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      새로운 유사 공중위생업종 실태조사 및 분류체계 개선방안 = An Empirical Study of the New Similar Types of Hygienically Regulated Business and A Theoretical Development on its Classification Systems



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study was designed to investigate the new similar types of hygienically regulated business, residence business and to develope the way for regulatory managements and classification. The content of this study is composed of seeking of structures, services and sanitation of business, interviewing the proprietor, finding of business' dispute and investigating utilization residence offices in Korea by using research tool and face-face interview. The first study subjects were 45 business offices for visiting examination. The second study subjects were 80 residence offices. The research tool was measured by the investigator and officials, developed by the authors. There were some important problems to solve, political & legal limitations and business disputes. This study suggests long and short term policies aimed at managing hygienically regulated business effectively and protecting peoples's health and safety. In the second place, it is important to review the comparative study of legal aspects of some country's hygienically regulated business and the classification systems study of hygienically regulated business. In Japan, sanitation business is regulated by life sanitation business law. This law regulate both business control and business development. Traditionally sanitation business law centers on control in sanitation police, but nowadays its industrial promotion is important more and more. Law system of Japan reflect this well. Although new and transformed sanitation business appear, because it is regulated by all related law, there is no problem in law regulation in Japan. For example "giving a bath", in motel, in health center etc. anywhere do it, is regulated by 'bathhouse law'. But nail care service or total cosmetics are not easy to be regulated by existing sanitation law. In these case, self regulating system is operating by business rule, that is made by business manager association. In America, we can receive some suggestions from the management of hygienically regulated business. First, American hygienically regulated business can adapt itself to altered conditions such as new circumstances through local government regulations. Second, most hygienically regulated business demands license and permission to supply the safe service of hygienically regulated business for consumer. Third, everybody can access easily to the license and permission of hygienically regulated business through the consolidation of license and permission procedure. Fourth, the regulation of adult establishment and operation is very rigid. The classification system of the newly emerging public hygiene facilities in America is not clear. Because it is mixed with fire, public security, architecture, road, public health and environment etc. In this situation, if the newly emerging public hygiene facilities must be regulated, local government revises the ordinance of it to receive the license and permission of it in the regulation of the license and permission. Therefore, the management of license and permission is different according to local government and county, the management methods, scope and sort of regulation is diverse. In Germany the business attended with the sanitary danger to the public should comply with the complex legal system. In order to determine, which requirements are applicable for that business, they are classified as follows: the simple business, the handicraft business, the business with the public access. To acquire allowance or license the applicant must complete the requisites. Through the intervention at a variety of levels by the government, the legal self-organization, or the voluntary self-organization the goal of the public health is to score. The workman’s accident compensation law is also designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job(work place accident) are provided with fixed monetary awards. They analyze also the danger and establish a comprehensive framework about the classifying the job. The blood from all AIDS virus carriers must be handled with great care, in the same manner the chemicals or bio-materials which are assessed as toxic to humans, so does the water or air, about which a variety of legal subspecialties has ruled. As the law can man find a list of all statutes and specially the regulations of the Ministry, which could be fast to fill the vacancy of the law. The sanitary police differs from the investment provider primarily in the method and strength of the measures in Germany. Finally this study makes such a result as follows: The classification system of the newly emerging public hygiene facilities was built on what the key service the facility provides to the clients. Several major service items, such as lodging, bathing, laundry, hair cutting, skin and body care, use of mechanical instrument, sharing of the service place, and certificate and diploma, were used for classifying different public hygiene facilities into several categories. Five business categories were therefore produced for classifying many public hygiene service facilities : lodging, bathing, hair cutting, skin and body care, and laundry. The category of lodging business included hotels. motels, inn, condominium, youth hostels, private lodging houses, residence, and pensions. Public bathing house, hot spring facilities, sauna and spas were classified into the category of bathing industry. Barber shops and beauty salons were sorted as hair-beauty business. Skin and body care industry, the most popular business which are newly emerging in the recent public hygiene market, included skin care shops, nail shops, foot massage shops, fat control shops, and self-diet shops. Finally, the category of laundry business included laundry shops, self-laundry shops and laundry suppliers. According to the expert survey we made, most respondents agreed to the classification methods based on the key services provided by the facilities that we used in this study.

      This study was designed to investigate the new similar types of hygienically regulated business, residence business and to develope the way for regulatory managements and classification. The content of this study is composed of seeking of structures, ...

      This study was designed to investigate the new similar types of hygienically regulated business, residence business and to develope the way for regulatory managements and classification. The content of this study is composed of seeking of structures, services and sanitation of business, interviewing the proprietor, finding of business' dispute and investigating utilization residence offices in Korea by using research tool and face-face interview. The first study subjects were 45 business offices for visiting examination. The second study subjects were 80 residence offices. The research tool was measured by the investigator and officials, developed by the authors. There were some important problems to solve, political & legal limitations and business disputes. This study suggests long and short term policies aimed at managing hygienically regulated business effectively and protecting peoples's health and safety. In the second place, it is important to review the comparative study of legal aspects of some country's hygienically regulated business and the classification systems study of hygienically regulated business. In Japan, sanitation business is regulated by life sanitation business law. This law regulate both business control and business development. Traditionally sanitation business law centers on control in sanitation police, but nowadays its industrial promotion is important more and more. Law system of Japan reflect this well. Although new and transformed sanitation business appear, because it is regulated by all related law, there is no problem in law regulation in Japan. For example "giving a bath", in motel, in health center etc. anywhere do it, is regulated by 'bathhouse law'. But nail care service or total cosmetics are not easy to be regulated by existing sanitation law. In these case, self regulating system is operating by business rule, that is made by business manager association. In America, we can receive some suggestions from the management of hygienically regulated business. First, American hygienically regulated business can adapt itself to altered conditions such as new circumstances through local government regulations. Second, most hygienically regulated business demands license and permission to supply the safe service of hygienically regulated business for consumer. Third, everybody can access easily to the license and permission of hygienically regulated business through the consolidation of license and permission procedure. Fourth, the regulation of adult establishment and operation is very rigid. The classification system of the newly emerging public hygiene facilities in America is not clear. Because it is mixed with fire, public security, architecture, road, public health and environment etc. In this situation, if the newly emerging public hygiene facilities must be regulated, local government revises the ordinance of it to receive the license and permission of it in the regulation of the license and permission. Therefore, the management of license and permission is different according to local government and county, the management methods, scope and sort of regulation is diverse. In Germany the business attended with the sanitary danger to the public should comply with the complex legal system. In order to determine, which requirements are applicable for that business, they are classified as follows: the simple business, the handicraft business, the business with the public access. To acquire allowance or license the applicant must complete the requisites. Through the intervention at a variety of levels by the government, the legal self-organization, or the voluntary self-organization the goal of the public health is to score. The workman’s accident compensation law is also designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job(work place accident) are provided with fixed monetary awards. They analyze also the danger and establish a comprehensive framework about the classifying the job. The blood from all AIDS virus carriers must be handled with great care, in the same manner the chemicals or bio-materials which are assessed as toxic to humans, so does the water or air, about which a variety of legal subspecialties has ruled. As the law can man find a list of all statutes and specially the regulations of the Ministry, which could be fast to fill the vacancy of the law. The sanitary police differs from the investment provider primarily in the method and strength of the measures in Germany. Finally this study makes such a result as follows: The classification system of the newly emerging public hygiene facilities was built on what the key service the facility provides to the clients. Several major service items, such as lodging, bathing, laundry, hair cutting, skin and body care, use of mechanical instrument, sharing of the service place, and certificate and diploma, were used for classifying different public hygiene facilities into several categories. Five business categories were therefore produced for classifying many public hygiene service facilities : lodging, bathing, hair cutting, skin and body care, and laundry. The category of lodging business included hotels. motels, inn, condominium, youth hostels, private lodging houses, residence, and pensions. Public bathing house, hot spring facilities, sauna and spas were classified into the category of bathing industry. Barber shops and beauty salons were sorted as hair-beauty business. Skin and body care industry, the most popular business which are newly emerging in the recent public hygiene market, included skin care shops, nail shops, foot massage shops, fat control shops, and self-diet shops. Finally, the category of laundry business included laundry shops, self-laundry shops and laundry suppliers. According to the expert survey we made, most respondents agreed to the classification methods based on the key services provided by the facilities that we used in this study.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      Ⅰ. 제 목 : 새로운 유사공중위생업종 실태조사 및 분류체계 개선방안 연구
      Ⅱ. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
      새로운 유사 공중위생업종들은 특정한 법령에 의해 규제되는 업종이 아닌 만큼 불결한 시설관리나 이용으로 인한 보건의료법규상의 위험, 건전한 성풍속을 해할 수 있는 풍속영업규제법규상의 위험, 건축구조상의 흠결로 인한 건축법규 상의 위험, 소방안전상의 흠결로 인한 소방법규상의 위험 등의 다양한 측면에서 국민에게 위해를 끼칠 가능성이 있다. 이러한 각종 법규상의 위험을 효과적으로 예방하기 위한 법령 체계의 개선이 시급히 요구되고 있는 현실에서, 현재의 다양한 위험으로 종합적이고 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는 법령 체계에 대한 거시적인 연구가 수행된 바 있다. 따라서 본 연구과제에서는 유사 공중위생영업의 현황과 문제점을 중심으로 과연 이들 유사 공중위생영업은 향후 공중위생관리법규체계에서 어떻게 관리되어야 할 것인지를 모색하고자 하는 데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 유사 공중위생업종의 실태 파악과 유사 공중위생업 제공자의 제공 행태를 면밀히 조사함으로써 현재 우리나라의 유사 공중위생업종의 영업현황을 심도 있게 평가하고 외국과 우리나라의 공중위생업종의 법적․제도적 관리 시스템을 비교 검토함으로써 우리나라의 유사 공중위생업종의 새로운 분류체계 및 관리체계 방안을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
      Ⅲ. 연구의 내용 및 범위
      공중위생업 종사자의 행위 또는 영업서비스에 있어서 면밀한 내용분석을 통해 공중보건학적 위험요인에 대해 실증적 파악을 바탕으로 이에 근거한 분류체계 및 관리체계를 개발하는 것이 본 연구의 핵심 연구 내용이라고 할 수 있다.
      첫째 이를 위해 두 가지 방식의 실태조사를 하였다. 유사 공중위생업종인 뱃살방 19개소, 스파 8개소, 레지던스 6개소, 펜션 5개소, 세탁물 공급업 7개소로 총 45개소를 연구자가 개발한 방문조사표를 활용하여 조사하였다. 조사내용은 일반적 사항, 시설 및 기구, 서비스내용, 공중위생상태 등이며, 영업자를 면담하여 정책적 요청사항, 영업자간의 갈등사항 등에 대해 심층 조사하였다. 다음으로 국내 레지던스 업종의 전수조사를 위하여 연구자가 개발한 전수조사표를 이용하여 각 시도 관할 공무원이 직접 80개 업소를 방문 조사하였다. 둘째 외국의 공중위생업종 분류 체계에 대한 일본, 미국 및 독일의 법제를 살폈다. 셋째 실태조사와 법제도 검토를 기반으로 한 공중위생업종의 분류체계를 새롭게 설정하였다.
      Ⅳ. 연구결과
      1. 실태조사 결과에 따른 관리방안 도출
      (1) 뱃살방
      폐업사례의 증가로 시장 내에서 자연적인 조정국면 진행 중이다. 공중위생학적 측면에서 피부미용기기 및 의료기기의 무분별한 사용, 건강기능식품 판매 무자격자, 무신고 업소의 판매, 공동 사용하는 화장품 및 건강젤에 의한 교차감염, 부작용에 대한 관리기준이 마련될 필요가 있다.
      (2) 스파
      향후 스파가 위생의 개념 외 피부미용, 물놀이 등의 서비스를 포함하는 광범위한 산업화가 예측되며 이의 관리를 위해 별도의 영업분류가 필요하다. 그 외공중위생학적 측면에서 욕수 사용(지하수 등의 사용 우려)과, 욕수 첨가제의 위해성, 욕수교환 및 청결 등에 관한 위생지침의 마련이 요망된다.
      ...[중략] 원문참조

      Ⅰ. 제 목 : 새로운 유사공중위생업종 실태조사 및 분류체계 개선방안 연구 Ⅱ. 연구의 목적 및 필요성 새로운 유사 공중위생업종들은 특정한 법령에 의해 규제되는 업종이 아닌 만큼 불결한...

      Ⅰ. 제 목 : 새로운 유사공중위생업종 실태조사 및 분류체계 개선방안 연구
      Ⅱ. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
      새로운 유사 공중위생업종들은 특정한 법령에 의해 규제되는 업종이 아닌 만큼 불결한 시설관리나 이용으로 인한 보건의료법규상의 위험, 건전한 성풍속을 해할 수 있는 풍속영업규제법규상의 위험, 건축구조상의 흠결로 인한 건축법규 상의 위험, 소방안전상의 흠결로 인한 소방법규상의 위험 등의 다양한 측면에서 국민에게 위해를 끼칠 가능성이 있다. 이러한 각종 법규상의 위험을 효과적으로 예방하기 위한 법령 체계의 개선이 시급히 요구되고 있는 현실에서, 현재의 다양한 위험으로 종합적이고 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는 법령 체계에 대한 거시적인 연구가 수행된 바 있다. 따라서 본 연구과제에서는 유사 공중위생영업의 현황과 문제점을 중심으로 과연 이들 유사 공중위생영업은 향후 공중위생관리법규체계에서 어떻게 관리되어야 할 것인지를 모색하고자 하는 데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 유사 공중위생업종의 실태 파악과 유사 공중위생업 제공자의 제공 행태를 면밀히 조사함으로써 현재 우리나라의 유사 공중위생업종의 영업현황을 심도 있게 평가하고 외국과 우리나라의 공중위생업종의 법적․제도적 관리 시스템을 비교 검토함으로써 우리나라의 유사 공중위생업종의 새로운 분류체계 및 관리체계 방안을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
      Ⅲ. 연구의 내용 및 범위
      공중위생업 종사자의 행위 또는 영업서비스에 있어서 면밀한 내용분석을 통해 공중보건학적 위험요인에 대해 실증적 파악을 바탕으로 이에 근거한 분류체계 및 관리체계를 개발하는 것이 본 연구의 핵심 연구 내용이라고 할 수 있다.
      첫째 이를 위해 두 가지 방식의 실태조사를 하였다. 유사 공중위생업종인 뱃살방 19개소, 스파 8개소, 레지던스 6개소, 펜션 5개소, 세탁물 공급업 7개소로 총 45개소를 연구자가 개발한 방문조사표를 활용하여 조사하였다. 조사내용은 일반적 사항, 시설 및 기구, 서비스내용, 공중위생상태 등이며, 영업자를 면담하여 정책적 요청사항, 영업자간의 갈등사항 등에 대해 심층 조사하였다. 다음으로 국내 레지던스 업종의 전수조사를 위하여 연구자가 개발한 전수조사표를 이용하여 각 시도 관할 공무원이 직접 80개 업소를 방문 조사하였다. 둘째 외국의 공중위생업종 분류 체계에 대한 일본, 미국 및 독일의 법제를 살폈다. 셋째 실태조사와 법제도 검토를 기반으로 한 공중위생업종의 분류체계를 새롭게 설정하였다.
      Ⅳ. 연구결과
      1. 실태조사 결과에 따른 관리방안 도출
      (1) 뱃살방
      폐업사례의 증가로 시장 내에서 자연적인 조정국면 진행 중이다. 공중위생학적 측면에서 피부미용기기 및 의료기기의 무분별한 사용, 건강기능식품 판매 무자격자, 무신고 업소의 판매, 공동 사용하는 화장품 및 건강젤에 의한 교차감염, 부작용에 대한 관리기준이 마련될 필요가 있다.
      (2) 스파
      향후 스파가 위생의 개념 외 피부미용, 물놀이 등의 서비스를 포함하는 광범위한 산업화가 예측되며 이의 관리를 위해 별도의 영업분류가 필요하다. 그 외공중위생학적 측면에서 욕수 사용(지하수 등의 사용 우려)과, 욕수 첨가제의 위해성, 욕수교환 및 청결 등에 관한 위생지침의 마련이 요망된다.
      ...[중략] 원문참조















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