To effectively track the illegal use of digital images and maintain the security of digital image communicationon the Internet, this paper proposes a reversible multipurpose image watermarking algorithm based on a deepresidual network (ResNet) and per...
To effectively track the illegal use of digital images and maintain the security of digital image communicationon the Internet, this paper proposes a reversible multipurpose image watermarking algorithm based on a deepresidual network (ResNet) and perceptual hashing (also called MWR). The algorithm first combines perceptualimage hashing to generate a digital fingerprint that depends on the user’s identity information and imagecharacteristics. Then it embeds the removable visible watermark and digital fingerprint in two different regionsof the orthogonal separation of the image. The embedding strength of the digital fingerprint is computed usingResNet. Because of the embedding of the removable visible watermark, the conflict between the copyrightnotice and the user’s browsing is balanced. Moreover, image authentication and traitor tracking are realizedthrough digital fingerprint insertion. The experiments show that the scheme has good visual transparency andwatermark visibility. The use of chaotic mapping in the visible watermark insertion process enhances thesecurity of the multipurpose watermark scheme, and unauthorized users without correct keys cannot effectivelyremove the visible watermark.