Robust voice recognition (RVR) is essential for a robot to communicate with people. One of the main problems with RVR for robots is that robots inevitably real environment noises. The noise is captured with strong power by the microphones, because the...
Robust voice recognition (RVR) is essential for a robot to communicate with people. One of the main problems with RVR for robots is that robots inevitably real environment noises. The noise is captured with strong power by the microphones, because the noise sources are closed to the microphones. The signal-to-noise ratio of input voice becomes quite low. However, it is possible to estimate the noise by using information on the robot’s own motions and postures, because a type of motion/gesture produces almost the same pattern of noise every time it is performed. In this paper, we describe an RVR system which can robustly recognize voice by adults and children in noisy environments. We evaluate the RVR system in a communication robot placed in a real noisy environment. Voice is captured using a wireless microphone. The final hypothesis is selected based on posterior probability. We then select the 떠sk in the motion task library In the motion control, we also integrate the obstacle avoidance control using ultrasonic sensors. Those are powerful for detecting obstacle with simple calculated algorithm.