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1 김지혁, "응급센터를 내원한 성인 환자의 중증도 분류 지표로서 한국형 중증도분류체계 (KTAS)의 타당도 분석: 일개 지역응급의료센터의 예비연구" 대한응급의학회 27 (27): 436-441, 2016
2 Hsia RY, "Urgent care needs among nonurgent visits to the emergency department" 176 : 852-854, 2016
3 Salvi F, "The elderly in the emergency department: a critical review of problems and solutions" 2 : 292-301, 2007
4 Schull MJ, "The effect of low-complexity patients on emergency department waiting times" 49 : 257-264, 2007
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