1 이정우, "해석적 모형을 이용한 심부대수층 지하수 양수로 인한 하천수 감소량 분석" 대한토목학회 36 (36): 769-777, 2016
2 Hantush, M. S., "Wells near streams with semipervious beds" 70 (70): 2829-2838, 1965
3 Hunt, B., "Unsteady stream depletion when pumping from semiconfined aquifer" 8 (8): 13-19, 2003
4 Hunt, B., "Unsteady stream depletion from ground water pumping" 37 (37): 98-102, 1999
5 Theis, C. V, "The effect of a well on the flow of a nearby stream" 22 (22): 734-738, 1941
6 Jenkins, C. T., "Techniques for computing rate and volume of stream depletion by wells" 6 (6): 37-46, 1968
7 Hunt, B., "Stream depletion in a two-layer leaky aquifer system" 14 (14): 895-903, 2009
8 Ward, N. D., "Stream depletion from pumping a semiconfined aquifer in a two-layer leaky aquifer system" 16 (16): 955-959, 2011
9 Hunt, B., "Stream depletion for streams and aquifers with finite widths" 13 (13): 80-89, 2008
10 Zlotnik, V. A., "Stream depletion by groundwater pumping in leaky aquifers" 13 (13): 43-50, 2008
1 이정우, "해석적 모형을 이용한 심부대수층 지하수 양수로 인한 하천수 감소량 분석" 대한토목학회 36 (36): 769-777, 2016
2 Hantush, M. S., "Wells near streams with semipervious beds" 70 (70): 2829-2838, 1965
3 Hunt, B., "Unsteady stream depletion when pumping from semiconfined aquifer" 8 (8): 13-19, 2003
4 Hunt, B., "Unsteady stream depletion from ground water pumping" 37 (37): 98-102, 1999
5 Theis, C. V, "The effect of a well on the flow of a nearby stream" 22 (22): 734-738, 1941
6 Jenkins, C. T., "Techniques for computing rate and volume of stream depletion by wells" 6 (6): 37-46, 1968
7 Hunt, B., "Stream depletion in a two-layer leaky aquifer system" 14 (14): 895-903, 2009
8 Ward, N. D., "Stream depletion from pumping a semiconfined aquifer in a two-layer leaky aquifer system" 16 (16): 955-959, 2011
9 Hunt, B., "Stream depletion for streams and aquifers with finite widths" 13 (13): 80-89, 2008
10 Zlotnik, V. A., "Stream depletion by groundwater pumping in leaky aquifers" 13 (13): 43-50, 2008
11 Butler Jr., J. J., "Pumpinginduced drawdown and stream depletion in a leaky aquifer system" 45 (45): 178-186, 2007
12 Christensen, S., "Optimal design of pumping tests in leaky aquifers for stream depletion analysis" 375 (375): 554-565, 2009
13 이정우, "Hunt 해석해를 이용한 천부대수층 지하수 양수로 인한 하천수 감소 영향 분석" 한국수자원학회 49 (49): 923-930, 2016
14 Zlotnik, V. A., "Effect of shallow penetration and streambed sediments on aquifer response to stream stage fluctuations (analytical model)" 37 (37): 599-605, 1999
15 Butler Jr., J. J., "Drawdown and stream depletion produced by pumping in the vicinity of a partially penetrating stream" 39 (39): 651-659, 2001
16 Hantush, M. S., "Advances in Hydroscience, Vol. 1" Academic Press 281-432, 1964
17 Vitaly A. Zlotnik, "A concept of maximum stream depletion rate for leaky aquifers in alluvial valleys" Wiley-Blackwell 40 (40): 2004