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      통합적 농촌지역개발 추진을 위한 법체계 개편방안 연구 = Study on Reorganization of the Legal System for the Integrated Rural Development



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The rural development policies and projects in Korea has been implemented with various related acts. For instance, these acts include Framework Act on the National Land, National Land Planning Utilization Act, Special Act on Balanced National Developm...

      The rural development policies and projects in Korea has been implemented with various related acts. For instance, these acts include Framework Act on the National Land, National Land Planning Utilization Act, Special Act on Balanced National Development, etc, enacted by each of adminstration. However, there are some limitations to encourage the variety of rural development policies due to duplication and overlapping between the relevant acts. Nowadays, the fields of rural development have been evolved and integrated not only by agricultural infrastructures but also in various fields such as multi-functional industry including rural tourism, green care, and cultural welfare, etc. Therefore, the current legal system may not effectively accept and support in various rural development policies and projects at all. This study tried to figure out the necessity of reorganization related legal system through the field survey to planners, residents and analysts regarding the correlation between legal systems and projects. For these reasons, this study tried to find out the problem of current legal system and then, suggested alternative methods related to the legal system for integrated rural development. The scope of the study is as follows; 1)correlation analysis between relevant laws and rural development projects. 2)field survey to figure out the legitimacy and validity for the reorganization of the legal system. At last the result of the research has suggested an alternative method to reorganize the legal system and proposed the new legal system with is good for integrated rural development.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 이민우, "농촌지역개발법률의 체계와 한계" 한국지방행정학회 13 (13): 123-142, 2016

      2 박창원, "농촌마을 개발방향 설정을 위한 자원 평가기법 연구" 한국농촌계획학회 10 (10): 9-17, 2004

      3 Commission for Rural Communities, "The State of the Countryside 2007" Countryside Agency 2007

      4 Commission for Rural Communities, "The State of the Countryside 2006" Countryside Agency 2006

      5 Choi, H. J., "The Rural Land Use Management for Rural Viability" Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement 2007

      6 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "The Implementation Plan for 2017 Government Issues" 2017

      7 Kim,B.R, "The Extension of Value in Agriculture and Rural Areas to and the Establishment of a New Agriculture Policy"

      8 Kim,K.S, "Study on the Change Process and Characteristics of the Development Policy in Rural Area"

      9 Song, M. R., "Rural Land Use Planning and Policies under the New National Planning System" Korea Rural Economic Institute 2003

      10 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "Report of Rural Development Division" 2017

      1 이민우, "농촌지역개발법률의 체계와 한계" 한국지방행정학회 13 (13): 123-142, 2016

      2 박창원, "농촌마을 개발방향 설정을 위한 자원 평가기법 연구" 한국농촌계획학회 10 (10): 9-17, 2004

      3 Commission for Rural Communities, "The State of the Countryside 2007" Countryside Agency 2007

      4 Commission for Rural Communities, "The State of the Countryside 2006" Countryside Agency 2006

      5 Choi, H. J., "The Rural Land Use Management for Rural Viability" Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement 2007

      6 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "The Implementation Plan for 2017 Government Issues" 2017

      7 Kim,B.R, "The Extension of Value in Agriculture and Rural Areas to and the Establishment of a New Agriculture Policy"

      8 Kim,K.S, "Study on the Change Process and Characteristics of the Development Policy in Rural Area"

      9 Song, M. R., "Rural Land Use Planning and Policies under the New National Planning System" Korea Rural Economic Institute 2003

      10 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "Report of Rural Development Division" 2017

      11 Seong,J.I, "Policy Direction of Improving Rural Development Planning System" Korea Rural Economic Institute 2011

      12 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "Implementation Guidelines for Agriculture Project"

      13 Lee,S,Y, "A Study on the System of Rural Development Act. 2011" Korea Legislation Research Institute 2011

      14 Yoon,W.K, "A Study on the Policy Implementation System and Methods for Rural Development"

      15 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, "A Study on the Legal Systematization of Fishing Village Port and the Revision of Sub act"

      16 Kang,M.S, "A Study on the Improvement Direction of Social Acts Related to Regional Development" Korea Legislation Research Institute 2010

      17 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "A Study on the Activation Plan of the Complete Region in Rural Development Project"

      18 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "A Study on Legislation the Rural Industry Development Act"

      19 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, "A Guide Book of Promotion of Mutual Exchange between Cities and Agriculture or Fishing villages Act"

      20 National Planning Advisory Committee, "A Five year’s Plan on the Moon Jae-In Government"

      21 Lee,J.H, "A Basic Study on the Establishment of a Rural Renewal Program" Korea Rural Economic Institute 1993















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