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      디지털 전환 시대의 전통시장 고객개발 방안에 관한 탐색적 연구: 유희적 쇼핑동기를 중심으로 = An Exploratory Study on Traditional Market Revitalization Under Digital Era : Focusing on Hedonic Shopping Motivation



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Purpose: In order for the traditional market to successfully adapt to the digital era, the digital transformation of seller and the consumers who will use it must be considered at the same time. This study is designed to explore the revitalization of ...

      Purpose: In order for the traditional market to successfully adapt to the digital era, the digital transformation of seller and the consumers who will use it must be considered at the same time. This study is designed to explore the revitalization of traditional markets under digital era from the point of view of consumers focusing on shopping motives.
      Research Method: This study adopted the hedonic shopping motivation as a framework for analysis. The analysis cases is 7 out of 22 traditional markets selected for the 'Munjeonseongsi Project' promoted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism from 2008 to 2012. The seven traditional markets are Gyeongju Oedong Market, Hongseong Traditional Market, Suwon Motgol Market, Mokpo Free Market, Daegu Bangcheon Market, Bonghwa Bonghwa Market, and Jeonju Nambu Market. The content analysis method is used to analyze the relationship between the main programs of the Munjeonseongsi Project and hedonic shopping motivation. And to analyze the relationship between hedonic shopping motivation and the traditional market revitalization, the news contents and the number of newly established stores in the traditional market before and after the Munjeonseongsi Project are compared.
      Results: First, the main programs of the Munjeonseongsi Project of 7 traditional markets were found to stimulate hedonic shopping motivation in general. 'Market Sarangbang' and 'Market Tour' in Hongseong Traditional Market, 'Bonghwa 27 Market Day' and 'Baekdudaegan Bobusang Festival' were found to stimulate more than 5 out of 6 hedonic shopping motivations. And 'Motgol Market Story Basket' of Suwon Motgol Market and 'Market Culture Space' of Bonghwa Market were found to stimulate social shopping motives, one of the hedonic shopping motivations. Most programs were found to stimulate 2-4 hedonic shopping motivations at the same time. Second, it was found that the stimulation of hedonic shopping motivation by the Munjeonseongsi Project contributed to the revitalization of traditional markets. The increase in sales and visitors could be confirmed through newspaper articles on the 7 traditional markets, and it could be confirmed again through the increase in the number of new stores in each traditional market before and after the Munjeonseongsi Project.
      Conclusion: This study shows that it is necessary to introduce various programs and measures that stimulate hedonic shopping motives to revitalize traditional markets, along with more tangible efforts, such as the modernization of market facilities and market management.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본 연구는 디지털 전환 시대의 전통시장 고객개발 방안을 도출하기 위한 것으로 유희적 쇼핑동기를분석의 틀로 사용하여 문화체육관광부가 2008년부터 2012년까지 추진한 ‘문화를 통한 전통...

      본 연구는 디지털 전환 시대의 전통시장 고객개발 방안을 도출하기 위한 것으로 유희적 쇼핑동기를분석의 틀로 사용하여 문화체육관광부가 2008년부터 2012년까지 추진한 ‘문화를 통한 전통시장 활성화 시범사업'에 선정된 대상지 22개 중 7개 전통시장을 분석대상으로 수행되었다. 7개 전통시장은경주 외동시장, 홍성 전통시장, 수원 못골시장, 목포 자유시장, 대구 방천시장, 봉화 봉화시장, 전주남부시장이다. 전통시장별 문전성시 주요 프로그램과 소비자의 유희적 쇼핑동기의 관계를 분석하기위해 문전성시 프로젝트를 기획하고 시행했던 담당자들의 기획의도와 프로그램 내용을 분석하였다. 또한 유희적 쇼핑동기의 자극과 전통시장의 활성화 관계를 분석하기 위해 언론보도와 문전성시 사업전후 전통시장의 신규 창업 점포 수를 비교하였다. 분석 결과, 7개 전통시장에 관한 언론보도를 통해매출과 방문객 증가를 확인할 수 있었으며, 문전성시 기간 전후 전통시장별 신규 창업 점포 수 증감을 통해활성화 정도를 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 전통시장의 문전성시 주요 프로그램은 전반적으로 유희적쇼핑동기를 자극하는 것으로 나타났으며, 유희적 쇼핑동기의 자극이 전통시장 활성화에 기여하는것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 유희적 쇼핑 동기에 기반하여 전통시장 연구를 시도한 점과 유희적 쇼핑동기를 활용하여 전통시장 활성화 방안을 도출하고자 한점에서 의의가 있다


      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

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