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      International economic institutions . -1998



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • 주제어
      • DDC

        337 판사항(21)

      • ISBN

        079238072X (hardcover : alk. paper)

      • 자료형태


      • 발행국(도시)


      • 서명/저자사항

        International economic institutions / -1998 / M.A.G. Van Meerhaeghe.

      • 판사항

        7th ed

      • 형태사항

        xxxii, 368 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

      • 일반주기명

        Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

      • 소장기관
        • 경일대학교 도서관 소장기관정보
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      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • CONTENTS
      • LIST OF FIGURES = xxi
      • LIST OF TABLES = xxiii
      • PREFACE = xxvii
      • CONTENTS
      • LIST OF FIGURES = xxi
      • LIST OF TABLES = xxiii
      • PREFACE = xxvii
      • ABBREVIATIONS = xxix
      • CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - Brought up-to-date by G.Schiavone = 1
      • 1. The United Nations = 1
      • A. The Economic and Social Council = 2
      • B. Development Assistance = 3
      • 1. The United Nations Development Programme = 3
      • 2. The United Nations Capital Development Fund = 3
      • 2. The Specialized Agencies = 4
      • A. The Food and Agriculture Organization = 4
      • B. The International Labour Organization = 5
      • C. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization = 6
      • 3. The Bank for International Settlements = 6
      • 4. Regional Integration = 9
      • A. Latin America = 9
      • 1. The Associaci$$\acute o$$n Latinoamericana de Integraci$$\acute o$$n = 9
      • 2. The Mercado Com$$\acute u$$n Centroamericano = 10
      • 3. The Caribbean Community = 11
      • 4. The Latin American Economic System = 12
      • B. Asia = 13
      • 1. The Association of South-East Asian Nations = 13
      • 2. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation = 13
      • 3. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation = 14
      • C. Africa and the Middle East = 14
      • 1. The West Africa Economic and Monetary Unionn = 14
      • 2. The Mano River Union = 15
      • 3. The Economic Community of the West African States = 15
      • 4. The Economic and Monetary Community of Cuntral Africa = 15
      • 5. Arab Economic Cooperation = 16
      • 5. Regional Development Banks = 17
      • A. The Inter-American Development Bank = 17
      • B. The Asian Development Bank = 18
      • C. The African Development Bank = 18
      • 6. Conclusion = 19
      • Bibliography = 20
      • 1. Origins = 25
      • A. Plans = 25
      • B. Groups = 27
      • C. Amendments = 27
      • 2. Objectives = 28
      • 3. Organization = 29
      • A. Members = 29
      • B. Capital = 29
      • C. Administration = 31
      • 1. The Board of Governors = 31
      • 2. The Executive Board = 32
      • 3. The Managing Director = 33
      • 4. Functions and operation = 33
      • A. Finanction of balance-of-payments deficits = 33
      • 1. Provisions = 33
      • a. The general resources = 33
      • b. Arrangements not on the account of the Fund = 35
      • c. Special Drawing Rights = 35
      • 2. Operation = 37
      • a. The resources = 37
      • 1. Regular facilities = 37
      • a. The 'tranche' decisions and stand-by arrangements = 37
      • Temporary facilities = 39
      • b. The extended facility = 40
      • 2. Special facility = 40
      • a. Compensatory and contingency facility = 41
      • b. Buffer stock financing = 41
      • 3. Emergency assistance = 41
      • 4. Faclities for low-income countries = 42
      • a. The structural adjustment facility(SAF) = 43
      • b. The enhanced structural adjustment facility(ESAF) = 43
      • 5. Drawings = 43
      • b. Special Drawing Rights = 46
      • B. Exchange-rate stability = 47
      • 1. Provisions = 47
      • 2. Operation = 49
      • Exchange-rate arrangements = 51
      • C. Currency convertibility = 52
      • 1. Provisions = 52
      • 2. Operation = 53
      • D. Promotion of international cooperation = 54
      • 1. Provisions = 54
      • 2. Operation = 54
      • E. Conservation(and increase) of resources = 55
      • 1. Provisions = 55
      • a. Charges and remunerations = 55
      • b. Repurchases = 55
      • c. Replenishment and scarce currency = 56
      • d. Gold sales = 56
      • 2. Operation = 58
      • a. Charges and remunerations = 58
      • b. Repurchases = 58
      • c. Replenishment and scarce currency = 58
      • The General Arrangements to Borrow(GAB) = 59
      • The New Arrangements to Borrow(NAB) = 60
      • d. Gold sales = 60
      • Appraisal = 61
      • Credit granted too easily = 62
      • Undue preference to less-developed countries = 62
      • The international monetary reserves = 63
      • SDR = 64
      • Bibliography = 65
      • The international Bank for Reconstruction and Development = 67
      • 1. Objectives = 67
      • 2. Organization = 68
      • A. Members and capital = 68
      • B. Administration = 69
      • 3. Functions and operation = 70
      • A. Acquisition of resources = 70
      • 1. Provisions = 70
      • 2. Operation = 71
      • a. Capital subscriptions = 71
      • b. Sale of bonds = 71
      • c. Repayment of loans = 72
      • d. Sale of claims = 72
      • e. Net earnings = 72
      • B. Application of resources = 73
      • 1. Provisions = 73
      • 2. Operation = 74
      • a. Loans = 74
      • b. Guarantees = 75
      • c. Investments = 76
      • C. Utilization of resources = 76
      • 1 Provisions = 76
      • 2 Operation = 77
      • D. Technical assistance = 78
      • 1. Coordination of development assistance = 79
      • 2. The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID) = 80
      • 3. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency(MIGA) = 80
      • The International Development Association = 81
      • 1. origins = 81
      • 2. Objectives = 81
      • 3. Organization = 82
      • A. Members and capital = 82
      • B. Administration = 82
      • 4. Functions and operation = 83
      • A. Acquisition of resources = 83
      • 1. Provisions = 83
      • 2. Operation = 84
      • B. Application of resources = 85
      • 1 Provisions = 85
      • 2 Operation = 86
      • C. Utilization of resources = 87
      • 1 Provisions = 87
      • 2 Operation = 88
      • The International Finance Corporation = 88
      • 1. origins = 88
      • 2. Objectives = 89
      • 3. Organization = 89
      • A. Members and capital = 89
      • B. Administration = 90
      • 4. Functions and operation = 91
      • A. Acquisition of resources = 91
      • 1. Provisions = 91
      • 2. Operation = 91
      • B. Application of resources = 91
      • 1. Provisions = 91
      • 2. Operation = 92
      • C. Utilization of currencies = 93
      • 1. Provisions = 93
      • 2. Operation = 93
      • Appraisal = 93
      • Changing Priorities = 94
      • The role of private capital = 94
      • The debt crisis = 95
      • Prior conditions = 96
      • Vain exercise = 97
      • Bibliography = 98
      • 1. origins = 99
      • 2. Objectives = 102
      • 3. Organization = 102
      • A. Members = 102
      • B. Administration = 103
      • 4. Functions and operation = 104
      • A. GATT 1994 and other arrangements on trade in goods = 104
      • 1. Elimination of discrimination = 104
      • a. Provisions = 104
      • b. Operaion = 105
      • 2. Stablilzation and reduction of import duties = 106
      • a. Provisions = 106
      • b. Operation = 107
      • 1. The Kennedy Round = 108
      • 2. The Tokyo Round = 109
      • 3. The Uruguay Round = 110
      • 3. Elimination of quantitative restrictions = 110
      • a. Provisions = 110
      • b. Operation = 112
      • 4) Combating other forms of protection = 113
      • a. Provisions = 113
      • b. Operaion = 114
      • 1. Customs valuation = 115
      • 2. Excise duties = 115
      • 3. State trade = 115
      • 4. Subsidies, anti-dumping and countervailing duties = 116
      • 5. Consultations = 118
      • a. Provisions = 118
      • b. Operation = 118
      • 6. Escape clauses = 118
      • a. Provisions = 118
      • 1. Article 19 = 118
      • 2. Article 18 = 119
      • 3. Article 20, 21 and 25, 5 = 120
      • b. Operation = 120
      • 1. Article 19 = 120
      • 2. Article 18 = 120
      • 3. Article 21 and 25, 5 = 121
      • 7. Action in favour of less-developed countries = 121
      • a. Provisions = 121
      • b. Operation = 122
      • 8. Other agreements in respect of goods = 122
      • a. Agriculture = 122
      • b. Technical barriers on trade = 124
      • c. Trade-related investment measures = 124
      • d. Preshipment inspection = 124
      • e. Rules of origin = 125
      • f. Import licensing procedures = 125
      • B. Trade in services and trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights = 125
      • 1. Trade in services = 125
      • The annexes = 126
      • 2. Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights = 127
      • C. Plurilateral agreements = 128
      • 1. Civil aircraft = 128
      • 2. Government procurement = 128
      • 3. The International Bovine Meat Agreement = 128
      • 4. The International Dairy Agreement = 128
      • Appraisal = 129
      • Advantages = 129
      • Less-developed countries = 130
      • Conditions for further progress = 131
      • Bibliography = 132
      • CHAPTER 5. OECD AND UNCTAD = 133
      • The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development = 133
      • 1. origins = 133
      • 2. Objectives = 134
      • 3. Organization = 134
      • A. Members = 134
      • B. Administration = 134
      • 1. The Council = 134
      • 2. The Executive Committee = 135
      • 3. The Secretariat = 135
      • 4. Functions and operation = 136
      • A. General economic cooperation = 136
      • 1. Provisions = 136
      • 2. Operation = 136
      • a. General economic policy = 136
      • b. Energy = 137
      • c. Environment = 139
      • d. Central and Eastern Europe = 140
      • B. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions = 141
      • 1. Provisions = 141
      • 2. Operation = 141
      • a. Goods = 141
      • b. Invisible transactions = 142
      • c. Capital = 144
      • d. Multilateral settlements = 145
      • C. Relations with less-developed countries = 150
      • Appraisal = 151
      • The UNCTAD = 153
      • 1. Origins = 153
      • 2. Objectives = 153
      • The new international economic order = 154
      • 3. Organization = 154
      • 4. Functions and operation = 155
      • A. Commodities = 157
      • 1. Introduction = 157
      • 2. Agreements = 159
      • a. The International Grains Convention = 159
      • b. The International Sugar Agreement = 160
      • c. The International Coffee Agreement = 161
      • d. The International Cocoa Agreement = 162
      • e. The International Tin Agreement = 163
      • f. Other agreements = 163
      • B. Trade in manufactures = 164
      • C. Shipping = 165
      • D. Transfer of technology = 165
      • E. Transnational corporations = 166
      • F. Technical assistance = 166
      • Appraisal = 166
      • Ideology = 166
      • The commodity agreements = 168
      • Prices = 168
      • The method of stabilization = 169
      • Beneficiaries = 170
      • Bibliography = 170
      • Introduction = 175
      • 1. Intergration = 176
      • 2. Forms of integration = 176
      • Benelux = 177
      • 1. Development and organization = 177
      • 2. Appraisal = 179
      • The Organization for European Economic Development = 180
      • 1. Development and organization = 180
      • 2. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions and capital = 182
      • A. Goods = 183
      • B. Invisible transactions = 186
      • C. Capital = 186
      • D. Multilateral settlements = 187
      • Appraisal = 189
      • The Council of Mutual Economic Assistance = 191
      • 1. Development and organization = 191
      • 2. Appraisal = 195
      • The European Free Trade Association = 196
      • 1. Development and organization = 196
      • 2. Appraisal = 198
      • Bibliography = 198
      • 1. origins = 201
      • A. The ECSC = 201
      • B. The EEC and the EAEC = 202
      • C. Single Act and Maastricht Treaty = 204
      • D. The Treaty of Amsterdam = 204
      • 2. Objectives = 205
      • A. The ECSC = 205
      • B. The EC = 205
      • C. The EAEC = 207
      • 3. Organization = 207
      • A. Members = 207
      • B. Administration = 208
      • 1. The Council = 209
      • 2. The European Council = 211
      • 3. The European Commission = 211
      • 4. The European Parliament = 212
      • 5. The Court of Justice = 213
      • 6. The Economic and Social Committee = 215
      • 7. The Consultative Committee(ECSC) = 215
      • 8. Court of Auditors = 215
      • 9. Committee of the Regions = 216
      • 10. Other institutions = 216
      • 4. Functions and operation = 216
      • A. ECSC products = 216
      • 1. Provisions = 216
      • 2. Operation = 217
      • B. Manufactures other than ECSC products = 218
      • 1. Elimination of customs duties between members = 218
      • a. Provisions = 218
      • b. Operation = 218
      • 2. Elimination of non-tariff barriers = 219
      • a. Provisions = 219
      • b. Operation = 219
      • 3. Establishment of a common customs tariff = 221
      • a. Provisions = 221
      • b. Operation = 222
      • 4. Establishment of a common commercial policy = 223
      • a. Provisions = 223
      • b. Operation = 224
      • C. Agricultural products = 226
      • 1. Provisions = 226
      • 2. Operation = 228
      • a. Abolition of internal trade restrictions = 228
      • b. Common market regulations = 228
      • c. Monetary compensatory amounts = 232
      • d. The Agricultural Fund = 232
      • 5. Financing = 233
      • A. The ECSC = 233
      • 1. Provisions = 233
      • 2. Operation = 233
      • B. The general budget of the Communities = 233
      • 1. Provisions = 233
      • 2. Operation = 234
      • C. The European Investment Bank = 235
      • 1. Provisions = 235
      • 2. Operation = 236
      • D. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmant = 237
      • E. The European Investment Fund = 237
      • 6. Escape clauses = 237
      • A. Provisions = 237
      • B. Operation = 238
      • Introduction : The subsidiarity principle = 239
      • 1. Free movement of persons and services = 240
      • A. Provisions = 240
      • 1. Workers = 240
      • 2. Establishment = 241
      • 3. Services = 241
      • 4. Persons, asylum and immigration = 241
      • B. Operation = 242
      • 1 Workers = 242
      • 2 Establishment = 243
      • 3 Services = 244
      • 2. Free movement of capital = 245
      • A. Provisions = 245
      • B. Operation = 246
      • 3. Coordination of economic policies = 247
      • A. General economic policy = 247
      • 1. Provisions = 247
      • 2. Operation = 249
      • B. Competition policy = 250
      • 1. Provisions = 250
      • a. Enterprises = 250
      • 1. Restrictive agreements or practices = 250
      • 2. A buse of dominant positions = 251
      • b. Governments = 251
      • 2. Operation = 252
      • a. Enterprises = 252
      • 1. Restrictive agreements or practices = 252
      • 2. Abuse of dominant positions = 255
      • Concentration = 256
      • b. Governments = 257
      • C. Environmental policy = 259
      • 1. Provisions = 259
      • 2. Operation = 260
      • Fisheries = 261
      • D. Violation of the subsidiarity principle = 262
      • 1. Direct tax policy = 262
      • a. Provisions = 262
      • b. Operation = 262
      • 2. Indirect tax policy = 262
      • a. Provisions = 262
      • b. Operation = 263
      • 3. Transport policy = 265
      • a. Provisions = 265
      • b. Operation = 266
      • 4. Social policy = 268
      • a. Provisions = 268
      • b. Operation = 269
      • 5. Agricultural policy = 270
      • 6. Regional policy = 272
      • a. Provisions = 272
      • b. Operation = 273
      • 7. Industrial and R and D policy = 274
      • a. Provisions = 274
      • b. Operation = 274
      • 8. Education, culture, and vocational training = 275
      • 4. External relations = 275
      • A. Provisions = 275
      • B. Operation = 277
      • 1. Schengen agreements = 278
      • 2. EFTA countries = 279
      • 3. Former and present overseas territories of EC countries = 280
      • 4. Central and Eastern European countries = 281
      • 5. Mediterranean countries = 283
      • Monetary Union = 285
      • 1. Early monetary cooperation = 285
      • A. Short-term financing = 285
      • B. Medium-term support = 286
      • C. European units of account = 286
      • 2. Monetary arrangements = 287
      • A. Smaller margins = 287
      • B. The EMS = 288
      • C. Appraisal = 289
      • 3. Monetary union = 290
      • A. A first attempt = 290
      • B. Treaty provisions = 291
      • 1. ESCB = 291
      • 2. ECB = 292
      • 3. Council = 293
      • 4. EMI = 294
      • 5. Balance-of-payments difficulties = 294
      • 6. Third stage = 295
      • a. Criteria = 295
      • b. Procedure = 296
      • C. Operation = 298
      • 1. The EMI = 298
      • 2. The euro = 299
      • 3. Secondary legislation = 299
      • a. Legal framework of the euro = 299
      • b. Stability and Growth Pact = 300
      • 1. Strengthening of surveillance and coordination of economic policies = 300
      • 2. Speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure = 301
      • C. Exchange-rate mechanism = 303
      • Appraisal = 304
      • 1. Heterogeneity = 305
      • 2. The economic system = 307
      • A. The Rome Treaty = 308
      • B. The Single Act = 308
      • C. The Maastricht Treaty = 309
      • D. The Amsterdam Treaty = 309
      • E. The tentacles of the octopus = 310
      • F. Conclusion = 311
      • 3. Subsidiarity principle and economic policy = 312
      • A. Industrial policy = 312
      • B. Regional policy = 313
      • C. Social policy = 314
      • 4. Competition policy = 315
      • A. Introduction = 315
      • B. Definition = 315
      • C. Rules = 316
      • D. Subsidiarity = 318
      • E. Appraisal = 319
      • 5. Monetary policy = 320
      • A. A single currency? = 320
      • B. Political reasons = 322
      • C. An independent central bank? = 322
      • D. A political union? = 323
      • E. Prospects = 323
      • 6. European identity = 324
      • A. Characteristics = 325
      • B. Differences relative to the US = 326
      • C. The cultural communities = 326
      • 7. The objectives of the Treaty of Rome = 327
      • A. Democracy = 328
      • B. Human rights = 329
      • C. High level of employment = 330
      • D. A constitution? = 330
      • E. Conclusion = 331
      • Bibliography = 332
      • 1. Origins = 335
      • 2. Objectives = 336
      • 3. Organization = 337
      • A. The Free Trade Commission = 337
      • B. The Secretariat = 337
      • 4. Functions and operation = 338
      • A. Liberalization of trade in goods = 338
      • 1. Provisions = 338
      • Automotive and textile products, energy = 339
      • Agricultural goods = 339
      • 2. Provisions = 340
      • B. Liberalization in other areas = 340
      • 1. Provisions = 340
      • a. Standards-related measures = 340
      • b. Government procurement = 341
      • c. Investment, services and related matters = 341
      • d. Cross-border trade in services and financial services = 341
      • e. Telecommunications = 342
      • f. Competition, monopolies, state enterprises = 342
      • g. Business persons = 342
      • h. Intellectual property = 342
      • 2. Provisions = 342
      • C. Dispute settlement = 343
      • 1. Anti-dumping and countervailing duties = 343
      • 2. General dispute settlement = 343
      • D. Safeguard measures = 344
      • E. The supplemental agreements = 344
      • 1. Labour cooperation = 344
      • a. Provisions = 344
      • b. Operation = 345
      • 2. Environmental cooperation = 345
      • a. Provisions = 345
      • Border environment and North American Development Bank = 347
      • b. Operation = 347
      • Appraisal = 348
      • 1. Asymmetry = 348
      • 2. A less-developed country in a free-trade area = 349
      • Bibliography = 351
      • CONCLUSION = 353
      • Proliferation = 353
      • Need for rationalization and escape clauses = 354
      • Voting power = 355
      • Maximizing power = 355
      • LIST OF ARTICLES = 357
      • INDEX OF NAMES = 361
      • INDEX OF SUBJECTS = 365

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      International Economic Institutions

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