1 문성모, "한국교회 예배의 갱신과 과제"
2 Noth, Martin, "출애굽기 제5판; 국제성서주석 1" 한국신학연구소 1993
3 김이곤, "출애굽 해방사건의 구약신학적 의미: 출 14~15장 해석을 중심하여" 32 : 143-178, 1991
4 허도화, "예배갱신의 이론과 실제: 주일예배의 공동체성 회복을 위한 안내서" 계명대학교 2005
5 Chupungco, Anscar J, "Worship: Beyond Inculturation" The Pastoral Press 1994
6 Rowley, H H, "Worship in Ancient Israel: Its Forms and Meaning" Fortress Press 1967
7 Webber, Robert E, "Worship Old & New: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction" Zondervan 1994
8 Williams, Michael, "The Storyteller's Companion to the Bible, Exodus-Joshua" Abingdon 1992
9 Anderson, Bernard W, "The Song of Miriam Poetically and Theologically Considered in Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry" JSOT 1987
10 Cross, Frank M Jr, "The Song of Miriam" 14 : 237-250, 1955
1 문성모, "한국교회 예배의 갱신과 과제"
2 Noth, Martin, "출애굽기 제5판; 국제성서주석 1" 한국신학연구소 1993
3 김이곤, "출애굽 해방사건의 구약신학적 의미: 출 14~15장 해석을 중심하여" 32 : 143-178, 1991
4 허도화, "예배갱신의 이론과 실제: 주일예배의 공동체성 회복을 위한 안내서" 계명대학교 2005
5 Chupungco, Anscar J, "Worship: Beyond Inculturation" The Pastoral Press 1994
6 Rowley, H H, "Worship in Ancient Israel: Its Forms and Meaning" Fortress Press 1967
7 Webber, Robert E, "Worship Old & New: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction" Zondervan 1994
8 Williams, Michael, "The Storyteller's Companion to the Bible, Exodus-Joshua" Abingdon 1992
9 Anderson, Bernard W, "The Song of Miriam Poetically and Theologically Considered in Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry" JSOT 1987
10 Cross, Frank M Jr, "The Song of Miriam" 14 : 237-250, 1955
11 Goldin, Judah, "The Song at the Sea: Being a Commentary on a Commentary in Two Parts" Yale University Press 1971
12 Rozelaar, Marc, "The Song at the Sea(Exodus XV, 1b-18)" 2 : 221-228, 1952
13 Coats, George W, "The Song at the Sea" 31 : 1-17, 1969
14 Werner, Eric, "The Sacred Bridge: The Interdependence of Liturgy and Music in Synagogue and Church during the First Millennium" Dennis Dobson 1959
15 Mowinckel, Sigmund, "The Psalms in Israel's Worship Vol. II" Basil Blackwell 1962
16 Sarna, Nahum M. Exodus, "The JPS Torah Commentary. Philadelphia" Jerusalem 1991
17 Kugel, James L, "The Idea of Biblical Poetry: Parallelism and Its History" Yale University Press 1981
18 Freedman, David Noel, "Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry" Eisenbrauns 1980
19 Levine, Etan, "Neofiti 1: A Study of Exodus 15" 54 : 301-330, 1973
20 Quasten, Johannes, "Music & Worship in Pagan & Christian Antiquity" National Association of Pastoral Musicians 1983
21 Atteberry, Shawna R B, "Miriam: Standing between Life and Death"
22 Polen, Nehemia, "Miriam's Dance: Radical Egalitarianism in Hasidic Thought" 12 : 1-21, 1992
23 Muilenburg, J, "Liturgy on the Triumphs of Yahweh in Studia Biblica Et Semitica" Wageningen 1966
24 Kugel, James L, "Is there but One Song?" 63 : 329-350, 1982
25 White, James F, "Introduction to Christian Worship. 3rd edition" Abingdon 2000
26 Fretheim, Terence E Exodus, "Interpretation: A Bible Commentary" John Knox Press 1991
27 Burns, Rita J, "Has the Lord indeed Spoken only through Moses?: A Study of the Biblical Portrait of Miriam" Scholars Press 1987
28 White, Susan J, "Foundations of Christian Worship" Westminster John Knox 2006
29 Lichtenstein, Murray H, "Biblical Poetry in Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts" Summit Books 1984
30 박근원, "21세기 한국 교회의 예배 갱신 과제"