Songam(松庵) Kwon Ho-mun(權好文) has been recognized as a scholar who had the works of 「Dokakpalgok(獨樂八曲)」 and 「Hangeosippalgok(閑居十八曲)」 and others that there haws been a number of studies realted to his works. However, a...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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송암 권호문 ; 안동권씨 ; 안동부 ; 퇴계 이황 ; 경광서당 ; 청성정사 ; 「동감」 ; 향음주례 ; Songam Kwon Ho-mun ; Andong Kwon-clan ; Andongbu ; Toegye Lee Hwang ; Gyeonggwang Seodang ; Cheongseongcheongsa ; 「Donggam」 ; Hyangeumjurye
다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
Songam(松庵) Kwon Ho-mun(權好文) has been recognized as a scholar who had the works of 「Dokakpalgok(獨樂八曲)」 and 「Hangeosippalgok(閑居十八曲)」 and others that there haws been a number of studies realted to his works. However, a...
Songam(松庵) Kwon Ho-mun(權好文) has been recognized as a scholar who had the works of 「Dokakpalgok(獨樂八曲)」 and 「Hangeosippalgok(閑居十八曲)」 and others that there haws been a number of studies realted to his works. However, as a local wealthy gentry, there are many aspects that overlooked about his role that he displayed. Therefore, under this study, it has sought for the social and economic bases of Kwon Ho-mun family and his local community activities in Andong, Gyeongsang-do in order to understand an aspect of local communities during the middle to late 16th century when the private clan-oriented local community control order was beginning to take place. The Andong Kwon-clan of Kwon Ho-mun had been handed down its social status in Andong since the Goryeo Dynasty and had grown into the well-established family at the end of Goryeo Dynasty and early Joseon Dynasty. Thereafter, the family ties with esteemed families in the northern part of Gyeongsang-do, particularly in the Andong area, in particular, Jinseong Lee Family(眞 城李氏) that was connected to Toegye academic sector, Bonghwa Geum Family, Gwangsan Kim Family and others through marriage. Through this practice, the family solidified its social status even more firmly and it was able to lead the community order of Andong during the 16th century. Under the circumstance, Kwon Ho-mun, a pupil of Toegye began to undertake various local community activities and educational endeavors in the Andong area during the time. First of all, as the succrssor of the Toegye Scholars, he led the projects of summarization of Toegye’s literature and posthumopus praises for Dosan Seowon, Songgang Seowon(廬江書院) and other memorial services. Establishment of seodang and ganghak activities are the most spotlighted activities from the local community activities of Kwon Ho-mun. As succeeding the ideals of Toegye who acknowledged seowon and seodang as the most ideal places of accumulating learning, he established Gyeonggwang Seodang(鏡光書堂) and Cheongseongcheongsa(靑城精舍) in Andong. And, as he developed numerous pupils in these establishments, he developed the private clan forces and Toegye scholarstic lines in the region. In addition, Kwon Ho-mun was active in self-regulated community organizations, such as, Yujeongso(留鄕所) and Samaso(司馬所), and he wrote 「Donggam」 that newly defined the procedures for Hyangeumjurye(鄕 飮酒禮). In particular, 「Donggam」 is an important writing since it contains the contemplation of the private clans of the time with respect to how the Confucius edification system that was different from the situation of Jeseon then could be applied in local community and how it would be practiced effectively.
5·18민주화운동에서 청소년의 참여 -1970년대 후반 광주의 민주화운동과 연계하여-
북송(北宋)의 재상(宰相) 류지(劉摯)의 출신(出身) 지역을 통해 본 지명(地名)으로서의 발해(渤海)
1920-30년대 금성은행(金城銀行)의 여신 및 투자업무