1 서중석, "바울서신해석" 대한기독교서회 1998
2 Bornkamm, Günter, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 16-28, 1991
3 Wiefel, Wolfgang, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 85-101, 1991
4 Lampe, Peter, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 216-230, 1991
5 Jervell, Jacob, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 53-64, 1991
6 Wedderburn, A. J. M., "The Reason for Romans" T. &T. Clark 1988
7 Bruce, F. F, "The Letter of Paul to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1985
8 Murray, John, "The Epistle to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1997
9 Morris, Leon, "The Epistle to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1988
10 Scoggins Jr., John M., "Romans 1:18 as Key to the Structure of the Letter" 175 : 411-424, 2018
1 서중석, "바울서신해석" 대한기독교서회 1998
2 Bornkamm, Günter, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 16-28, 1991
3 Wiefel, Wolfgang, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 85-101, 1991
4 Lampe, Peter, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 216-230, 1991
5 Jervell, Jacob, "The Romans Debate" Hendrickson Publishers 53-64, 1991
6 Wedderburn, A. J. M., "The Reason for Romans" T. &T. Clark 1988
7 Bruce, F. F, "The Letter of Paul to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1985
8 Murray, John, "The Epistle to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1997
9 Morris, Leon, "The Epistle to the Romans" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1988
10 Scoggins Jr., John M., "Romans 1:18 as Key to the Structure of the Letter" 175 : 411-424, 2018
11 Fitzmyer, Joseph A, "Romans" Doubleday 1993
12 Byrne, Brendan, "Romans" The Liturgical Press 1996
13 Gathercole, Simon, "Roman 1-5 and the ‘weak’ and the ‘Strong’: Pauline Theology, Pastoral Rhetoric, and the Purpose of Romans" 100 : 35-51, 2003
14 Witherington III, Ben, "Paul’s Letter to the Romans A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary" William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2004
15 Hultgren, Arland J., "Paul, Romans, and the Christians at Rome" 39 : 199-207, 2019
16 Street, John D., "One Living Sacrifice: A Corporate Interpretation of Romans 12:1" 31 : 5-24, 2020
17 Jeong, Mark, "Obedient Gentiles and Jealous Jews: A Fresh Interpretation of Paul’s Aim in Romans 11.1-14" 41 : 161-176, 2018
18 Stenschke, Christoph, "Jewish Believers in Paul’s Letter to the Romans" 52 : 1-40, 2018
19 Danker, Frederick William, "Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature" The University of Chicago Press 2000
20 Ryuskte, Licita, "God’s Mercy: The Key Thematic Undercurrent of Paul’s Letter to the Romans" 81 : 85-105, 2019
21 Stowers, Stanley K., "A Rereading of Romans Justice, Jews, and Gentiles" Yale University Press 1994