액되었다. 건립이후 直傳弟子의 ...
호계서원은 1576년(선조9) 퇴계 이황의 學德을 기리고 계승하기 위하여 그 문인들이 安東에 세운 서원이다. 처음은 廬江서원이 었으나 1676년(숙종2) 虎溪로 사액되었다. 건립이후 直傳弟子의 入享문제로 계파간에 다소 논난이 있었지만 상호존중과 양보, 협력하는 정신으로 극복하면서, 퇴계학의 본산으로서 학설을 발전시키고 학풍을 이어 왔다. 그러나 19세기에 발생한 문중과 계파간의 갈등인 屛虎是非의 과정에서 끝내 화합치 못하고 철폐되는 비운을 맞았다. 오늘날 재건된 호계서원에서는 이러한 호계정신의 부활과 함께 그 새로운 역할을 위한 진로 모색과 강회활동의 현대적 활성화를 위한 방안이 논의되기를 기대한다.
다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
The Hogye seowon was established in 1576 (the 9th year of King Seonjo's reign) in Andong by the disciples of Yi Hwang, also known as Toegye, to honor and perpetuate his scholarly virtues. Originally named Yeogang seowon, it was granted the royal plaqu...
The Hogye seowon was established in 1576 (the 9th year of King Seonjo's reign) in Andong by the disciples of Yi Hwang, also known as Toegye, to honor and perpetuate his scholarly virtues. Originally named Yeogang seowon, it was granted the royal plaque of Hogye in 1 676 (the 2nd year of King Sukjong's reign). Since its establishment, there were some disputes among factions over the enshrinement of direct transmission disciples. However, these were overcome through mutual respect, concession, and cooperation, leading to the development of Toegye's scholarly teachings and the continuation of its academic tradition as a principal center of Toegye studies. Unfortunately, during the 19th century, internal conflicts known as the Byeongho Dispute 屛⻁是⾮ arose between different factions and lineages, ultimately leading to the abolition of the seowon. Today, with the reconstructed Hogye seowon, there is hope for the revival of the Hogye spirit, along with discussions on exploring new roles, charting future directions, and modern revitalization strategies for scholarly gatherings and lectures.