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      남북화해를 위한 한국교회의 역할 = The Roles of the Korean Church for Reconciliation



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study examines the differences and conflicts between the North and the South, briefly reviews conflicts of a unified Germany, and then focuses on issues on the unification of the Korean peninsula and reconciliation.
      The division of the Korean peninsula first brought separation of the land. Separation of the land brought a division of the system. The division of the system brought severance of interchange. Severance of interchange brought discontinuity of human relations. Ideological confrontation produced tension, hatred and hostility in this division. Socio−cultural differences are deeper than national homogeneity. The really important issue is how to solve this problem while preparing for reunification of Korea.
      One aspect of national integration after unification reconciliation between the North and the South will be a premise of solving all problems. Reconciliation is a significant Christian doctrine and the most important element for peaceful unification. Koreans should break down their barriers; social, cultural, ideological and emotional. After breaking down barriers, Koreans should restore their broken relationships.
      Social reconciliation on a national basis has to follow the process of repentance → forgiveness → reconciliation. However, it is not easy to carry out this logic in human history. Most offenders neither acknowledge their faults nor repent. Forgiving someone is not easy work.
      Christian reconciliation is however different. God initiates reconciliation through Christ, because reconciliation is the work of God. God restores the damaged humanity of the victim through a life−giving relationship with God. This experience of grace leads to action. Forgiveness by the victim and God’s grace can lead to the repentance of the offender. Here both the victim and the wrongdoer who experience reconciliation become a new creation in Christ. Like this, Christian reconciliation is as follows: reconciliation → forgiveness → repentance.
      The church's role for reconciliation is as follows: First, the Korean church should be capable of a prophetic role in society and has a vocation to be an agent of peace for peaceful unification and social integration. Second, the Korean Church should approach human rights in the view of faith. Third, the Korean Church supports both domestic and foreign locations in the humanitarian dimension with a heart of sharing love. Fourth, the church should provide a religious shelter to those who have a different political standpoint. Fifth, the Korean Church as a social and cultural transformer should reduce their differences and restore homogeneity by making efforts to acknowledge and understand their differences with each other. Sixth, in order to have a social responsibility, the Korean Church should stand ethically.
      Seeing a time of reunification, the church as a reconciler should proclaim the message of reconciliation. As a reconciler, the church should participate positively in the reconciliation movement. The Korean Church should establish a theology of reconciliation that fits the Korean context. Reconciliation is a nation task given to Korean nation and a mission given to the Korean Church. Therefore, Korean Christians should remember this and pray and prepare to contribute to the peaceful unification as a reconciler.

      This study examines the differences and conflicts between the North and the South, briefly reviews conflicts of a unified Germany, and then focuses on issues on the unification of the Korean peninsula and reconciliation. The division of the Korean...

      This study examines the differences and conflicts between the North and the South, briefly reviews conflicts of a unified Germany, and then focuses on issues on the unification of the Korean peninsula and reconciliation.
      The division of the Korean peninsula first brought separation of the land. Separation of the land brought a division of the system. The division of the system brought severance of interchange. Severance of interchange brought discontinuity of human relations. Ideological confrontation produced tension, hatred and hostility in this division. Socio−cultural differences are deeper than national homogeneity. The really important issue is how to solve this problem while preparing for reunification of Korea.
      One aspect of national integration after unification reconciliation between the North and the South will be a premise of solving all problems. Reconciliation is a significant Christian doctrine and the most important element for peaceful unification. Koreans should break down their barriers; social, cultural, ideological and emotional. After breaking down barriers, Koreans should restore their broken relationships.
      Social reconciliation on a national basis has to follow the process of repentance → forgiveness → reconciliation. However, it is not easy to carry out this logic in human history. Most offenders neither acknowledge their faults nor repent. Forgiving someone is not easy work.
      Christian reconciliation is however different. God initiates reconciliation through Christ, because reconciliation is the work of God. God restores the damaged humanity of the victim through a life−giving relationship with God. This experience of grace leads to action. Forgiveness by the victim and God’s grace can lead to the repentance of the offender. Here both the victim and the wrongdoer who experience reconciliation become a new creation in Christ. Like this, Christian reconciliation is as follows: reconciliation → forgiveness → repentance.
      The church's role for reconciliation is as follows: First, the Korean church should be capable of a prophetic role in society and has a vocation to be an agent of peace for peaceful unification and social integration. Second, the Korean Church should approach human rights in the view of faith. Third, the Korean Church supports both domestic and foreign locations in the humanitarian dimension with a heart of sharing love. Fourth, the church should provide a religious shelter to those who have a different political standpoint. Fifth, the Korean Church as a social and cultural transformer should reduce their differences and restore homogeneity by making efforts to acknowledge and understand their differences with each other. Sixth, in order to have a social responsibility, the Korean Church should stand ethically.
      Seeing a time of reunification, the church as a reconciler should proclaim the message of reconciliation. As a reconciler, the church should participate positively in the reconciliation movement. The Korean Church should establish a theology of reconciliation that fits the Korean context. Reconciliation is a nation task given to Korean nation and a mission given to the Korean Church. Therefore, Korean Christians should remember this and pray and prepare to contribute to the peaceful unification as a reconciler.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 서론
      • 2. 문제제기
      • 3. 남북의 차이와 갈등
      • 4. 통일 독일의 갈등
      • 5. 화해
      • 1. 서론
      • 2. 문제제기
      • 3. 남북의 차이와 갈등
      • 4. 통일 독일의 갈등
      • 5. 화해
      • 6. 화해를 위한 교회의 역할
      • 7. 나가는 말
      • Abstract
      • 참고문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 백종국, "한반도의 평화적 통일과 한국의 그리스도인" 1 : 47-68, 2007

      2 임희모, "한국전쟁과 남북화해의 선교: 아픔, 기억, 화해, In 한반도 평화와 통일선교: 통전적 접근" 다산글방 42-76, 2003

      3 이만열, "한국 기독교 통일운동의 전개과정, In 민족통일을 준비하는 그리스도인" 두란노 서원 13-71, 1994

      4 조은식, "평화통일 선교에 대한 통전적 접근, In 평화와 통일신학 2" 평화와 선교 137-174, 2004

      5 이현근, "평화를 통한 국가 이미지 제고와 통일과정에서의 활용 방안" 통일연구원 2006

      6 손규태, "평화를 위한 통일의 신학" 48-61, 1990

      7 "통일환경과 남북한 관계: 1994-1995" 민족통일연구원 1994

      8 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2011~2012" 통일연구원 2011

      9 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2009~2010" 통일연구원 2009

      10 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2007~2008" 통일연구원 2007

      1 백종국, "한반도의 평화적 통일과 한국의 그리스도인" 1 : 47-68, 2007

      2 임희모, "한국전쟁과 남북화해의 선교: 아픔, 기억, 화해, In 한반도 평화와 통일선교: 통전적 접근" 다산글방 42-76, 2003

      3 이만열, "한국 기독교 통일운동의 전개과정, In 민족통일을 준비하는 그리스도인" 두란노 서원 13-71, 1994

      4 조은식, "평화통일 선교에 대한 통전적 접근, In 평화와 통일신학 2" 평화와 선교 137-174, 2004

      5 이현근, "평화를 통한 국가 이미지 제고와 통일과정에서의 활용 방안" 통일연구원 2006

      6 손규태, "평화를 위한 통일의 신학" 48-61, 1990

      7 "통일환경과 남북한 관계: 1994-1995" 민족통일연구원 1994

      8 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2011~2012" 통일연구원 2011

      9 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2009~2010" 통일연구원 2009

      10 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2007~2008" 통일연구원 2007

      11 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2006~2007" 통일연구원 2006

      12 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2003~2004" 통일연구원 2003

      13 "통일환경 및 남북한 관계 전망: 2002~2003" 통일연구원 2002

      14 조은식, "통일선교: 화해와 평화의 길" 미션아카데미 2007

      15 이우영, "통일문제에 대한 세대간 갈등 해소방안" 민족통일연구원 1995

      16 박종철, "통일관련국민적 합의를 위한 종합적 시스템 구축 방안 : 제도혁신과가치합의" 통일연구원 2005

      17 박종철, "통일 이후 갈등해소를 위한 국민통합 방안" 통일연구원 2004

      18 "통계청 홈페이지"

      19 안인섭, "칼빈(John Calvin, 1509-1564)의 화해(Reconciliation) 신학에 근거한 남북한 화해와 협력" 40-56, 2010

      20 전수태, "서울과 평양의 호칭어ㆍ지칭어 어떻게 다른가" 206-211, 1996

      21 임헌만, "미래 통일 한국사회에 필요한 예수그리스도 십자가의 화해 사상" 1 : 75-92, 2007

      22 황병덕, "독일통일 20주년 조망 : 독일통일이 한반도통일에 주는 시사점통일 주변 환경 조성 중심" 통일연구원 2010

      23 조은식, "남한 교회의 통일운동 연구: 해방이후부터 문민정부까지" 세계선교연구원 15 : 13-40, 2005

      24 김옥순, "남북한교회를 위한화해의 디아코니아, In 한국교회 북한선교 정책" 한민족정책연구소 116-166, 2002

      25 서재진, "남북한 국력추세 비교 연구" 민족통일연구소 1993

      26 조한범, "남남갈등 해소방안 연구" 통일연구원 2006

      27 조은식, "기독교 평화교육으로의 통일교육" 15 : 143-182, 2004

      28 김병로, "기독교 관점에서 보는 남한과 북한의 화해와 협력: 사회학적 관점" 76-86, 2010

      29 주도홍, "기독교 관점에서 보는 남한과 북한의 화해와 협력 대회사" 710-, 2010

      30 "通·捅·統一" 통일연구원 2011

      31 "http://alcom.tistory.com/127"

      32 Schreiter, Robert J., "The Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality & Strategies" Orbis Books 1998

      33 Schreiter, Robert J., "Reconciliation: Mission & Ministry in a Changing Social Order" Orbis Books 1992

      34 "<선교회보> 제4호, 1971. 5 .1"

      35 "<선교회보> 제1호, 1968. 11. 1"

      36 ""기독교와 통일" 제2집 (2008)"


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