This study aims at seeking a way of involving the promotion of the convenient facilities of the resident self-governing center located at Daegu Metropolitan City which the local disabled people use and further suggesting a way for specifically improv...
This study aims at seeking a way of involving the promotion of the convenient facilities of the resident self-governing center located at Daegu Metropolitan City which the local disabled people use and further suggesting a way for specifically improving the current situation by investigating into such convenient facilities. In order to achieve the purpose, I investigated into such convenient facilities as an access route to a main entry & exit door, parking lot for the disabled only, removal of the difference of the main entry & exit door's height, main entry & exit door, hallway, staircases or elevator, toilet stool, braille blocks, reception desk or working table, by type. And in order to enhance the objectivity and exactness of the investigation, I measured the degree of the resident self-governing center's convenient facility in both Dagu City as a whole and District Offices under Daegu City by utilizing the 2008 Disabled Convenient Facility Survey 2008 developed by the Ministry For Health, Welfare and Family Affairs. As a sample, I conducted a survey on the entire 141 resident self-governing centers located at Daegu City, excluding 2 centers, one of them being under construction and the other being used as a temporary resident self-governing center because of a movement plan. I carried out a on-the-spot survey on Aug. 13- Nov. 15, 2008.
In analysis, I first conducted a simple frequency test to find the degree of installation of the Daegu City's resident self-governing center's convenient facility; breakdowned into as Simple Installation Rate (Number of Simple Installation/Number of Target Facilities x 100) and Proper Installation Rate (Number of Proper Installation/ Target Facilities x 100). Then, in order to check the difference of Simple Installation Rate and Proper Installation Rate of the convenient facilities in 8 Districts(or wards) and Guns(counties) depending on the type of the convenient facilities, I conducted a one-way ANOVA and Scheffe test.
The key findings are as follows;
First, in the degree of installation for the resident self-governing center's convenient facilities in Daegu City, the study revealed that Simple Installation Rate was high and Proper Installation Rate was low. In the survey, the reason why Proper Installation Rate of the convenient facilities was low is because most of the resident self-governing center's buildings were old and improper to install the convenient facilities structurally. However, rather, a main reason is because due to a lack of perception for a convenient facility, the convenient facilities were wrongly installed, although they ere were installed.
Secondly, the degree of installation of the resident self-governing center's convenient facilities in Daegu City also varied depending on District and Gun. Jung District(,or Jung-gu or Jung ward) showed the highest degree of installation in Proper Installation Rate. Detailed into the convenient facility by type, the resident self-governing centers of Jung District and Seo District were relatively higher than any others in the Proper Installation Rate of an access route to a main entry & exit door. Especially, Jung District was smore significant than Nam District and Dalseong-gun while Seo District was also more significant than Nam District and Dalseong-gun, statistically. In the difference of the degree of convent facility regarding Simple Installation Rate for removal of the difference of the main entry & exit door's height, Dalseo District showed the highest installation rate and expecially was more significant than Buk District. In the degree of convenient facility regarding Proper Installation Rate of the main entry & exit door, Jung District, Seo District, Suseong District and Dalseong District showed a high installation rate. Expecially, Jung District was more significant than Dong District, Seo District than Dong District and Dalseong-gun and Suseong District and Dalseong District than Dong District, respectively. In Simple Installation Rate of the main entry & exit door, Seo District was highest and expecially was more significant than Dong District. In the degree of convenient facility regarding the hallway's Proper Installation Rate, Dong District and Seo District showed a higher installation rate; Dongu District was more significant than Dalseo District and Seo District was more significant than Suseong District and Dalseong-gun. In the degree of convenient facility regarding the staircases' Proper Installation Rate, Nam District was highest and expecially was more significant than Jung District, Dong District and Suseong District. In the meanwhile, in the degree of convenient facility regarding the toilet stool's Proper Installation Rate, Dalseo District showed the highest installation rate and expecially was more significant than Seo District, Namgu District and Dalseong-gun. In the degree of convenient facility regarding the toilet stool's Simple Installation Rate, Dalseo District also was the highest installation rate and expecially was more significant than Seo District, Buk District and Dalseong-gun. In the degree of convenient facility regarding the braille blocks' Proper Installation Rate, Jung District showed an installation rate and expecially was more significant than Seo District and Dalseong-gun. In the degree of convenient facility regarding the reception desk and working table's Proper Installation Rate, Jung District and Dalseo District were highest. Expecially, Jung District was more significant than Dong, Seo, Nam, Buk and Dalseo Districts while Dalseo Districts was more signifiant than Nam District and Dalseong-gun.
Third, in the case of the resident self-governing center's convenient facilities in Daegu City by type as a whole, parking lots for the disabled only were relatively properly installed in accordance with a legal criterion. However, any other convenient facilities did not meet the requirement of installation. As a result, the disabled did not use the parking lots or felt much inconvenience to use them. Particularly, what was notable is that the removal of the difference of the main entry & exit door's hight(ramp) which was definitely required for wheelchair-bound disabled or crutch-bound disabled to use was installed a lot to the degree which they can not access by themselves. Also, in a spite that a toilet stool is a place where privacy is absolutely significant, given that it is a place to settle a human's fundamental physiological phenomenon, there were cases, such as inaccessibility to a toilet, non-practicality of moving to a toilet stool from a wheelchair, absence of a locking device and using it as a cleaning tool box. In the event of brailled blocks to induce the visually impaired, there was a case of where traffic line was cut off or there was an obstacle on the brailled blocks.
Through this study, I suggest a way for involving the degree of convenient facilities of the resident self-governing center in Daegu City as follows:
First, as a short-term way for improving such a degree, the administration bodies should a thorough control and supervision in order for the disabled's convenient facilities not to be wrongly installed or be left alone due to a lack of understanding for those facilities as of the current point of time when 10 years have passed since an implementation of the Act on Promoting Convenience. Coupled with it, the handicapped groups and their relevant organizations should continue to monitor over such facilities via an effort to improve a perception for the disabled's convenient facilities and an on-the-spot investigation.
Secondly, as a mid-& long-term way, the preparation for a legal, administrative and institutional system is required. When a new structure is built, from the drawing stage, a precheck would be made in order for a facility for the handicapped to be equipped. And in the stage for permitting to use the structure as well, a system which is forced the undesired or insufficient convenient facility to be complemented would be enacted.