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      20세기 전반 한반도에서 日帝의 渡航 관리정책 = A Study on Travel Management Policy of the Empire of Japan in the Korean Peninsula in the First Half of the 20th Century - Focused on Chinese Laborers -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper is on travel management policies of the Empire of Japan in the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the 20th century. This is connected to the author’s long-standing interest how the Japanese imperial Space which emerged in modern East Asian regional world was recognized and reconstructed from the perspective of transnational migrants. In this paper, the author aims to put special emphasis on the deviation of travel management between the Government-General of Korea in the Korean Peninsula and the “Government in Tokyo” in the interior of Japan, the relation between Chinese laborers and Japanese imperial space, and the relation between Korean Laborers, which was a different immigrant group, and it.
      It can be said that the entry of Chinese laborers into the Korean Peninsula had a different structural conversion from the previous period in the Japanese colonial period in that laborer groups appeared in droves as a main member of overseas Chinese. Most of their homeland were North China (華北) such as Shandong (山東). They moved to the Liaodong Peninsula (遼東半島) and Northeast China (東北) where the labor market had expanded in the process of the entry of world powers such a Russia and Japan. The entry of a large number of laborers into the Korean Peninsula in the Japanese colonial period was understood as an aspect of labor migration within the scope of the labor market created by Japanese capitalism increasing their influence on their regions.
      The management of these Chinese laborers by the Empire of Japan was as follows: First, the management discipline of Japan was provided by Imperial Ordinance No. 352 of 1899, which prohibited labor migration in principle. As a matter of course, this discipline was not applied as it was in a situation where the demand for labor market and capital existed. However, the management policy of the Government-General of Korea was obviously different from that in the interior of Japan, and it was relatively loose. The regional differences between the Korean Peninsula and the interior of Japan in Japanese Imperial space were reflected in this, and the mutual interest between the Government-General of Korea and the Japanese government was intervened. Based on this, the entry of Chinese laborers into the Korean Peninsula was made relatively freely, but the flow did not continue to the interior of Japan. Therefore, the Chinese laborers were in the same category as Korean laborers and had a strong tendency to be controlled as the existence mutually synchronized in the Japanese empire space. In this regard, it is clearly necessary to explain the reason why the conflict between Chinese and Korean laborers was intensified by nationalistic conflict between the two sides. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fact that the connection with the Japanese capitalism had a substantial impact. The spatial structure of the Empire of Japan was established in order to mutually synchronize with the problem of Chinese and Korean laborers. It is thought that spatial vision including linear vision with a focus on the border of each nation state is more required in monitoring changes in modern East Asian region from this perspective.

      This paper is on travel management policies of the Empire of Japan in the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the 20th century. This is connected to the author’s long-standing interest how the Japanese imperial Space which emerged in modern East A...

      This paper is on travel management policies of the Empire of Japan in the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the 20th century. This is connected to the author’s long-standing interest how the Japanese imperial Space which emerged in modern East Asian regional world was recognized and reconstructed from the perspective of transnational migrants. In this paper, the author aims to put special emphasis on the deviation of travel management between the Government-General of Korea in the Korean Peninsula and the “Government in Tokyo” in the interior of Japan, the relation between Chinese laborers and Japanese imperial space, and the relation between Korean Laborers, which was a different immigrant group, and it.
      It can be said that the entry of Chinese laborers into the Korean Peninsula had a different structural conversion from the previous period in the Japanese colonial period in that laborer groups appeared in droves as a main member of overseas Chinese. Most of their homeland were North China (華北) such as Shandong (山東). They moved to the Liaodong Peninsula (遼東半島) and Northeast China (東北) where the labor market had expanded in the process of the entry of world powers such a Russia and Japan. The entry of a large number of laborers into the Korean Peninsula in the Japanese colonial period was understood as an aspect of labor migration within the scope of the labor market created by Japanese capitalism increasing their influence on their regions.
      The management of these Chinese laborers by the Empire of Japan was as follows: First, the management discipline of Japan was provided by Imperial Ordinance No. 352 of 1899, which prohibited labor migration in principle. As a matter of course, this discipline was not applied as it was in a situation where the demand for labor market and capital existed. However, the management policy of the Government-General of Korea was obviously different from that in the interior of Japan, and it was relatively loose. The regional differences between the Korean Peninsula and the interior of Japan in Japanese Imperial space were reflected in this, and the mutual interest between the Government-General of Korea and the Japanese government was intervened. Based on this, the entry of Chinese laborers into the Korean Peninsula was made relatively freely, but the flow did not continue to the interior of Japan. Therefore, the Chinese laborers were in the same category as Korean laborers and had a strong tendency to be controlled as the existence mutually synchronized in the Japanese empire space. In this regard, it is clearly necessary to explain the reason why the conflict between Chinese and Korean laborers was intensified by nationalistic conflict between the two sides. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fact that the connection with the Japanese capitalism had a substantial impact. The spatial structure of the Empire of Japan was established in order to mutually synchronize with the problem of Chinese and Korean laborers. It is thought that spatial vision including linear vision with a focus on the border of each nation state is more required in monitoring changes in modern East Asian region from this perspective.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 중국인 노동자의 진입 양상과 일제의 도항 관리 원칙
      • Ⅲ. 일제의 도항 관리와 朝-中 노동자 문제의 상호연관
      • Ⅳ. 결론
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 중국인 노동자의 진입 양상과 일제의 도항 관리 원칙
      • Ⅲ. 일제의 도항 관리와 朝-中 노동자 문제의 상호연관
      • Ⅳ. 결론
      • 참고문헌
      • 〈Abstract〉

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "旅行證明의 廢止를 主張하노라(下) -經濟的 立地에서"

      2 "旅行證明의 廢止를 主張하노라(上) -社會生活의 立地에서"

      3 "旅券廢止 -十五日부터 實施"

      4 "勞働市場を脅やかす大群 -支那人勞働者仁川から續々と入鮮"

      5 "勞働市場の大脅威 支那人苦力の大群 -八日には二千五百餘名 仁川から各方面に散る"

      6 손승회, "근대 한중관계사상의 교통로와 거점-滿鐵과 안동을 중심으로-, In 한중관계사상의교통로와 거점" 동북아재단 2011

      7 朝鮮總督府警務局保安課, "鮮內に發生する諜報謀略事件の槪況及今後の對策如何, In 朝鮮總督 府議會說明資料第9卷" 不二出版 1994

      8 羅家倫, "革命文獻第133輯" 中央文物供應社 1964

      9 "非行中人排斥 부산유지들이"

      10 "釜山市民大會, 雲集된 勞働者 四千餘名 慘憺에서 彷徨」, 「市民大會後報, 渡日코저 釜山에 雲集한 勞働者를 擁護"

      1 "旅行證明의 廢止를 主張하노라(下) -經濟的 立地에서"

      2 "旅行證明의 廢止를 主張하노라(上) -社會生活의 立地에서"

      3 "旅券廢止 -十五日부터 實施"

      4 "勞働市場を脅やかす大群 -支那人勞働者仁川から續々と入鮮"

      5 "勞働市場の大脅威 支那人苦力の大群 -八日には二千五百餘名 仁川から各方面に散る"

      6 손승회, "근대 한중관계사상의 교통로와 거점-滿鐵과 안동을 중심으로-, In 한중관계사상의교통로와 거점" 동북아재단 2011

      7 朝鮮總督府警務局保安課, "鮮內に發生する諜報謀略事件の槪況及今後の對策如何, In 朝鮮總督 府議會說明資料第9卷" 不二出版 1994

      8 羅家倫, "革命文獻第133輯" 中央文物供應社 1964

      9 "非行中人排斥 부산유지들이"

      10 "釜山市民大會, 雲集된 勞働者 四千餘名 慘憺에서 彷徨」, 「市民大會後報, 渡日코저 釜山에 雲集한 勞働者를 擁護"

      11 山脇啓造, "近代日本と外國人勞働者 -1890年代後半と1920年代前半における中國人․朝鮮人勞 働者問題-" 明石書店 1994

      12 "農村을 떠나 都會! 渡航! -도항소게를 엇기위하야 每日卅餘名警察에"

      13 "窮民救濟事業に支那勞働者を使用すな請負業者監視の必要 -道當局から請負業者へ嚴重通達 其結果は烈しい賃銀低下競爭か"

      14 內務省警保局, "社會運動の狀況"

      15 "睨まれ通しの支那勞働者 -銀安で安賃銀に甘じ非常な苦境に陷る"

      16 "當局の頭を惱ます支那勞働者の入鮮 -對策について名案なく消極的に取締まる"

      17 "玄海灘渡航取締 勞働者以外는 緩和"

      18 "潮のやうに押寄せる支那勞働者の群れ -今月だけで仁川に上陸した者 九千二百名に上る"

      19 財團法人滿鐵會, "滿鐵四十年史" 吉川弘文館 1-4, 2007

      20 "滿洲移民에 不應 慶南道各郡에 再通牒 -이주조건이 불리한 탓으로"

      21 "渡航朝鮮人 九百七十名 도래일본인 八백二十명 麗水港經由往來者"

      22 "渡航制度撤廢를 企圖 玄海灘關門을 열라 -人的資源의 融通에도 支障이 莫大"

      23 "渡日朝鮮勞働者 入國禁止를 解除 –자긔네게해롭다고쫏처내고 자긔네게리롭다고불러드려"

      24 윤휘탁, "民國時期 中國人의 滿洲 移住와 歸鄕" 중국사학회 (63) : 205-247, 2009

      25 "朝鮮曆年華僑人口調査統計" 4 (4): 1931

      26 朝鮮警察協會, "朝鮮警察法令聚中-1"

      27 水野直樹, "朝鮮總督府の內地渡航管理政策: 1910年代の勞働者募集取締" (22) : 1992

      28 南滿洲鐵道株式會社經濟調査會, "朝鮮人勞働者一般事情" 1933

      29 大原社會問題硏究所, "日本勞働年鑑"

      30 "日本往來客 七十萬餘名 -건너온 조선인 六천이 늘어! 每月平均六萬餘名"

      31 "日本內地往來者 全南에 五萬名"

      32 "新義州華僑之工商事業及經濟狀況人數之增減" 2 (2): 1930

      33 "支那勞働者減少 -鮮人勞働者保護の必要上 當局で許可せぬ方針"

      34 "支那勞働者の群仁川へ多數上陸す"

      35 "支那勞働者の從業を脅かす -元山の勞働爭議"

      36 "支那勞働者の來鮮が增した -賃銀安で鮮內勞働者を壓迫 取締に惱む當局"

      37 "支那勞働者に退去の說諭 -在京の百七十名, 入國規定に違反するため"

      38 "支那勞働者に歸國を命ず -南千住署で八十數名を突然檢擧して"

      39 "支那海員雇用の反對陳情"

      40 "支那人勞働者仁川に殺到 -解氷を目ざして渡り鳥のやうに"

      41 加瀨和俊, "戰前日本における失業救濟事業の展開過程" 東京大學社會科學硏究所 43 (43): 1991

      42 "官通牒第30號(政務總監)" 朝鮮總督府印刷局 (159) : 1911

      43 "問題되는 旅行證明 -來十五日부터 遂히 廢止"

      44 "咸南の支那勞働者 二千餘名解雇失職 -道當局の制限實施の結果果して今後如何"

      45 "各種工事に朝鮮人勞働者 -支那人の歸國相つぎ鮮內の失業問題緩和"

      46 "凄まじい勢で雪崩れ込む -支那勞働者の對策に本府當局頭を痛める"

      47 國策硏究會, "內地在住半島人問題と協和事業" (8) : 1938

      48 "使用勞働者로 中人이 培以上"

      49 京畿道警察部, "京畿道警察例規聚" 朝鮮警察協會京城地部 1927

      50 "中勞働者追放 -今次는 二百五十人"

      51 "中勞働者示威運動 -退去令에 對하야"

      52 "中國勞働者에 歸國勸告"

      53 "中國新聞의 憤慨"

      54 "中國人勞働者 絶對入國禁止도 當分事實上으로 困難 다만 使用上에 制限뿐 -總督府方針變 更?"

      55 "一葦帶水で內地のやうな制限は困難 -支那勞働者の入鮮問題: 警務局の見解"

      56 박경식, "[단행본] 在日朝鮮人關係資料集成" 三一書房 1975

      57 Kirk Wayne Larsen, "Tradition, Treaties, and Trade: Qing Imperialism and Choson Korea, 1850 –1910" Harvard University Asia Center 2008

      58 Micheal Hardt, "Empire" Harvard University Press 2000

      59 김승욱, "20세기 초반 韓人의 上海 인식 ― 공간 인식을 중심으로 ―" 중국근현대사학회 (54) : 121-144, 2012

      60 김승욱, "20세기 초(1910~1931) 인천화교의 이주 네트워크와 사회적 공간" 중국근현대사학회 (47) : 21-48, 2010

      61 김승욱, "20世紀初 韓半島의 山東華僑 -半島空間의 도시 네트워크와 이민" 중국사학회 (82) : 263-295, 2013

      62 김승욱, "19세기 말∼20세기 초 仁川의 운송망과 華僑 거류양상의 변화" 중국근현대사학회 (50) : 75-101, 2011

      63 "(社說) 中國人勞働者 漫然渡來制限"


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