Korea's native songs was principle of Notation of Borrowing character of 訓主音從. But, because Korean was language structure of syllable and phoneme that have Closed Open syllable, there was imperfect notation system that can not write Korean per...
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다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
Korea's native songs was principle of Notation of Borrowing character of 訓主音從. But, because Korean was language structure of syllable and phoneme that have Closed Open syllable, there was imperfect notation system that can not write Korean per...
Korea's native songs was principle of Notation of Borrowing character of 訓主音從. But, because Korean was language structure of syllable and phoneme that have Closed Open syllable, there was imperfect notation system that can not write Korean perfectly by Notation of Borrowing character. Such complicated native songs was disappeared with prosperity of word written in Chinese characters use in the Koryo Dynasty period, Notation of Borrowing character about words of concept that write by 訓 is replaced by word written in Chinese characters, Grammar morpheme that is apt to write relatively is transmitted to Seokdok-kugyeol of Chinese writing.
On the other hand, language structure of Open syllable of Japanese was easy Notation of Borrowing character of Chinese character because was very simple than Korean, and I think that could write Japanese almost perfectly. characteristic that read the Notation of Borrowing character of 正訓 and one letter one syllable of 「萬葉集歌」 doing all Korean reading of a Chinese characters in next age transmit. Thus, Chinese writing all background that exert big influence on Chinese writing Japanese reading of a Chinese character that is a literal translation of Japanese begun in 9th century.
목차 (Table of Contents)
참고문헌 (Reference)
1 홍기문, "향가해석" 과학원 1956
2 李賢熙, "향가의 언어학적 해독" 국립국어연구원 6 (6): 1996
3 김선기, "향가의 새로운 풀이" 145 (145): 1975
4 李丞宰, "高麗時代의 吏讀" 태학사 1992
5 윤행순, "韓日漢文讀法에서 나타나는 語彙의 특징에 대한 연구" 일본연구소 38 : 257-277, 2013
6 李丞宰, "韓国文化思想大系 제1권" 嶺南大学民族文化研究所 2000
7 황선엽, "釋讀口訣辭典" 도서출판 박문사 2009
8 李鍾徹, "鄕歌와 萬葉集歌의 表記法 比較硏究" 집문당 1983
9 南豊鉉, "鄕歌와 舊譯仁王經의 ‘之叱’에 대하여" 2 (2): 1997
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1 홍기문, "향가해석" 과학원 1956
2 李賢熙, "향가의 언어학적 해독" 국립국어연구원 6 (6): 1996
3 김선기, "향가의 새로운 풀이" 145 (145): 1975
4 李丞宰, "高麗時代의 吏讀" 태학사 1992
5 윤행순, "韓日漢文讀法에서 나타나는 語彙의 특징에 대한 연구" 일본연구소 38 : 257-277, 2013
6 李丞宰, "韓国文化思想大系 제1권" 嶺南大学民族文化研究所 2000
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9 南豊鉉, "鄕歌와 舊譯仁王經의 ‘之叱’에 대하여" 2 (2): 1997
10 金完鎭, "鄕歌解讀法硏究" 서울대출판부 1980
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2021-09-10 | 학회명변경 | 영문명 : The Center for Japanese Studies -> Institute of Japanese Studies | |
2020-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (재인증) | |
2017-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (계속평가) | |
2015-10-14 | 학술지명변경 | 외국어명 : 미등록 -> The Journal of Japanese Studies | |
2013-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) | |
2010-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) | |
2007-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 선정 (등재후보2차) | |
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2004-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) |
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2016 | 0.62 | 0.62 | 0.47 |
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0.41 | 0.38 | 0.966 | 0.23 |