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      몽골제국 카안울루스에서의 말과 일상의 변화·충돌·조정 ―비싸고 짓밟고 늙고 병들고 잃고― = Spread of Horses in People’s Daily Lives in the Qa’an Ulus of the Mongol Empire: Changes, Conflicts and Settlements —Expensive, Treading, Aging, Sick and Lost Horses—



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper examines the spread of horse riding culture, horse trade, and horse raising knowledge in the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries and its effects and defects in the daily lives in the Qa’an ulus (or, the Yuan dynasty) of the Mongol emp...

      This paper examines the spread of horse riding culture, horse trade, and horse raising knowledge in the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries and its effects and defects in the daily lives in the Qa’an ulus (or, the Yuan dynasty) of the Mongol empire.
      The previous works greatly contributes to our understanding the production and management of horses in Mongolia, China and Goryeo (especially, Tamla 耽羅, or present Jejudo, Korea) in the empire in terms of military and economic affairs, and comprehending the operation of horse ranches in East and West Asia. On the other hand, they paid little attention to how horses in and out of Mongolia had affected society, culture and daily life in the Mongol steppe, as well as in the rural and urban areas. Precedent studies slightly neglected the colorful variables of horses as animals, and their multifaceted ties with people.
      The Mongols were able to nurture and supply high-quality horses with efficient labor of pastoral nomadism. The Mongols were very good at raising and riding horses. Mongolia was rich in grass and water, so it was suitable for herding sheep and horses. The Nongsang jiyao 農桑輯要, the Essentials of Agriculture and Sericulture provides a manual of feeding horses, their diseases and prescriptions. The Jujia biyong shilei quanji 居家必用事類全集, the Complete Collection of Classified Affairs Essential for Those Living at Home, one of the encyclopedias compiled under Mongol rule in the Yuan dynasty, which contains daily obligations of living among people, also elaborates the general methods to raise horses in a chapter of the “Yangma conglun” 養馬總論 and the essential knowledge to breed and raise livestock in a chapter of the “Muyang xuzhi” 牧養須知. The existence of these manuals supports the spread of horses and knowledge of horse raising in China.
      However, the manual did not necessarily guarantee the stabilization of the methods to raise horses. In the 1230s, the Chinese grew horses in exactly opposite ways of horse raising of the Mongols, so horses often got sick.
      The Mongols established administrative offices for stable supply and management of horses in China, such as the Quanmu suo 羣牧所, or the Office of Imperial Horse Raising and Harnesses, the Taipu si 太僕寺, or the Office of Imperial Horses, and others. The imperial pasturelands of the Qa’an ulus reached from Tamla (present Jejudo, Korea) in the east to Qori Tumat 火里禿麻 (now areas from the east to the west of the lake Baikal) in the north, Gansu 甘肅 in the west and Yunnan 雲南 in the south. The continual conquest of the Mongol troops and the consequent increase in horse demand stimulated the need for knowledge of horse raising and prompted the spread of the knowledge.
      The imperial spread and infiltration of horses caused widespread repercussions in the multi-aspect daily lives of subjects under the Mongols. Despite the increase in horses, unlike other livestock, people could not easily eat horses and cattle. Horse riding was a privilege, so horse raising was also sometimes a prerogative. Horse raising farmers or nomads often exercised illegalities against people. The increase of horses in farming lands in China often adversely affected agriculture and crops. Horse riding could cause accidents on the streets and alleys in cities and towns. Livestock was often lost. The Mongol government took a variety of administrative measures to solve these problems. In another point of view, unlike crops, horses were a product of greater burden to people and causing state intervention.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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