1 "지구환경보고서 2003" 도요새 2003
2 제레미, "생명 정치학" 대화출판사 1996
3 아이린, "다시 꾸며보는 세상" 이화여자대학교 출판부 1999
4 류터, "가이아와 하느님 지구치유를 위한 생태여성신학" 이대출판사 2002
5 Picht, "in Humankologie und Frieden" 1979
6 Sin, "Women's Experience and the theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich University Press of America" 1980
7 Saul, "Visions of Apocalypse End or Rebirth? New York" 1985
8 Dunfee, "The Sin of Hiding" soundings : 316-27,
9 Arnold, "The Religious Background of the Present Environmental Crisis in Ecology and Religion in History" 1974
10 Niebuhr, "The Nature and Destiny of Man" 1964
1 "지구환경보고서 2003" 도요새 2003
2 제레미, "생명 정치학" 대화출판사 1996
3 아이린, "다시 꾸며보는 세상" 이화여자대학교 출판부 1999
4 류터, "가이아와 하느님 지구치유를 위한 생태여성신학" 이대출판사 2002
5 Picht, "in Humankologie und Frieden" 1979
6 Sin, "Women's Experience and the theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich University Press of America" 1980
7 Saul, "Visions of Apocalypse End or Rebirth? New York" 1985
8 Dunfee, "The Sin of Hiding" soundings : 316-27,
9 Arnold, "The Religious Background of the Present Environmental Crisis in Ecology and Religion in History" 1974
10 Niebuhr, "The Nature and Destiny of Man" 1964
11 Ellis, "The Future of Liberation Theology Essays in Honor of Gustavo Gutierrez" maryk (maryk): 1989
12 Becker,Ernest, "The Denial of Death" Simon & Schuster 1973
13 Augustine, "The City of God" 1950
14 Peters, "Radical Evil in Soul and Society" Berdmans Publishing Company 1994
15 후쿠야마, "Human Future:부자의 유전자 가난한 유전자" 한국경제신문 2002
16 New York, "A Practical Guide to Process Theology" The Crossroad Publishing Company 1992
17 Valerie, "A Feminist Reader in Religion" HarperCollins Publishers 1992
18 Park,Andrew, ".The Wounded Heart of God:The Asian Concept of Han and the Christian Doctrine of Sin" Abingdon Press 1993
19 Suchocki,Marjorie, ".The End of Evil:Process Eschatology in Historical Context" State University of New York Press 1988
20 McFague,Sallie, ".The Body of God:An Ecological Theology" Fortress Press 1993
21 Miles,Margaret R, ".Practicing Christianity:Critical Perspectives for an Embodied Spirituality" Crossroad 1988
22 Ruether,Rosemary, ".Gaia and God:An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing" HarperCollins 1992
23 Gustafson,James M, ".A Sense of the Divine:The Natural Environment From a Theocentric Perspective" The Pilgrim Press 1994
24 New York, "------The Fall to Violence Original Sin in Relational Theology" 1994