The present study estimated the a and b parameters of the weight‐length relationship of five fish species that inhabit the tidal creeks of islands in the Amazon estuary: Colomesus asellus, Geophagus proximus, Lithodoras dorsalis, Pseudauchenipterus ...
The present study estimated the a and b parameters of the weight‐length relationship of five fish species that inhabit the tidal creeks of islands in the Amazon estuary: Colomesus asellus, Geophagus proximus, Lithodoras dorsalis, Pseudauchenipterus nodosus, Pachypops fourcroi. The species were collected quarterly between October 2013 to July 2014 using block nets made from 20 mm mesh size. The b coefficient of the regression of the weight on the total length of these species ranged from 2.71 to 3.14. These are the first reference on the weight‐length relationship for three species and the new maximum length recorded for two species.