Hydrogen is expected to overcome energy resource depletion because it is the most abundant element in the universe andbecause an ideal hydrogen energy cycle has the potential to exploit energy infi nitely. Conventionally, hydrogen storageutilizes comp...
Hydrogen is expected to overcome energy resource depletion because it is the most abundant element in the universe andbecause an ideal hydrogen energy cycle has the potential to exploit energy infi nitely. Conventionally, hydrogen storageutilizes compression under high pressure (350–700 bar) into a tank and liquefaction in the cryotemperature regime (20 K).
To mitigate the impractical operating conditions researchers have conducted adsorption-dependent research to increase thespecifi c surface area (SSA) in physisorption and to decrease the H 2 binding energy in chemisorption. Nevertheless, thesestrategies are still unlikely to reach the required the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) targets. To this end, researchers havetried to fi nd hydrogen storage material to fi t the H 2 binding energy between the physisorption region and chemisorptionregion. Previous governing parameters, the SSA, and the H 2 binding energy show no correlation to gravimetric H 2 storagecapacity (GHSC). In addition, no correlation between the H 2 densifi cation index (HDI) and the H 2 binding energy is found aswell, which means the latter cannot describe the H 2 -adsorbent interaction thoroughly. The several notable fi ndings presentedhere suggest that the development of high-performance H 2 storage materials can be realized through the optimal modulationof an underlying parameter that dominates the H 2 -adsorbent interaction. This paper highlights the necessity of research onwhat the underlying parameter that dominates the H 2 -adsorbent interaction is and on how it aff ects GHSC to develop H 2storage materials that meet the DOE targets.