1 이정환, "중증 간질환 환자의 신경전도검사 소견과 간이식술 후의 변화" 대한재활의학회 25 (25): 795-802, 2001
2 서정기, "윌슨병:진단과 치료의 최근 동향" 12 : 333-363, 2006
3 Jung KH, "Wison disease with an initial manifestation of polyneuropathy" 62 : 1628-1631, 2005
4 Kharbanda PS, "Peripheral neuropathy in liver cirrhosis" 18 : 922-926, 2003
5 Pedersen PB, "Penicillamine-induced neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis" 81 : 188-190, 1990
6 Mark CM, "Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease: a comprehensive review" 45 : 263-290, 2008
7 Piga M, "Brain MRI and SPECT in the diagnosis of early neurologic involvement in Wilson’s disease" 35 : 716-724, 2008
8 Brouwer M, "Biochemical defense mecha-nisms against copper-induced oxidative damage in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus" 351 : 257-264, 1998
9 Dumitru D, "Acquied neuropathy. in : Electrodiagnostic medicine, 2nd ed" Hanley & Belfus 987-, 2002
10 Miyakawa T, "A biopsy case of Wilson’s disease: pathological changes in peripheral nerves" 24 : 174-177, 1973
1 이정환, "중증 간질환 환자의 신경전도검사 소견과 간이식술 후의 변화" 대한재활의학회 25 (25): 795-802, 2001
2 서정기, "윌슨병:진단과 치료의 최근 동향" 12 : 333-363, 2006
3 Jung KH, "Wison disease with an initial manifestation of polyneuropathy" 62 : 1628-1631, 2005
4 Kharbanda PS, "Peripheral neuropathy in liver cirrhosis" 18 : 922-926, 2003
5 Pedersen PB, "Penicillamine-induced neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis" 81 : 188-190, 1990
6 Mark CM, "Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease: a comprehensive review" 45 : 263-290, 2008
7 Piga M, "Brain MRI and SPECT in the diagnosis of early neurologic involvement in Wilson’s disease" 35 : 716-724, 2008
8 Brouwer M, "Biochemical defense mecha-nisms against copper-induced oxidative damage in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus" 351 : 257-264, 1998
9 Dumitru D, "Acquied neuropathy. in : Electrodiagnostic medicine, 2nd ed" Hanley & Belfus 987-, 2002
10 Miyakawa T, "A biopsy case of Wilson’s disease: pathological changes in peripheral nerves" 24 : 174-177, 1973