- 자료제공 :
1. Developing a Theoretical Orientation to Performance Excellence Joanna Foss, Chad Doerr, Emily Minaker, Mark Aoyagi
2. From Science to Practice: The How’s Of Transferring Classroom Lessons to Field Experiences and Applications Trevor Cote, Julie Vieselmeyer, Artur Poczwardowski
3. Recognizing, Understanding, and Resolving Ethical Issues Leigh Bryant, Megan Byrd, Jack Watson
4. Being Comfortable With Uncomfortable: Expanding Your Competence Zone Jeb Clay, Laura Reutlinger, Jessica Eichner, Cindra Kamphoff
5. Getting the Most from Supervision: Lessons on Exploration, Communication, and Applications Taryn Brandt, Adisa Haznadar, Anna Maaranen-Hincks, Jiang Shu, Erika Van Dyke, Judy Van Raalte