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      '팝'과 아트 사이 = 로리 앤더슨의 퍼포먼스를 통해 본 음악과 미술의 경계



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In 1981, performance artist Laurie Anderson’s single “O Superman” hit number two on British Pop chart, an event that took everyone by surprise, as no avant-garde artist before her had ever gained such a recognition in the industry of commercial ...

      In 1981, performance artist Laurie Anderson’s single “O Superman” hit number two on British Pop chart, an event that took everyone by surprise, as no avant-garde artist before her had ever gained such a recognition in the industry of commercial arts and entertainment. The initial waves of criticism and scorn expressed by other avant-garde artists soon gave way to an era of creative explosion when they increasingly found in the cutting edge of music and film industries an innovative means of expression and gaining populist appeal.
      On the one hand, Anderson’s popularity throws lights on the way in which the demarcating line between art and popular entertainments has become increasingly blurred. How does one draw distinction between high-brow arts and forms of popular entertainment as they both try to merge into our everyday life as the field of practice and popular appreciation? More important is how such a fusion facilitates a unique strategy of making her art more readily available, one that greatly expands her audiences for her critical practice.
      Using Anderson’s performance works such as 〈United States〉 and 〈Home of the Brave〉, this paper delves into the terrain of convergence between high-arts and popular entertainment as an important backdrop to bold artistic strategies that avant-garde art uses to get the broader public attention.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 들어가며
      • Ⅱ. 앤더슨의 멀티미디어 퍼포먼스
      • Ⅲ. 미술가들의 음악
      • Ⅳ. 음악과 미술의 경계
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 들어가며
      • Ⅱ. 앤더슨의 멀티미디어 퍼포먼스
      • Ⅲ. 미술가들의 음악
      • Ⅳ. 음악과 미술의 경계
      • 참고문헌
      • Abstract
      • 「'팝'과 아트 사이: 로리 앤더슨의 퍼포먼스를 통해 본 음악과 미술의 경계」에 대한 질의

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 이지은, "음악, 소음, 그리고 침묵: 현대미술에서의 소리" 현대미술사학회 (22) : 313-343, 2007

      2 "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etbx2CVoZyo"

      3 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudd_Club"

      4 Alexandra Munroe, "Yes Yoko Ono, exh. cat. Japan Society" Harry N. Abrams 2000

      5 Tom Johnson, "The Voice of New Music: New York City 1972-1982, A Collection of Articles Originally Published in the Village Voice" Het Apollohuis 1989

      6 Paul Virilio, "The Vision Machine" British Film Institute 1994

      7 Jen Budney, "Terra Vision" (49) : 158-162, 1997

      8 Alan Licht, "Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories" Rizzoli 2007

      9 Anna M.Wagner, "Performance,Video,and the Rhetoric of Presence" 91 : 59-80, 2000

      10 Douglas Kahn, "Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts" The MIT Press 1999

      1 이지은, "음악, 소음, 그리고 침묵: 현대미술에서의 소리" 현대미술사학회 (22) : 313-343, 2007

      2 "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etbx2CVoZyo"

      3 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudd_Club"

      4 Alexandra Munroe, "Yes Yoko Ono, exh. cat. Japan Society" Harry N. Abrams 2000

      5 Tom Johnson, "The Voice of New Music: New York City 1972-1982, A Collection of Articles Originally Published in the Village Voice" Het Apollohuis 1989

      6 Paul Virilio, "The Vision Machine" British Film Institute 1994

      7 Jen Budney, "Terra Vision" (49) : 158-162, 1997

      8 Alan Licht, "Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories" Rizzoli 2007

      9 Anna M.Wagner, "Performance,Video,and the Rhetoric of Presence" 91 : 59-80, 2000

      10 Douglas Kahn, "Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts" The MIT Press 1999

      11 Anne D’Harnoncourt, "Marcel Duchamp, exh. cat" Museum of Modern Art 1973

      12 Janet Kardon, "Laurie Anderson: Works from 1969 to 1983, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania" Institute of Contemporary Art 1983

      13 Roselee Goldberg, "Laurie Anderson" Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2000

      14 Mildred Glimcher, "Jean Dubuffet: Toward An Alternative Reality" Pace Publication Inc 1987

      15 Jacqueline Burckhardt, "In the Nerve Stream" (49) : 152-157, 1997

      16 Randy Gener, "Fly Her to the Moon,What’s art got to do with NASA?:Laurie Anderson Listens to the Cosmic Pulse" 22 (22): 26-28,

      17 Laurie Anderson, "Control Rooms and Other Stories:Confessions of a Content Provider" (49) : 127-135, 1997

      18 Craig Owens, "Beyond Recognition: Representation, Power, and Culture" University of California Press 1992


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