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      근세초 西日本 지역 ‘조선인 집단거주지’ = Villages of Joseon residents of western Japan in early Tokugawa period



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      As there were many daimyos in the western parts of Japan, there were also a relatively large number of Korean war prisoners taken from Joseon as well as those who chose to move to Japan permanently. In fact, touzinmachi and kouraichyou--villages where...

      As there were many daimyos in the western parts of Japan, there were also a relatively large number of Korean war prisoners taken from Joseon as well as those who chose to move to Japan permanently. In fact, touzinmachi and kouraichyou--villages where war prisoners from Joseon resided in communities--were formed, scattered throughout western Japan.

      The villages of Joseon residents which this paper examines are divided into the ones where Joseon people happened to live together and others where Joseon people of a particular profession collectively resided. Not all of those residential areas or villages were investigated in this essay; I do not propose to generalize the findings of this study hastily. However, as far as the author's research comprehended, these collective residential areas did not seem to have been established arbitrarily, or coercively, by forces of the Clan.

      The first-generation war prisoners from Joseon shared a sense of solidarity out of their national or professional identity, and naturally formed a community by gathering to live in close proximity. In the process, they were recognized as groups of specialized workmen or craftsmen by the Clan authorities in the context of the latter's promotion of commerce and industry. These groups included potters, bean curd makers, and tradesmen. As experts in their specialized trades, they were endowed with certain public status and treated honorably. Even in the Nagasaki area where Joseon residents were not characterized by particular skills, no legal sanctions are found which targeted only the Joseon residents.

      The legal and social status of Joseon immigrants or Joseon-Japanese residents in Japanese society, as well as any discriminatory practices against them, can be further illuminated with a more sustained comprehensive research of historical materials regarding the policies of the Clan of the region. Such is the continuing interest of this author, which should come to fruition in a future project.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 "조선왕조실록 선조32년(1599) 4월15일(갑자)"

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      4 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 일본생활—왜 납치되었고 어떻게 살았을까—" 36 : 2003

      5 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 일본생활—왜 납치되었고 어떻게 살았을까—" 36 : 2003

      6 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 귀환과 잔류로의 길" 한일관계사학회 (20) : 2004

      7 민덕기, "임진왜란 중에 납치된 조선인 문제, In 임진왜란과 한일관계" 경인문화사 2005

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      9 민덕기, "납치된 조선인들은 일본에서 어떻게 살았을까, In 한일관계2천년 보이는 역사, 보이지 않는 역사 근세" 경인문화사 2006

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      1 윤용이, "「‘陶瓷器의 길’(朝鮮陶工에 의한 日本陶에의 영향)" 16 : 1994

      2 "조선왕조실록 선조32년(1599) 4월15일(갑자)"

      3 윤유숙, "전국시대 일본적 세계관과 신국사상, In 동아시아 세계의 일본사상—일본 중심적 세계관 생성의 시대별 고찰—" 동북아역사재단 121-122, 2009

      4 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 일본생활—왜 납치되었고 어떻게 살았을까—" 36 : 2003

      5 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 일본생활—왜 납치되었고 어떻게 살았을까—" 36 : 2003

      6 민덕기, "임진왜란에 납치된 조선인의 귀환과 잔류로의 길" 한일관계사학회 (20) : 2004

      7 민덕기, "임진왜란 중에 납치된 조선인 문제, In 임진왜란과 한일관계" 경인문화사 2005

      8 박화진, "일본 그리스챤 시대 규슈지역에 대한 고찰" 부산경남사학회 (54) : 191-226, 2005

      9 민덕기, "납치된 조선인들은 일본에서 어떻게 살았을까, In 한일관계2천년 보이는 역사, 보이지 않는 역사 근세" 경인문화사 2006

      10 高知縣, "高知縣史要" 濱田印刷所 606-, 1924

      11 中村質校訂, "長崎平戶町人別帳" 1965

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      20 米谷均, "朝鮮通信使と被虜人刷還活動について, In 対馬宗家文書 第Ⅰ期 朝鮮通信使 記録別冊" ゆまに書房 1999

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      34 "國史大辭典" 吉川弘文館 126-, 1979

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      39 米谷均, "17세기 日․朝관계에서의 피로인의 송환 —惟政의 在日쇄환활동을 중심으로—, In 사명당과 유정" 지식산업사 2000

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