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      건강가정 보호의 법적 계보 = Legal Genealogy of the Protection of Healthy Homes: Genealogical Discourse Analysis of the Concept of ‘Healthy Homes’ as in the Framework Act on Healthy Homes



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In terms of state’s legal protection, most common case of such rhetoric being used would be correlated with socio-economical injustice, which is rooted in the political-economic structure of society. Meanwhile second dimension of state’s legal protection rhetoric is correlated with cultural-symbolic injustice. My critical questioning was, what if such petition for minority rights ― both at socio-economic level and at cultural-symbolic level ―of seeking to solicit state’s recognition, is but to add up to the genealogy of how the state tames minority subjects as docile citizens? Wouldn’t it serve as handy tool for the state to decide what forms of identity may be legitimated, thereby drawing yet another line between the ‘adoptable’ and the ‘non-adoptable’s? In this aspect, the very notion of legal protection may be interpreted as the orientation of discrimination. This would constitute the third dimension of state’s legal protection, the aporia of protection as a cause of discrimination.
      Among various laws involved with family ideology of protection, I chose to go in depth with the concept of ‘heathy homes’ as detected in the clauses of the Framework Act on Healthy Homes, how it reproduces and proliferates protection discourse in law. State’s protective intervention, entwined with the residues of colonial adoption of the Western modern law during and post colonial periods as well as cultural traces of traditional familism, appears not only in family law that resides in Civil Code but also in various family-related acts that are classified elsewhere. The ideology of family would remain compellingly strong despite, or perhaps because of, the virtual changes in forms of ‘family’, with the belief that keeping it strongly-tight would contribute to solve social problems.
      Ultimately, what I tried to illustrate was that, arguing in favor of expanding the definition of ‘healthy home’ through legal amendment in order to recognize various non-heterosexual relationships and partnerships into the concept of ‘healthy homes’ will not be a fundamental solution to deconstruct connotations between heteronormativity, gender, family and the nation-state, for it also is vulnerable to paradoxical consequences of normalization and exclusive inclusion.

      In terms of state’s legal protection, most common case of such rhetoric being used would be correlated with socio-economical injustice, which is rooted in the political-economic structure of society. Meanwhile second dimension of state’s legal pro...

      In terms of state’s legal protection, most common case of such rhetoric being used would be correlated with socio-economical injustice, which is rooted in the political-economic structure of society. Meanwhile second dimension of state’s legal protection rhetoric is correlated with cultural-symbolic injustice. My critical questioning was, what if such petition for minority rights ― both at socio-economic level and at cultural-symbolic level ―of seeking to solicit state’s recognition, is but to add up to the genealogy of how the state tames minority subjects as docile citizens? Wouldn’t it serve as handy tool for the state to decide what forms of identity may be legitimated, thereby drawing yet another line between the ‘adoptable’ and the ‘non-adoptable’s? In this aspect, the very notion of legal protection may be interpreted as the orientation of discrimination. This would constitute the third dimension of state’s legal protection, the aporia of protection as a cause of discrimination.
      Among various laws involved with family ideology of protection, I chose to go in depth with the concept of ‘heathy homes’ as detected in the clauses of the Framework Act on Healthy Homes, how it reproduces and proliferates protection discourse in law. State’s protective intervention, entwined with the residues of colonial adoption of the Western modern law during and post colonial periods as well as cultural traces of traditional familism, appears not only in family law that resides in Civil Code but also in various family-related acts that are classified elsewhere. The ideology of family would remain compellingly strong despite, or perhaps because of, the virtual changes in forms of ‘family’, with the belief that keeping it strongly-tight would contribute to solve social problems.
      Ultimately, what I tried to illustrate was that, arguing in favor of expanding the definition of ‘healthy home’ through legal amendment in order to recognize various non-heterosexual relationships and partnerships into the concept of ‘healthy homes’ will not be a fundamental solution to deconstruct connotations between heteronormativity, gender, family and the nation-state, for it also is vulnerable to paradoxical consequences of normalization and exclusive inclusion.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서두
      • Ⅱ. 담론분석이란 무엇인가: 방법론적 이해
      • Ⅲ. 건강가정기본법에서‘건강가정’의 개념
      • Ⅳ.‘건강가정’개념의 계보: 전통-근대성의 이항대립과 억압가설 해체
      • Ⅴ. 법에서의 건강가정‘보호’담론 비판: 진보가설 해체
      • Ⅰ. 서두
      • Ⅱ. 담론분석이란 무엇인가: 방법론적 이해
      • Ⅲ. 건강가정기본법에서‘건강가정’의 개념
      • Ⅳ.‘건강가정’개념의 계보: 전통-근대성의 이항대립과 억압가설 해체
      • Ⅴ. 법에서의 건강가정‘보호’담론 비판: 진보가설 해체
      • Ⅵ. 결어
      • 《참고문헌》

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      57 신동룡, "근대형법이론의 담론분석: 시론적 접근 ― ‘신체중심 형법이론’과 ‘법률중심 형법이론’의 차이점 연구 ―" 한국법철학회 5 (5): 141-172, 2002

      58 정선태, "근대계몽기 민족 국민 서사의 정치적 시학" 인문과학연구소 50 (50): 147-172, 2006

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      61 임옥희, "국가 페미니즘화와 개혁의 딜레마" (27) : 2003

      62 김혜경, "건강가정기본법’의 제․개정을 둘러싼 담론에 관한 연구" 16 : 2005

      63 이정옥, "가족의 사회적 의미와 가족주의, In 형성과 창조 2~3: 가정의 정신문화적 의미와 가족주의 문제" 한국정신문화연구원 1997

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      66 홍양희, "植民地時期 親族, 相續 慣習法 政策: 朝鮮民事令 제11조 '慣習'의 植民地 政治性을 중심으로" 한국학중앙연구원 29 (29): 285-313, 2006

      67 소현숙, "‘근대’에의 열망과 일상생활의 식민화: 일제시기 생활개선운동과 젠더정치를 중심으로, In 일상사로 보는 한국근현대사" 책과 함께 2006

      68 박태호, "‘가족계획사업’과 가족주의 담론 ―‘가족계획’담론의 생체정치학, In 한국의 정치사회적 지배담론과 민주주의 동학" 함께 읽는 책 2003

      69 Donzelot, J, "The Policing of Families" Random House 1979

      70 Chakrabarty, D, "Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for 'Indian Past?, In The New Historian Reader" Routledge 1994

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      72 Butler, J, "Merely Cultural" 52/53 (52/53): 1997

      73 Gavigan, S, "Law, Gender, Ideology, In Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice" Academic Printing and Publishing 1988

      74 Lee, C, "Law, Culture and Conflict in a Colonial Society: Rural Korea under Japanese Rule" LSE 1996

      75 Butler, J, "Is Kinship Always Already Heterosexual?, In Left Legalism/Left Critique" Duke University Press 2002

      76 Dean, M, "Governmentality ―Power and Rule in Modern Society" Sage Publications 1999

      77 Butler, J, "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity" Routledge 1999

      78 Boyd, S, "Family, Law and Sexuality: Feminist Engagement" 8 (8): 1990

      79 Cossman, B, "Families Inside/out" 44 : 1994

      80 Minson, J, "Familiar Terms, In Genealogy of Morals: Nietzsche, Foucault, Donzelot, and the Eccentricity of Ethics" St Martin's Press 1985

      81 Tadros, V, "Between Governance and Discipline, The Law and Michel Foucault" 18 (18): 1998

      82 이철우, "1920~30년대 전라남도 순천 지방의 사법 기구와 분쟁" 한국사회사학회 62 (62): 4-140, 2002


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