CLINICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS of subgingival delivery of 10% minocycline-loaded (MC), bioabsorbable microcapsules were examined in 15 adult periodontitis patients. Patients received oral hygiene instruction 2 weeks prior to the study. At baseli...
CLINICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS of subgingival delivery of 10% minocycline-loaded (MC), bioabsorbable microcapsules were examined in 15 adult periodontitis patients. Patients received oral hygiene instruction 2 weeks prior to the study. At baseline (day 0) all teeth received supragingival scaling (SC); 2 quadrants received no further treatment and 1 quadrant received subgingival scaling and root planing (SRP). In the fourth quadrant, the tooth with the deepest probing sites (at least 1 site ≥5 ㎜) was treated with minocycline microcapsules. The sites were evaluated at baseline and weeks 1, 2, 4, and 6. Clinical indices included bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depths (PD), and attachment loss (AL). Microbiological evaluations included percent morphotypes by phase-contrast microscopy; cultivable anaerobic, aerobic, and black-pigmented Bacteroides (BPB); and percent Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Eikenella corrodens, and Actinomyces viscosus by indirect immunofluorescence. In the SC+MC group, BOP, PD, and AL were significantly reduced from baseline for weeks 1 to 6. BOP in the SC+MC group was significantly reduced compared to the SRP group from weeks 2 to 6. In the SC+MC group the percent of spirochetes and motile rods decreased and the percent of cocci increased after 1 week. The increased cocci and decreased motile rods were statistically greater at week 4 and 6 in the SC+MC group compared to the SRP group. This study demonstrates that local subgingival delivery of 10% minocycline-loaded microcapsules as an adjunct to scaling results in reduction in the percent sites bleeding on probing greater than scaling and root planing alone and induces a microbial response more favorable for periodontal health than scaling and root planing. J Periodontol 1997;68:1102-1109.